Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Body dysmorphia or plain underestimating truly exist

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I was last active in this sub. During the summer I posted in here a lot and you people have helped me a great lot in losing the first (easiest) bulk of my excess weight. I'm 27F, 155cm tall (5'0) and went from 87 kg to 70 kg (191 lbs to 154 lbs roughly), between June and September. It was really great to discuss weight loss in here with so many people from all over the world and always receiving so much support and sweet words.

I always thought that body dysmorphia had to be related to other psychological issues or heavy lack of self-confidence, but my scale proved me wrong yesterday.

Since mid-September I grew tired of counting calories as my life became busier and I decided I'd switch to maintenance until I felt like going on a bigger cut again. In short, various things happened and the maintenance lasted more than planned, and while I didn't fall back into depression or binge eating (big victory for me), I had a lot of moments where I snacked more than I should have, or enjoyed bigger and fatter dinners more frequently than advised.

In the last week I was feeling so fat, and bloated, and felt like my waistline went back to when I was 87 kg. After deciding I'd start seriously cutting calories again I obviously had to take my measurements and weigh myself. I was sure, REALLY SURE, to weigh at least 72-74kg.

Well.. both my scales, after many tries because of disbelief, read 69.5, my lowest weight ever since 2013. Measurements are the same or slighly smaller on my thighs.

I don't know how this happened. But after putting the pieces together I realized that there were probably many different factors in this, such as having beaten depression, learning to eat right during my diet, learning to manage cravings and choosing the right food or simply bearing hunger more effectively.

But the thing I can't really fathom is how I was so freaking SURE to have gotten so fat, and having ruined all of my progress. Turns out I probably just got used to my "new" body and it's time for another challenge.

EDIT: grammar (not a native speaker, I'm sorry :c )

submitted by /u/Objective_Usual_1789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ro6f5e

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