Tuesday, November 30, 2021


15F SW 231 CW 188 GW 150 Height 5’4

Hi everyone, Over the last 6 months I have lost 40lbs. During the pandemic I gained so much weight and thought I would never lose it, but I found the sport of boxing and was able to lose those initial 40lbs with ease. Although I feel much better with myself now and am extremely happy with my weight loss thus far, I still want to and need to lose at least an additional 40lbs, so I am basically half way there.

I have noticed that in the last 2 months my weight loss has slowed drastically. I’ve only lost about 10lbs, and am hovering at 188-190ish constantly. My grandparents are here from out of country and I will admit that I have been eating slightly more unhealthily than usual, but I have not gained anything since they’ve been here. I will also add that I was facing this plateau long before they arrived.

I know this is very common with weight loss, and I’ve tried to do some of the commonly suggested things to get through this difficult plateau, but I feel I may need to take additional measures to keep my weight loss moving. I’m extremely glad I have not gained any weight, but I don’t want to be at a standstill any longer. Daily I’m eating anywhere from 1600-2000 (not tracking but have gotten pretty good at guesstimating) and am consistently doing intense cardio based workouts with slight calisthenics mixed in at least 3 times a week but usually closer to 5.

Please, if anyone has any advice, ANY, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you redditors of r/loseit !

submitted by /u/emylee1010
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pddry9

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