Sunday, November 28, 2021

~1 month progress - 268 to 234. Challenging myself to lose about 1 pound per day. Pics and details included

Before / After 1 month

Background Info:

I know a lot of people will probably talk down about this kind of rapid weight loss but I truly believe you should do what feels best for yourself. I consult my physician regularly and according to him I’m the healthiest he’s ever seen me currently inside and out. Been seeing him for years

Starting Weight / Date - 268 (Oct 26, 2021)

Current Weight - 234 (Nov 28, 2021)

Goal - 190 (Sometime in January)

I weigh myself daily at the same time. I do not take pre workouts, supplements, protein shakes etc

Age: 24

Height: 5 foot 10

Main info:

So I’ve always been pretty large for the majority of my life but I never really tried to diet or exercise

Recently though I felt as if I had reached a “peak” in size. I was constantly just pounding down insane amounts of food probably 6000+ or so calories per day.

Im talking 2 pizzas a day, hamburgers, chicken tenders, 2 to 3 large sodas, pounds of chocolate and candy I just loved eating and trying new restaurants

This came with constant headaches and tiredness always lazy wanting to sleep.

Not being able to do a lot of things physically. Bending over seemed like it was slowly beginning to be a challenge.

So many dates and lost opportunities with women all because they would change when they saw my body. Absolute disgust on their face

I knew it was time to make a change for me most importantly

I began researching diets / exercise and decided to go with CICO / Calorie in Calorie Out

I wanted to push the boundaries of typical weight loss. From what I read online people were recommending a weight loss of like 1 to 2 pounds per week. That means i would need 8 to 16+ months just to meet my goal which seemed insanely slow to me. I want to be finished with the majority of the work in about 60 days.

Here’s a breakdown of what a typical day looks like for me in terms of what I burn

As you can see I am burning upwards of 5000-6000+ calories per day

This comes primarily from the 2-3+ hours a day I spend on the elliptical. About 10 to 15 miles on average every single day as you can see an example of here.

Loose skin is one of my fears so I also throw in a lot of strength training. Lots of chest / ab related exercises to keep things tight though I don’t document those through my watch. I’ve made great progression in this regard - lifting weights I was never able to handle before

I am only consuming ~1200 to 1500 calories per day depending on my cravings. On occasion will push the limit to 2000. This comes from a mix of proteins, salads, and low calorie sweets like Halo Top / zero calorie sodas.

This means on average I burn about 3500-4000+ calories per day. Been going strong for over 30 days now without any feelings of weakness and I definitely feel the best I ever have mentally + physically. Today was my best day in fact! Over 6000 burned and it’s only about 9pm where I am

TLDR: 3500-4000+ calorie deficit per day

submitted by /u/likmybunghole
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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