Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Help! Need motivation/advice to get back to my weight loss

Hello all. In July of this year after about 7 months of calorie counting, diet and exercise. I had ended up down 50 lbs! It was great, I felt great and I eased up on my diet. Fast forward to now I’ve gained back 15-20 lbs :( and I can’t seem to find the motivation that got me to where I was in July.

I need help getting back that motivation to follow a strict diet regimen and start losing again!

What has worked for you guys? How do you fight and resist cravings for bad food? What motivates you to exercise daily?

submitted by /u/Jurassicparkranger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3EP6jyF

Losing weight = Attractiveness?

Honest answers, please.

I'm thinking of starting my weight loss journey again and I know I've never been considered "attractive" or completely "ugly" but does losing weight raise your attractiveness? Will it help you get more compliments? I've never been asked on a date myself but will people start to notice you and ask you out more? [F here]

Personally, I've never had anyone ask me out or rate me very badly just cause of my looks and I feel like an average girl more of the time, but is this the only way someone can stand out? I feel like improving myself and trying to get my life together.

I want to know whether losing weight has any relation to looking prettier or getting any compliments, if anyone has any personal stories then please feel free to share.

submitted by /u/art3mis214
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lZjpSn

Diet soft drinks?

Hi r/loseit

My question is about diet soft drinks that market themselves as being 0 calories. The science behind it, as I understand it, is that it uses sweeteners our body can’t digest. I’m naturally weary around items that market themselves as 0-calories, because I have a hard time believing that zero calories equals no weight gain. Do these chemicals diminish the nutritional value of anything else you eat? Do they really not cause weight gain, or do they just not give you energy?

I guess my main question is do they harm weight loss efforts. When I try googling around for research, most mention that they make you more likely to become obese, but then cite the reason as “they make you more likely to over eat.” If you’re counting your calories and don’t go over, will it still cause you to become obese?

Personal anecdotes are as welcome as scientific research for answering this question, because weight loss (to me at least) is as much an art as it is a science, and what works for one person might not work for another. I do ask you say WHY it does/does not hinder you, however! (Thanks in advance for your responses)

submitted by /u/Amationary
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3m5sHMK

My body seems incredibly resistant to weight loss, and I don’t know what to do.

I’ve cycled between underweight and obese a few times in my life and I do have a history of disordered eating behaviors. I’ve surprisingly been diagnosed with anorexia despite my BMI of 34. I’m 5’4 and 199 lbs. I’ve been consuming 600-1500 calories every day for the past 6 months (not including calories burned by workouts or days of fasting,) and I’ve only lost 20 lbs. I am extremely careful about calorie restriction, and I cannot stress this enough, because usually when I tell people that my weight isn’t decreasing, the response I get is “you must not be counting calories properly.” I actually always try to over estimate the calories I consume. On multiple occasions, out of frustration with my body for not losing weight with doctor-recommended moderate calorie restriction, I’ve fasted (no calories at all) for periods of 2-3 days without anything to show for it. One time I ended a 3 day no-calorie fast at 1 lb heavier than before. I’ve talked to my doctor about it and her advice to continue restricting calories really wasn’t any help.

submitted by /u/BakaBasura
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pSXo96

Monday, December 13, 2021

to everyone who has reached their weight loss goal or is almost at it, i have a few questions!:

1: in what order did you notice your body parts changed?

for example (i’m about 15 pounds away from my goal of 110lbs) i noticed my change it order of arms, jawline, upper torso and now boobs.

2: what physically changed that surprised you?

mine was my “ladybits” got supper flat

3: any other physical or mental changes that surprised you?

4: how many pounds down (or which weight were u at) when you started noticing your belly getting thinner (from looking forward at you)

5: did your face change at all? if your face was more round before, is it more thin now?

besides ur actual face shape did you notice any other facial features changed? (nose, lips, etc)

6: ladies, what bra size were you before and after you lost weight?

7: and finally, what was your starting weight and your final weight?

i’d love to see progress pictures if anyone would be interested in sharing too!

so proud of you guys for reaching ur goal weight, i know how hard it can be to lose weight! and thank you to everyone who took time to read this and answer the questions!!

submitted by /u/gracieax
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pTtwtp

Is it poor diet or is my metabolism slower?

Hi all :)

I have been curious about this lately due to my difficulty losing weight in the last few years. I am 23F at 5’4” and 175lbs. I’ve done the typical fad diets and while they tend to help me lose the weight at first I of course bounce back after I stop. I’m not someone who loves the gym although I know that’s going to be the key to significant weight loss. I would love others opinion on this.

A typical meal for me during the week is usually a couple cups of coffee (with half&half and Splenda) a frozen lean cuisine meal (200-350 calories usually) and my dinner could consist of anything from a meat/veggie combo (like grilled chicken with asparagus) or if I’m lazy something like a ham and cheese sandwich with a handful of chips. I may also have a hard cider if I’m feeling up for it.

Compared to the diets of others I know who are smaller I’d think that wasn’t unreasonable, but maybe I am wrong. I don’t drink sodas or juices so its mostly water aside from the coffees I have in the morning. I’m not entirely perfect as the hubby may order a pizza once a month or we might go out to a restaurant every once in a while. Is there something apparently wrong with what I’m doing? Or is my metabolism at a point where I can’t reduce weight without exercise? Honest answers are extremely welcome!

submitted by /u/Malchiel_Coffeebean
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3GHRO0c

Working on beating the long dark freeze.

Im an office worker. It takes me 5 minutes at a normal pace to make a full lap around the building. I dont get much exercise but I try to walk around the office several times a day. Im also a gamer. I have been since I was 16. Its easy to come home and plop down at my desk until its time for bed only moving between the kitchen and the bathroom which are roughly 20 feet apart.

I started covid already at a bad weight but the lack of going outside and stress eating drove it up further. Instead of looking at special diets I would go for a few weeks eating what ever then forget to count calories for a few days and then just drop it all off and on over most of the year. Im looking at my flair that I set back in January of 2020 and even though Ive probably lost 20 lbs, it was always gained right back immediately. Small yoyoing pretty much.

Then this year I got diagnosed with both sleep apnea and degenerative disc diseases in my lower back. The solution to both? Losing weight. I started looking at other health conditions I had. Bad eye sight? Poor circulation? Lack of libido? All of it can be cured by exercising, diet, and losing weight.

For diet I picked the Mediterranean diet. Theres research out there that shows its anti-inflammatory which is good but also cognitive decline, weight loss, maintaining that weight, and may help with depression. That last one is good because its dark before I even get home. Im typing this at 4:35 my time and I can just barley make out the top of the buildings between how dark they are, and the sky. Its often raining or just out right cold when I get home in the dark, which will be in another hour and a half if Im lucky. The street lights are so spares theres nothing to see when walking, so Ill need alternative exercise. I tried walking this weekend but it was raining.

For exercise Ive been doing some research on low impact workouts while also looking at things that 1. Can be done while at work and 2. can target the back. Ive settled on two things. The first is an under the desk elliptical machine. A coworker heard about my attempts to lose weight, she found her old elliptical and gave that tie me. It was the exact same one I was going to buy off amazon. Its not a super strong drenched in sweat machine but I can feel my body temperature rising. I used it last week several times. I wont get ripped from it but as Ive been using it for the last half hour while working I do hope that it burns enough calories to put me into a deficit. CICO. Basic weight loss. Instead of gaining weight, I started last week around 258 and ended friday at 251ish. After the weekend, my worst time to eat, I started this morning at 251.4. I think its doable to get under 250 this week :) Theres a 15 minute morning meeting every day that I should be able to get some time in to work out standing up instead of sitting for some more circulation health.

The second thing Im looking into is a rowing machine. Those target just about every muscle in the body. From what Ive read on them, if used correctly they can reduce back pain and even build up back muscles to help with DDD in my back. I could get ripped from using that. My biggest issue with that is finding space in my house to use it and finding one online at a decent price.

Lastly, I stopped using my Fitness Boxing 2 for the switch about a month ago. That was ok for keeping me at a decent weight level, not so good for losing the bones. It was great for stamina though. I think Im going to try getting back into that a little as well. Ive heard rowing is great training for boxing and though I dont actually box, I want to take classes once covids over.

So I have a diet and an exercise plan locked it. Im hoping for more success this time then the last few times. I pushed off thanksgiving dinner, my birthday passed with little fanfair, and I should be able to say no to thanksgiving dinner as well.

Wish me luck :)

submitted by /u/NickeKass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3IN32lH