Sunday, November 28, 2021

Random 1.5lb gain overnight after a volume eating dinner??


I'm currently on a weight loss journey. My TDEE is around 1,700 (I'm sedentary and short), so I'm eating around 1,200 on a daily basis to lose 1 lb per week. I'm nearing my GW and I'm feeling optimistic.

In the past week I've been doing more exercise than usual - not "formal" exercise, I've just been active and busy due to work and family stuff. I've also been eating slightly less, around 1,100, due to stress. It was maybe due to this that yesterday I was feeling hungrier than normal, so I had a volume eating dinner w/ rice, chickpeas and veggies and my daily total for yesterday was 1,500kcals. I thought, no big deal right? It's just one day and my weekly total is still on a deficit, so I should still have lost...

...but then today I gained 1.5 lbs since yesterday! How is that possible? This sets me back one full week and it's frustrating. My body normally loses weight like a clock - the weight stays super stable over the week, then I drop it all at once on Sunday. It's very reliable and honestly has been keeping me so motivated so far. So today it would be the day but instead I gained. Uggh it's so annoying to be randomly gaining when I'm so close to my GW! I cannot increase my deficit or my exercise because then I'll just be too hungry and it won't be sustainable so what should I do now??

submitted by /u/upperfex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose Skin is really scaring me. Any advice?

Hello all! So I stepped on the scale and felt amazing today! 8lb loss this month, 3 months in a row! Then I looked in the mirror and bottom of my belly is starting to droop? Like the middle but is fine but both sides are starting to go lower and feels loose.

So uhh my wife has bad loose skin due to weight loss in the past and has huge problems because of her skin - it’s not just a superficial thing but a real pain, like skin rash for example.

Has anyone got any ideas on how to lower the chance of loose skin or limit it? My wife has no clue because she was supposed to get surgery for her skin but I won’t be eligible for it(and don’t want it).

Any kind of lotion to put on or tablets or should I lose weight slower? I though 2lb a week would have been safe?

Thanks and kind regards, Shaun

submitted by /u/punkmilitia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting weight loss attempt #a lot

I'm starting a diet change and a weight loss attempt again. I have the tendency to binge, stress, and boredom eat, laze around, while I have a hormonal imbalance and take medication that increases weight gain.

Its 28th Nov, tomorrow I'm seeing the doctor about changing meds and writing a grocery list. I've tried being vegetarian but found I prefer a pescetarian diet. I'm starting a medication for my hormonal imbalance that also is meant to help with weight loss, the issue is they make me pee a lot and in the first few days give me diarrhoea as a side effect.

Current weight 116kgs, checking in next month.

submitted by /u/CactusT3a
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Cycle of Regaining

I’ve noticed an interesting trend on this subreddit and would be interested in people’s input. I lost around 25lbs (of the 30 or so I wanted to lose) successfully last year and felt great. I made all these lofty promises to myself about never regaining the weight etc but as you could have guessed by me being back here I did not succeed. In fact, like many of us I regained it all and more within the year. I am now at my heaviest ever and feeling every pound.

I see so many of the same stories here- people coming back time and time again to lose the same however many pounds. Most people seem to be well educated about nutrition and reasonable about their goals. A lot of people make comments about how this time it’s for good but the statistics aren’t with them- I forget the exact percentage but aren’t the majority of people who lose weight doomed to regain it? It’s not that I want to be pessimistic or to discourage people from trying. I obviously still have hope that I can make this work and I wouldn’t want to take that away from anyone else. But I can’t help but feel this sub lacks a bit or realism or self awareness? Most of the commenters talk about avoiding yo-yo dieting and how CICO is a permanent lifestyle change. Yet for most of us it clearly isn’t. Maintenance is arguably a greater challenge than the loss in the first place- how do we overcome this?

I think in some ways that my constant desire to lose weight and to change myself actually perpetuates my weight gain in the first place. I’ve obsessed over food for most of my life- I did when I was weighing every gram of food during my weight loss and I do now that I’ve regained it. I’ve been starting to think that it would actually be a more positive change for me to accept the body I live in and it’s fluctuations and stop demonising the food I put into it- it hasn’t made me happy even when it’s made me smaller. Is this just another way to torture us for succumbing to the same influences and food addictions that most of the world has? Is there any point perpetuating this need to lose x amount of weight and in the process making all of us hate ourselves if it’s not likely to work in the long run?

Edit: my flair is now obviously completely wrong oops

submitted by /u/Fragrant-Holiday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"Maintaining" motivation - just in time for the holidays!

Background: I've lost about 70-75 lbs. since August 2020, but I've been feeling really discouraged in the midst of a longgggg plateau that's had me fluctuating between 220-225 lbs. since February 2021. I briefly got all the way down to 205 lbs. in July (so close to Onederland!!) but have bounced back up to 222.4 as of my weigh-in this morning.

So as you can imagine, I've been feeling frustrated and disappointed in myself lately. Self control around food has been a real uphill battle, which is the only kind of 'uphill' I've done recently as my exercise habits are all but non-existent these days. The negative self-talk has been brutal. All the usual inner critic stuff... What's wrong with me that I can't keep positive momentum? I was so close to Onederland, and I'll never get back there! I've only lost 10 lbs. in the last 12 months - all the rest of my weight loss happened more than a year ago...

And then it hit me.


If I had asked my 295 lb. self in July 2020, "Would you be happy if you lost 70 lbs. and kept it off for more than a year," my answer would have been a resounding HELL YEAH!! And if that's the case, why the hell am I sitting here feeling like I've failed yet again, telling myself that since I've fallen off the wagon, I should just steer into holiday excess?

No! Not this time, inner critic! I have every reason to be proud AF of what I've already accomplished, whether or not I lose another pound. My body has gotten a whole year of respite from 70 extra lbs. worth of wear and tear; I've gotten a year's worth of pictures of me and my family now that I no longer flee whenever a camera comes out; I've been able to shop exclusively in the "straight size" clothing section for a whole year. All of these things make a difference. These are gifts I've given to myself by doing something I've never done before: MAINTENANCE.

Am I at my goal weight? No. Am I happy with the way I look and feel right now? Nope, not really. Will I continue to struggle with motivation and self control? Oh, absolutely.

But for now, I'm reminding myself that the most important aspect of that last sentence - continuing to struggle with motivation and self control - isn't the struggle part... it's the continue part!

Much love to all of you in the r/loseit community for giving me hope - the kind of hope that makes me want to recommit to this gift I've given myself for another year. So I'll see you here next year! I may not be any closer to my goal weight by then, but that's okay. I'll continue to struggle anyway!

submitted by /u/FITtingItIn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling with changing my mindset from “desire to be skinny” to “desire to be healthy and strong”

A few months ago I learned I was obese and it prompted me to get serious about losing weight and health. I’ve since lost 20+ lbs, bringing me out of the obese category and solidly into the overweight category for my height. According to my InBody measurements I have a greater than average amount of skeletal muscle mass, but still have an excess amount of body fat to lose.

I’ve hit a point where I am struggling to transition my thought process and mental goals from weight loss to health. For ages I’ve thought about being skinnier and not put much thought into health. I’m finding that most of the weight loss material I’m looking at reinforces that, especially since I’m a woman.

Does anyone have any advice or experiences? I’m losing motivation.

submitted by /u/obtusemoonbeam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 26, 2021

NSV new glasses

I hadn't anticipated what a big difference weight loss could make in the face! I knew that my glasses were getting looser, but I was quite surprised to find out at the opticians that the frames are now way too wide for me. For many years it's been a hassle to get nice glasses frames because not much variety was available in the size I needed. I had to settle for styles that weren't my taste and didn't suit me that well. Now I have lots to choose from. What a great surprise! Really looking forward to getting my new glasses soon.

submitted by /u/Rambling_Bear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat