Since starting my weight loss adventure more intensely, I had worked my way up from 16:8 intermittent fasting to 18:6 and then 20:4. Most recently I was doing 22 hours fasting / 2 hours eating and consequently fitting my 1000-1200 cal meal in one sitting. This resulted in a lot of bloating, food coma-like symptoms, etc and discomfort for 3-5 hours after the meal.
Additionally, if I broke my fast too early in the day (before 12PM), I would feel hungry and end up having 2 big meals per day, which effectively cancelled out the workouts I had put in (no more CICO) and resulted in slower weight loss. I really enjoy having something that isn't water or tea first thing in the morning so this was difficult for me to deal with.
This morning I woke up and honestly went through quite a bit of guilt while deciding whether to quit my rigorous intermittent fasting schedule because it has helped me lose about 5 pounds so far. But I think I've made the right decision because I finally got to have milk and coffee for breakfast instead of just having an iced Americano or black coffee. (Side note: Starting my day off with coffee and milk is the best thing ever).
I have adjusted my entire eating schedule and now I'll be having the equivalent two meals per day (coffee/milk, snacks, late lunch), which I think is much better for me as I am not much of a dinner person. I believe this has been a good experience in realizing that my methods for weight loss will change over time. If anything, I'll loosely stick to a 16/8 IF schedule as it matches up with the times I eat during the day (8AM/9AM - 4PM/5PM). Intense intermittent fasting really helped me jumpstart the weight loss, but now it is time to switch back to a normal eating schedule.
I hope to reach 175 by next week as I have been hovering around 177-178, but I don't want to beat myself up in the process because having good food/drink is a small happiness in my life :)
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from loseit - Lose the Fat