Sunday, February 13, 2022

Where do I start

Possible TW: mention of eating disorder

Hi everyone! I’m here for some help. I’m (22F) trying to start anew on my weight loss journey. I have lost significant weight before (110 lbs) but I’ve gained about 70 lbs of that back. I lost that original weight as a 17-18 year old by eating 800-1200 calories a day. I’m currently at 323 lbs at 5’7” and I’m trying to get better for myself, but I have no idea how to do that in a healthy manner. I have a sedentary lifestyle mostly due to the fact that I cannot afford a gym membership, and I have hEDS which, in my case, really limits the kind of exercise I can do because my joints will dislocate. I do have binge eating disorder, but I can also be heavily restrictive just in case that’s needed information. Any help or suggestions is appreciated! Thank you.

submitted by /u/anxiety-filled-me-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting Now!

I’m sure a lot of people here who have been in the same position as me remember what it was like to get started with weight loss - and today I should be joining you. I don’t actually know my starting weight nor do I actually have scaled easily accessible to find out however I know I want to get healthy and fit because for my whole life I never really have been. So now I’m taking the first step and I want to ask any tips from experienced people, what kept you going? How did you start? What sacrifices did you have to make? Any tips, please let me know. Tysm!!

submitted by /u/Thogically
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This isn’t an ED anonymous or support sub.

I’ve lost count of the amount of posts I’ve seen in this sub the past few weeks of people openly asking for weight loss tips with stats that are already at the lowest point of a healthy bmi or even underweight. Is there some way to vet these kinds of posts and keep them off of here? I don’t even know if these people are trolling or not but I’m so fed up of clicking into posts that are innocently titled ‘stuck at a plateau’ or ‘advice for how many calories I need to lose weight’ and the person posting will tell you they’re 5’6 and 109 pounds or something equally concerning.

Also side note: this might not be fair because there is no specific age restrictions on this sub, but I’m so bored of the constant posts from teenagers asking us if it’s okay for them to eat one apple a day and run up 15 flights of stairs to lose weight. Honestly I’m sick of the teen posts in general, it makes me uncomfortable to see 14 and 15 year olds on here point blank.

submitted by /u/Ok_Buy_4218
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm really afraid of loose skin. Can anyone reassure me?

I (24f) want to lose about 115lbs total (from 252 to 135ish, currently at 246). I've been overweight my entire life, but recently gained about 30lbs due to some pretty bad health issues.

My weight distribution is pretty proportionate, I gain evenly everywhere. I know this is probably a good thing, but it makes me so worried that if I do have a lot of extra skin, I'll need surgery everywhere, rather than just on my stomach.

Right now I'm losing about 1.5lbs per week, which is right where I want to be. I do strength training primarily, with cardio and yoga mixed in. I eat healthy and get lots of fruits and veggies. I also avoid the sun or wear sunscreen when I'm out for more than 15 minutes, and I moisturize and drink lots of water.

I'm just so afraid I'll get to my end goal weight and then require tons of surgery. I'm terrified of having to undergo those procedures and I couldn't afford to anyway. I don't want to lose all this weight and put years of effort in to end up feeling self-conscious being naked. I know that a little bit is probably unavoidable, and that doesn't scare me (I know it'll tighten a bit over time), but I'm afraid of having huge amounts of noticeable skin that require really scary surgeries to fix.

Has anyone else lost a similar amount of weight loss and not had a lot of extra skin? Is there anything more I can do to minimize it? I'm really letting my anxiety get the best of me here and could really use some reassurance. Thank you.

submitted by /u/FruitBatFanatic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m 25 years old, 5’2, 34 A and 128 lbs... is a goal of 112 lbs okay? Too small? Too high? (Plus rant)

I just want to make sure I’m being healthy about my weight loss. I’ve fluctuated between 104 lbs and 140 lbs in the last 5 years of my life. Is a goal of 112 lbs reasonable? I usually eat a 750 calorie deficit about 6 days a week (I allow a cheat meal 1x weekly)

I want to feel hot again. Throughout the pandemic I went from a size 2 to a size 8. And I want to recognize that an 8 is still fairly tiny, all things considered. But I used to associate being small with my identity. And I hated not knowing who I was when I looked in the mirror. My face round, my belly bursting from my jeans. Last New Years I looked at pics of myself and deleted them all because I didn’t know who was staring back at me.

Now, I’ve lost about 10 lbs since Christmas and I feel so much better. I began to cook more, eat out less, drink less. Walk and jog daily. I feel so good. I want to keep it up and be tiny again. Just want to make sure I do it right

submitted by /u/lilapplecrumbs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, February 12, 2022

I don't know why it's so hard for me to commit to losing weight

I think at this point I am obese. I don't know. I've just recently started yoga. I don't eat as much as I used to. I want to lose weight, I really do. I hate what I see in the mirror. I hate how tight my clothes are. I hate how people stare at me. And yet I can't find the strength to commit to weight loss. I hate myself for it. I feel weak. I feel like this will only be who I am for the rest of my life. I feel like I've given up.

How can I be better?

submitted by /u/hnngrm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

4 week Full liquid diet as pre surgical prep/weight loss

It was supposed to be 5 weeks but I kept cheating this last week.


I'm a 41 year old trans woman and 3 years ago tomorrow I had a sleeve gastrectomy. My HW was 460 pounds 4 years ago before preparing for surgery. Since WLS I've gotten as low as 215 right after my FDL abdominoplasty July 2020. Last January I had an extended arm lift and BA/BL. I started eating things I shouldn't eat much (or at all per my WLS doc) especially this past holiday season and regained to almost 260. Can't get out to workout the way I do best (roller/trail skating) for the weather and really dislike doing routine videos other than stretching.

Anyway, on March 7 I'm finally getting the surgery this was all for; I'm having bottom surgery (vaginoplasty). The surgeon says I'm GTG at a 32 BMI which for me is 236. My scale is reading 248 now which is down already because other than snacking my only meals the last week were high protein shakes.

In my experience my doctor's scale reads heavier than my home scale. For my own reassurance; and to avoid a BM post-op for a while, I'm going on a <500 calorie/day diet to lose the last few pounds. I'm also working out more as the weather and temperature improve. I'm doing a few miles 'run' in my skates around my neighborhood or a Greenway I like 75 minutes away; I do half marathons there. Bought a bike for days I can't skate, but can get to a Greenway I like for biking only 45 minutes away.

I'm sure with the shape I'm in the surgeon won't cancel me day of. But after 16 years and thinking I'd never get here; I have to be proactive. I couldn't do this without having had WLS TBH, but it's still not easy.

I feel like I'm rambling and not even sure why I decided to make this post other than maybe somewhere to share and get encouragement to make it through these first (and hardest) days of not eating any solids.

Thanks for reading my ramble.

submitted by /u/RainbowsCrash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat