Saturday, October 9, 2021

Bulimia, Possibility of gaining weight

This can be my last post on this sub. I am confused right now. To sum up, I need to give up weight loss journey to recover from ED. I have non-purging bulimia. I am already obese. Many people gain weight while following diet plan recommended by ED specialists. Three meals and three snacks. I am afraid of gaining more pounds while being on recovery journey.

I found that I have had some kind of eating disorder for more than ten years. I keep binging two to three days a row, and then I eat like a normal person after that. My portion is getting bigger, and my food choices are far way from healthy food.

I don't know if I can call myself as bulimic. I don't purge, and I don't fast after binging. That's why I kept gaining weight.

I just think that I need to recover from my eating disorder so that I don't become morbidly obese. My current weight is 45 pounds heavier than my goal weight. I don't mind if I wouldn't reach my goal weight. I just want to be free from this toxic cycle.

I met a doctor at the eating disorder clinic, and she diagnosed me as a non- purging bulimic. She told me that I must not think about weight loss to recover from eating disorder. My next appointment is end of October.

My BMI is 32, and I am experiencing health issue because of my weight. I feel uncomfortable when I walk. I sometimes feel heat around my right foot at that night. I need to talk to my doctor on Monday.

Many people gain weight while recovering from eating disorder because most clinics have recommended eating plan for patients. It is usually three meals and three snacks. Many ED specialists may not recommend portion control, so I might gain weight in the future.

I am terrified. I am afraid of gaining more pounds. It is not because of my looks, but it is because of my health.

Should I give up weight loss journey and accept the possibility of gaining weight?

submitted by /u/Lifespace45
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 50 pounds in a year with the help of an obesity doctor (5’6 197 -> 147)

BTW - you can only get prescribed weight loss meds if your BMI is 30 or higher, or if it’s 25 or higher with a condition that is caused or made worse by being overweight.

Hey guys, I noticed in these posts that no one ever mentions getting medical help (outside of surgery) to help them lose weight. I wanted to share what changed my life - when I went to my family doctor to check out a mole, and she asked me about my weight. Turns out, she was also an Obesity doctor (super lucky for me).

Obesity doctors are specialized to deal with issues related to obesity. They are also able to prescribe medication that is clinically proven to help manage hunger or to help lose weight more. My medication was also covered under my insurance.

The medication I got prescribed is called Phentermine. There are a lot of different drugs that help with weight loss but this one is the most common. This is because it has minor side effects and most people can take it with no problem. It is a controlled substance so you can’t get it without a prescription. There are drugs that are somewhat effective for weight loss that you can get OTC but the only one I know of is one that makes it harder to digest lipids.

My personal experience with Phentermine:

It made weight loss super freaking easy. I struggled with my weight my whole life - I now realize that my struggle was with managing hunger symptoms, and some of us just feel hunger more strongly than others. On Phentermine, I didn’t (and don’t) even count calories. I specifically didn’t want to because I had come close to disordered eating in the past and the meds were extremely effective in reducing the feeling of hunger.

When I initially got the meds I was at my wits end. I had been at around 165 pounds for years during high school/my early 20s. It was so hard for me to even keep that weight stable, and I was overweight according to BMI. But every time I tried to make it to a normal weight, I just couldn’t. And then, I went through a breakup with an ex that controlled what I ate. So after that, I shot up to 197 pounds. It felt impossible to get back down, every time I tried it was like my hunger would take over my brain. And I could control myself for days, but it just took 1 lapse in self control on 1 day to fuck up my progress. It was awful. I honestly had a moment where I thought, “I cannot control this at all” - that moment where I gave up on trying to get to a normal weight. It felt impossible.

Medicine changed that for me. You can get this stuff prescribed, you guys. It is LIFE CHANGING. After I was on my meds, I just magically ate until I got full and then I couldn’t eat anymore. And I would get full on normal portions. I started having leftovers when I ate - I used to have to control myself to not clear everything on my plate. After my meds, it was rare for me to not have food left over.

I could eat everything I wanted to. Doctors definitely will encourage at LEAST one of 2 things: a vegetable-heavy diet and strength training. My doctor personally cares a lot about the veggies but more about the strength training. I do strength training regularly so that wasn’t difficult for me. So as long as I also eat my veggies, I can eat anything. And I do, I eat anything I want whenever I want. I just get full so quickly that even calorie-dense foods barely interrupt my progress. If I feel like eating it, I will go get it and consume it with no guilt. This stuff is amazing.

It gave me a sort of mental freedom I haven’t felt in years - I used to calorie track EVERYTHING. And if I didn’t know exactly how many calories something was, I would guess and I would track it so that I at least had an estimate as to what I ate. I did that every day for years. When I got on my meds I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t track my calories, because I had come close to an eating disorder. I just told myself I would record my weight occasionally and give myself a year of just seeing the effectiveness of the meds. One year with no restrictions. And I lost 50 pounds. And my BMI is in the normal range!

I still drink soda. I still eat ice cream. I eat burgers and Thai food and cupcakes. In fact, I eat them whenever I want.

This drug - phentermine, in my case - changed my life. I feel so happy and carefree. I don’t have to track my calories. I don’t have to do keto. I can drink full sugar coke. And I don’t even think twice about it.

Sports have become easier. I weigh so much less now, I’ve gotten faster at running. I can do pull ups now. So much of being athletic is in not carrying an extra 50 pounds with you. Everything is easy now.

I have no idea why more people aren’t talking about weight loss meds. They are amazing. They are a resource for you. They were able to change my life! Go see a specialist doctor, they know what they’re doing!

submitted by /u/phillywreck
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when your SO hops onboard

So I have been on my weight loss journey for a little over a year now. I know what foods I like and what my calorie budget looks like for the day. My SO has recently joined a weightloss competition at work, and whoever wins it wins a big cash prize. I don't know how to make meals for us both honestly. My SO has a way different TDEE than me of course, almost twice mine. I am at home with the kiddo and do the cooking ( which is fine by me), my SO works 2 jobs so I don't think asking him to make his own meals is fair. I am available and willing. He was kinda picky eater before this competition, so finding calorie budget friendly foods he will actually like is even more a challenge. Like I know what sort of things I will budget in for my day as I really want that food, maybe he won't want to "spend his calories" on something I make and eventually get discouraged? Anyone else tried to sync with a family member? I can only think to have him text his dinner calorie budget to me before he leaves work and then attempt to make something. But for a person as myself who likes planning, thats annoying.

submitted by /u/Substantial-Duck3466
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Update 3: Advice on lowering belly fat percentage and building muscle simultaneously

Original Post: So basically three weeks ago I quit my job and I was tired of being overweight. I had been this way since like around 7th grade and I'm now 2nd year in university. I wasn't overweight to the point that I was truly at health risks but it's just something I wanted to do for years my worst all time was around 208 pounds I'm a 19 years old 6 foot not a bad looking guy just overweight to the point I felt insecure about my looks. I'm a very social person since last year because I worked on that but my health is something I wanted to work on. My worst bmi was 28.2 at 208 and I lost maybe like 5 of that just working at my job this summer walking around a lot but I wasn't eating great or working out consistently enough. I took a photo at my worst then to now is honestly shocking the difference even when I know I'm still only about halfway to my goal. Now after working out everyday running, eating healthy and cutting down on portion sizes and cutting out all non natural sugars, sweets sodas only the occasional beer I'm down to 192 pounds. I feel truly so much better after I workout in the morning and I know I'm making amazing progress to reach my goal of 175 pounds for being a 6'0 male. Trust me anyone reading this that needs the motivation just fucking do it you will feel so much better about yourself and food will no longer control you don't worry about gaining muscle just focus on the weight loss until you reach your goal.

Update 2:

Hey everyone been a minute since my last post to recap my first post was when I first started I weighed about 204 pounds 6'0 male. Now three months since starting I'm down to 174 (bmi went from 28.2 to now 23.6 if you are curious). I feel amazing and look great. I've been dating a lot more, I'm more confident and I feel much healthier. My original goal was 180 I did that, now I'm going for 160 pounds and after that I plan to start lifting and put on a bit of muscle. Overall it has been a amazing transformation! Only 14 more pounds to go for 160 before I start lifting!


Alright so hasn't been that long since the last update but I'm down to 170-169 and obviously I have lost a lot of weight so far around 35 pounds started at 204 I'm a 6'0 19 year old guy. Obviously I've noticed huge changes weight wise and I plan to stay between 160-165 ideally probably lose about 5 more pounds but the thing is I don't know exactly how much body fat percentage I have currently but genetically a lot of fat goes to my belly in my family obviously it's a lot better then it was but still want to work on lowering body fat percentage and start lifting at the gym to build muscle. What advice do ya'll have for doing that. My gym is pretty good has almost everything I need I'm just not exactly sure what to do, my legs are really good it's mainly just adding more muscle on my arms and getting rid of the last of that lower body fat on my belly.

submitted by /u/ieieieei
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight and constipation

20F, 5’3, SW: 70kg (154lbs) CW: 58.9kg (129.8lbs) GW: 57kg (125lbs)

I’ve managed to lose weight on a calorie deficit while exercising 6 days a week. I always try to eat fruits and vegetables, and foods that contain lots of fibre. I may go over my deficit some days where I eat up to 2000cals per day (my TDEE) while other days I only eat just over 1000cals per day. I try to drink 2L of water per day.

It’s been almost 4 months since I started taking my weight loss journey seriously and it’s becoming harder to go to the bathroom. It’s very hard to pass. This has been affecting me for almost 3 weeks now. It’s discouraging to look at the scale to see you’ve gone up a kg or a few lbs overnight just because you are having trouble to go. I may go properly only once or twice a week. Which isn’t normal for me.

Last night I ate a little extra then my deficit. But the extra food was fruit. My stomach started hurting and I could not go. I woke up and checked my weight and saw that I had gained a kg (I was 58.2kg the day before). I also feel very bloated.

It does make me scared to eat sometimes as I know that I may gain a kg so quickly. Regardless if it’s water weight or not.

Has this happened to anyone else? What are your tips? I also want to be able to go naturally like I use to.

submitted by /u/findingmyselfworth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

4 weeks in and I barely lost anything, what’s going on?

I went on a diet 4 weeks ago and started using an app (lose it) as well to record and track my calorie consumption. I am on a 1 pound or 0.5kg per week plan. I entered all my data to calculate base calorie need and since I am rather sedentary then I counted that in as well to have the most accurate calorie budget. If I go for a walk or lift weights then I count that into my daily budget separately.

My diet is largely the same, I eat everything minus the sweets. Every day I try to walk for at least 60 minutes and some days I will lift weights as well.

I had a couple slip ups where I ate much more than my daily budget but on some days I’ve been eating even less, so in total it kinda balances itself out, over 4 weeks period I ate maybe 1500 calories over my monthly budget which basically means that I lost maybe 3 days where I wasn’t losing weight.

Realistically by now I should be 2kgs lighter but I think I lost maybe only 0.5kg and the weight has remained pretty much stable last two weeks. My SW was 97kg which isn’t exactly light so I definitely should have lost a nice amount by now. I doubt that my calorie counting is off because I stay rather conservative when recording my calories and I know my foods well.

I’ve been losing weight in the past too and I remember adhering to the same plan and I was steadily burning fat. Now, things just don’t seem to work anymore.

I’ve read somewhere that stress and insufficient sleep may inhibit weight loss but I remember going literally through anxiety disorder in the past and I lost 10kgs in just mere 6 months then without even consciously being on a diet.

I will try keto next month but I am really frustrated why things aren’t working right now. Anyone got any tips?

27M if that’s important to know

submitted by /u/FrugalKrugman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for a beginner at the gym?

Howdy partners!

I’ll start off by saying that I’m a 5’6” F, currently 240lb. I’ve lost weight in the past, mainly by utilising IF and the pretty walking trail near my old house, but gained it all back over the lockdowns.

I’ve been back in my IF grind and have lost maybe 5lb so far but after being diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my knees last year from a old injury I’ve realised I should really be working out as well, for weight loss and general health.

I’ve found a new gym near my house that’s only $9AUD per week and have decided to sign up. The thing is I’ve never stepped foot in a gym and I’m lost as to what I should be doing. My knees aren’t too bad and my doctor recommended walking/jogging as a suitable activity (and it’s one I’ve always enjoyed) so the treadmill is a must, however I do want to incorporate some light strength training/weights as well to keep my knees strong and tone as I go.

What would y’all recommend for me? Are there any particular pieces of equipment I should be leaning toward?

I also have a bit of anxiety about stepping in there for the first time, and I’m a bit nervous I may lose my motivation. Any tips regarding that as well would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/intinglux
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from loseit - Lose the Fat