Sunday, September 26, 2021

Reaching the healthy eating wall...the thing that has sabotaged previous CICO and healthy eating to push past it?

I'm 42F (5'10", SW: 225 CW: 220 GW: 165), and I just started another weight loss journey, this time under the supervision of a doctor with a coach. Without getting into tons of tedious details, I'm hoping to drop 40-50 pounds total. The most I've ever been able to lose with concentrated effort (calorie counting and using MyFitnessPal) is about 20 pounds.

My struggle is that for the first week or two, switching from 1/3 healthy foods (meaning low carb, mostly veggie, little dairy, variety of fruits, very little processed foods) to almost all healthy options with the occasional treat is a welcome change. I see NSV's like less bloating, and usually drop an easy 5 pounds of water weight. I have more energy and don't feel panic-hunger during blood sugar drops. So far so good, right?

Then week 2-3 hits

I just dread the thought of struggling through another salad, soup, dairy-free meal, grain bowl, taco bowl, etc. I really try to mix it up, and I use three delivery services---Green Chef, Daily Harvest, and Sakara for my meals as I'm time crunched. The meals themselves are good! Variety of fruits and veg, lite sauces, no dairy or little dairy, low cal, high in nutrients, volume eating if I wanted to (like if I want to eat all the spinach leaves in the Sakara salad) etc. But it's like I'm eating gruel. I have to really force myself to eat and I keep doing little mental tricks to try to go back to my typical meals (pizza, breakfast sandwich, submarine sandwich, frozen Lean Cuisine pasta meals, stuff like that) which are usually high carb and high dairy and have a very high satisfaction "mouth feel" rate. My one saving grace is I don't have a sweet tooth and am not a binge or mindless eater, but I'm not where I should be, diet wise.

I take 4 fiber pills a day to help feel full and avoid snacking, and I don't commit many of the diet "sins" like drinking soda, or eating candy/chips/fast food, but the bottom line is that a bagel and cheese is not a healthy meal, in reality.

Does anyone else have this issue? I'm on some prescription aids I'm hoping will kick in soon and remove the emotional or "entertainment" aspect from eating and I'll be able to just eat the healthy stuff and be like "it's just food" but it's so hard not to enjoy it!

What's your tips and notes on this? Help welcome. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Chazzyphant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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