Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Losing weight at 40ish

They say losing weight as you get older is harder, but seriously I don’t think it is. Today I turn 40 years old. I am at the healthiest weight of my sober adult life even though I still have a ways to go. I am in a smaller size pants than I have been since I gave birth 17 years ago. I am in such a better headspace than I have ever been. And…. I am so proud of myself.

I started losing weight in late March or early April. I am down over 65 lbs. None of this has been torture. I maintained for a month through thanksgiving and hopped right back on track to keep losing.

I’ve made it through one major plateau, I’ve maintained a pretty large deficit, and easily adjusted when continuing that large of a deficit would have become unhealthy. I weigh every day, and don’t freak out when the scale goes up a little. I manage bad news, bad moods, and pms cravings; and I’ve done it pretty gracefully if I do say so myself.

I never could do this in my 20’s and probably not in my early 30’s. I wasn’t clear headed enough to leave the emotions out of weight loss. I would have stressed every bump on the scale, and agonized any over eating.

If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to separate your emotions from your weight loss journey.

I started with a 1000 cal deficit and when my weight dropped enough that the deficit would bring me under 1200 cal a day, I simply ate above 1200 knowing full well that my weight loss would be slower and now eat at a 750 cal deficit. When weighing everything became tedious, I just ate basically the same thing and took a break. I don’t do cheat days because I’m not married to my food, so there is no cheating; just days that I eat more and days that I eat less. When I know I’ve ate too much, I enjoy it and move on doing better the next day. There is no guilt or shame in my food.

My second piece of advice is to really evaluate what you are doing, you may be making this much harder on yourself than it has to be. Being in the right headspace has made this so much easier.

You can do it. You are doing amazing, you are making progress (even if it’s slow). Remember to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness.

submitted by /u/Contemplating_emu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3G0qbiA

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