Monday, September 27, 2021

I had a few setbacks and got demotivated... but I'm back!

Like the post title says, I had a bad couple of weeks and it led to me getting demotivated.

I had been steadily losing weight, but stopped focusing on macros for a week, allowed myself to eat some fatty foods as long as they were below my calorie allowance , and ended up gaining back some of the weight. I injured my hamstring around this time, so I was in pain for a while, which made exercising hard and painful. I wasn't able to do as much as before, which made me feel weak, and I had to skip a few days. All this led to a weight plateau, then another slight increase (which my smart watch said was due to more fat mass).

For a few days, I turned back to emotional eating (specifically, ordering in) to lift my spirits. And then I realized, I was doing what I always did when things stopped working. I was giving up (albeit slowly). I hadn't quit the gym yet, but I had lost interest in, and motivation for, staying active. I was letting myself slide into complacency about my diet. Instead of accepting my body because I was happy with how it looked and felt, I was saying I accepted it because it felt like too much work to continue.

But for the first time - ever, I think - I stopped myself. I pulled myself out of the spiral, even though it was hard, by reminding myself how far I had come and how hard I had worked. I intentionally took it easier at the gym for a few days to let my hamstring recover. Getting back on the horse with the healthy eating is a bit harder, but I've been reminding myself that past errors haven't "ruined" my whole weight-loss effort, and that eating healthy is a decision - a decision I can make every day, which can bring me back to health and fitness.

I know all this may sound cliché, but I'm really proud of myself for managing to get out of this hole. I have a lot of things in my life that are making me feel defeated and beaten down right now, and while I haven't been able to pull myself up in those areas, I love the fact that I was able to get re-motivated about weight loss and fitness.

submitted by /u/mushroomtreefrog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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