Tuesday, November 30, 2021

I pushed myself too hard and its ended badly - NSFW

Hello all,

TW - May not be required but as it gets on you'll see I got ridiculous.

I'm after some advice and just a place to admit a few key errors I made.

Me female 30 5'5 Starting weight - 13 stone 10 - date 30/08 Current weight - 10 stone 3 (today) Goal - 10 stone 1

So I'll start from the beginning. I started this diet with NOOM and then got cross at constant mis information from their food. So I moved to the Loose it! App.

The first 2 months my weight loss was quick and amazing. I was so happy and eating 1000-1400 calories a day. I started exercising and fell in love with it and it's now a permanent part of my life.

Very beginning of November I had a girls trip away, so the week before I pushed it harder than ever. Limited calories to 800 for a week, intermittent fasting for 22 hours. I lost 4 pounds in that week. Got to the girls trip and trusted a fart. Yep.... I pooed myself from one sandwich that wasn't in my stupidly strict plan.

Anyway got back and had gained 4.5 pounds, I was furious with myself. So since then I restricted to 500 calories a day. Well today out of know where I pooed myself again. It wasn't even a fart, just a instant moment of serious D*. This time it wasn't at a friend's house, oh no. This time it was in the middle of a shopping centre.

So this evening I've made the difficult decision to delete the fasting app, and eat 3 meals a day, accepting that those last 2 pounds may not leave me again. I'm aiming for 1200-1600 calories but on a steady increase. I will look to increase by 300 tomorrow so 800, then next Monday 1100 and so on and so forth.

If I'm honest I'm terrified it's going to all come back. But the starvation I've put my body in is so much more scary. My skin is ruined, my time of the month was a week late, my face looks old.

I have questions though.

1 - has anyone maintained after being as ridiculous as me 2 - how do I get my brain into eating mode 3 - has anyone else pooed themselves (this is purely so I feel better)

Thank you for listening. I also hope this was allowed as it's not diet as such, it's just a massive error.

submitted by /u/Zoeandcats
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3xE30aI

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