Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Some time of weeks in. Lessons I learned. Progress I made

This will be my "final" post in this journal style. I have posted a couple times to keep track, to formalize for myself what works and just to interact with likeminded people.

You can find Progress Pics here:

I started on June 1st and have lost 16kg, I went from 96kg at 186cm to 80kg, this took my pretty much exactly 16 weeks, so I lost about 1kg a week. I understand that this is quite fast and I am pretty excited that I managed to do so. This has also been the first time I ever took weight loss really seriously; I was active throughout my youth until I was roughly 17 when injury and a health situation made it impossible to continue with my sporty lifestyle. So, I went from very active (Tennis 4 Trainings and 1 Game a week) and growing to sedentary and not growing while maintaining a questionable diet. I never had problems with my weight until I turned 18 and even then, it was a slow progress over about 4 years I would say. At the beginning of the pandemic I would estimate, that I was maybe around 92kg, my heaviest but not obese, I was however slowly becoming the fat one in my friend group, this is partly because my group of friends is quite fit in general. I didn’t really make anything of it, I never was bullied growing up and banter is normal between us so I didn’t take it in a very negative way. During the pandemic I became even more sedentary, my diet was still not great, loads of sugar and snacks. This summer my weight really began to bother me, I felt bad, low energy and didn’t looking in the mirror, so I implemented changes, here is what I tried, what worked and what didn’t work in no particular order.

I didn’t really know a huge amount about diets or nutrition beyond the basic things, I am a good cook and I enjoy cooking, but I only ever went by taste and not really by nutritional value.

I also didn’t know much about properly exercising or energy consumption, if you had asked me 6 months ago how many calories you burn for … well anything I would not have been able to give a good answer.

BUT and here is lesson number one, I do have a good support system, as I mentioned I have quite sporty friends and that is probably and understatement. My mom is also quite knowledgeable about nutrition and diets. I got to sponge up a lot of knowledge by asking them for advice, I also obviously used YouTube and other resources I found online, like most of us do.

I know this is a very privileged position, I know not everyone has a network like I do, but try to find help, from whomever, find people here, over Discord wherever, it is important to realize that ultimately the change can only come from within, but that does not mean you have to do everything by yourself. Without this network I would not have succeeded.

Lesson 2: Find internal motivation that goes beyond the number on the scale. To put this point into perspective I want to give context by explaining my system for the first 16 Weeks. I started by using the MyFitnessPal App, I calculated my TDEE, subtracted 200 to be on the safe side and then went for a deficit, I believe I started with roughly 1800 calories a day, I also used a spreadsheet, that calculated a more accurate TDEE over time by taking my daily intake and weight loss into account over the first 3 weeks, if you can get your hands on one of those, than I can highly recommend that! With this I saw great and constant results, but I knew getting onto the scale every day and measuring my success by the shown number was not going to motivate me for a very long time. I now feel strongly about trying to disconnect you feeling of success from the number on the scale, it’s an important part, but it should not be the only and final measurement.

Lesson 3 "Its simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy", I touched on this in a comment I wrote a couple of days ago. I don’t think there is a more accurate phrase for weight loss out there. The things you need to do and the steps you need to take to lose weight could not be simpler in theory. Once you get through all the juice cleanse, OMAD Diets, 5 hour cardio stuff you can find online its one simple question: Do you burn more calories than you take in over a significant period of time? If your answer is yes, you will lose weight, it’s that simple. But this truth does not make weight loss easy, there is a reason why OMAD, CICO, IF and all the other things exist, they give a framework to stick to that simple concept, so try to figure out what your system is, if you find one stick to that system, there is no reason to make this complicated.

Lesson 4: Don’t lie to yourself, very simple, if you are not honest about what you eat, about you will not see the results you might expected, I know it seems obvious but its very important.

Lesson 5: Movement is important but does not counter bad eating. Go to the gym, go jogging, go swimming or go on a walk, but don’t view exercise as a way to get away with worse eating habits. You get fit through sport, but you get thin through eating.

There is still a long way to go for me, but I have set new goals for myself. Going forward I will try to maintain my weight, I have become an avid gym goer, going 6/7 times a week and started running a lot, right now I am actually trying to gain weight to gain muscle mass before cutting again, I hope some of you read this far and maybe I could help at least 1 person with their journey.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

submitted by /u/MoazAW
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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