Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Cycle of Regaining

I’ve noticed an interesting trend on this subreddit and would be interested in people’s input. I lost around 25lbs (of the 30 or so I wanted to lose) successfully last year and felt great. I made all these lofty promises to myself about never regaining the weight etc but as you could have guessed by me being back here I did not succeed. In fact, like many of us I regained it all and more within the year. I am now at my heaviest ever and feeling every pound.

I see so many of the same stories here- people coming back time and time again to lose the same however many pounds. Most people seem to be well educated about nutrition and reasonable about their goals. A lot of people make comments about how this time it’s for good but the statistics aren’t with them- I forget the exact percentage but aren’t the majority of people who lose weight doomed to regain it? It’s not that I want to be pessimistic or to discourage people from trying. I obviously still have hope that I can make this work and I wouldn’t want to take that away from anyone else. But I can’t help but feel this sub lacks a bit or realism or self awareness? Most of the commenters talk about avoiding yo-yo dieting and how CICO is a permanent lifestyle change. Yet for most of us it clearly isn’t. Maintenance is arguably a greater challenge than the loss in the first place- how do we overcome this?

I think in some ways that my constant desire to lose weight and to change myself actually perpetuates my weight gain in the first place. I’ve obsessed over food for most of my life- I did when I was weighing every gram of food during my weight loss and I do now that I’ve regained it. I’ve been starting to think that it would actually be a more positive change for me to accept the body I live in and it’s fluctuations and stop demonising the food I put into it- it hasn’t made me happy even when it’s made me smaller. Is this just another way to torture us for succumbing to the same influences and food addictions that most of the world has? Is there any point perpetuating this need to lose x amount of weight and in the process making all of us hate ourselves if it’s not likely to work in the long run?

Edit: my flair is now obviously completely wrong oops

submitted by /u/Fragrant-Holiday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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