Saturday, March 5, 2022

My Journey as a 20-something (down 170lbs)

Hi guys, I just wanted to share my journey. I began losing weight, with the help of VSG, in March of 2020.

I’ve maintained a loss of around 170 pounds. I’ve “lost” half of myself. I changed my entire lifestyle.

My Progress

For those wondering, I eat everything in moderation and exercise (weights/cardio) 3-4 times a week. I lost weight by a caloric deficit (aka the basic science of weight loss). I focus on protein and I definitely fuel my body.

I’m 24 years old and I’ve been obese for my entire life. I am the strongest that I’ve ever been. I am able to live in ways I had never known before.

Although my body will always carry “reminders” of what once was…I am stronger and healthier than before.

I am thankful for this change. 😊

submitted by /u/virgggo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

McDonald's fries are a healthy choice compared to the fries, burger, & soda. Two slices of pizza is a healthy choice compared to the whole pizza.

This may seem obvious to some of you, but it took me a long time to finally realize this. One of my biggest things with weight loss/eating healthy is this all or nothing attitude.

I used to think if I really want a Chick-fil-A sandwich, I'm being unhealthy so I should get my normal meal complete with the fries & soda. When we order pizza, I think I'm already being unhealthy, I should get the cinnamon sticks & too. And pizza is so good with Coke, so I should get that too. I leave feeling like total shit about myself, usually eat way too much & eventually end up going back to my old ways of eating crap all the time.

I've finally learned that a meal doesn't need to be all healthy or all unhealthy. It's completely acceptable to get the nuggets with a side salad & unsweet tea. Or get the nuggets on a salad. I can order pizza, but I can do a thin crust with veggies & skip the cinnamon sticks & soda & not eat the whole thing in one sitting. I can go to Starbucks, but I can do a smaller size & less sweetener than normal. And I can get one mini scone instead of a big one or 3 minis.

When I make these healthiER decisions, I still get my treat & I walk away feeling proud of myself instead of like shit or like I failed. And it's actually something I can do for the rest of my life compared to never eating french fries or pizza again.

submitted by /u/refusestopoop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, March 4, 2022

What do you do for fun that doesn’t involve eating?

Hi all, I am fairly new around here so apologies if this has been discussed over and over already. My husband and I have recently committed to weight loss and have been making some really good changes to our lifestyle. I’ve lost 3kg in a month so far and am thrilled. We’re doing well nutritionally and setting good routines with exercise and sleep. I feel great. The trouble we’re having is that we don’t know what to do with our selves now that our spare time isn’t focused on food. I work Monday-Friday office hours and my husband does shift work so we don’t often get Friday/Saturday nights off together. If we do then we used to go on date nights which would generally involve dinner with drinks, a trip to our local ice cream shop for dessert and then a stop at the dairy for a bag of m’n’ms (or two) to finish the night. Last night was our first Friday night together since making lifestyle changes and we were so lost. It was so strange! I cooked a nutritious dinner but kept saying “we don’t have to eat this.. we can save it for tomorrow” hoping he’d suggest we go out for a cheat meal but after looking up the cals for what we’d get if we went out we decided it wasn’t worth it so we ate the dinner I made. Then it was 7pm and I thought .. what on earth do we do now? Sure we could have gone to the gym but it was Friday night, we wanted to do something fun! (I’m not at that elusive stage where the gym is fun for me). We ended up going for a drive around town like my grandparents used to do. Then watched a movie (sans m’n’ms) and went to bed early. All very healthy but so boring!

So I’d like to ask the group - does anyone have any tips for fun things to do in the evening that aren’t focused on food? Day-time time off together isn’t so bad. It’s just the evenings without gorging that have got me feeling bored and unsatisfied with life!

submitted by /u/ArchieChaCho
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Toning after weight loss

Hi all, over the past year I've gone down from 240 to 202 through a mixture of diet and exercise but have sort of reached a plateau as I try to add muscle to replace the fat. I've noticed some improvements the past few months in that area but it almost seems like the muscle is just coming in "under the fat" in my chest and stomach if that makes sense. I'm definitely slimming down but it's almost like my skin is baggier or flabbier where the fat used to be. Will this disappear and the skin tighten more over time if I stay the course or does anyone have experience toning up after significant weight loss?

submitted by /u/Random1name9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I had been consistently losing weight for a year. Why am I suddenly gaining weight again?

A year ago, I weighed 203 pounds. A month ago, I weighed 166 pounds. I’ve been 174 for the past week. Luckily, it seems fairly stable, but I’m still trying to figure out what could’ve caused it.

I think most of the weight loss can be attributed to diet. My diet a year ago was pretty awful. I probably had pizza four days a week and had desserts nearly as often. The diet I’ve tried to stick to since then is that I only eat for protein or veggies, not carbs or sugar. Bread on my sandwich or whatever is fine, but I don’t just snack on carbs or really ever eat sweets. I’m also vegetarian. The rationale is that it’s usually a lack of protein that’s making me hungry, so by eating carb-heavy food, I’m stocking up on calories without getting fuller.

I think over time I’ve only gotten better at sticking to that diet and I’ve found healthier meals within it. I can’t think of any major changes this month that would cause weight gain. I guess I might be eating more sodium (soy sauce)?

Exercise could also be a factor. I usually go running every other week. The inly change there is that I’m able to run faster and further now. I also recently started a little strength training. Just like daily pushups/squats/etc for no more than 10 mins. I suppose I could have gained muscle weight, but I doubt it accounts for eight pounds.

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/jsully245
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, March 3, 2022

NSV and body recomp update at 5 months.

42(F), 5’7”, SW:169, CW:164, GW:?

I’m going to start off mentioning that weight is irrelevant, as I have discovered this week. Doing a recomp, I knew that I wouldn’t see the scale change much, but it was still hard to deal with that lack of positive feedback.

I started my recent journey 10/4/21. I had to plan to get strong, get lean, and feel proud of myself. I knew from previous fitness journeys that I wanted to take the long term approach and build muscle instead of just CICO. I bought a home gym so that I can hopefully never have a reason to skip working out again. In the past lack of childcare, husband traveling, time constraints, etc. had derailed a previously entrenched habit.

Over the last two weeks I’ve finally been able to “see” a difference in my body. Before that other people commented positively, but I couldn’t see it. I knew from measurements I had lost over 11”, and could see a difference in how some (not all) clothes fit.

Well, yesterday was the first time I’d set foot in a store in two years, so also the first time I’d shopped since I started working in getting fit. It was also the first time I’d seen myself in a full length mirror (and the backside mirror) in two years, and damn was I amazed! My legs and butt are damn near perfection right now. This was completely obscured to me by not having full length mirrors, and also having a good amount of belly weight that is trimming down, but still very much there. Seeing myself was revelatory—the recomp is successful. It’s working marvelously.

Aside from that, all of the clothes I bought were mediums. I had also gone from a 36DD bra to a 34B and there was no backfat visible with the smaller size. My legs and butt have gone from a 12 to size 6 size, but I’m still a size 8 until I can loose a bit more belly. Still, I’m almost there.

As far as my process: I eat a minimum of 1590 calories a day right now, but started with a lower deficit to ease into it and build muscle easier. I go over this slightly a couple days a week, if needed due to my workouts. At least once a month I try to have a day where I eat closer to 2000 calories to prevent my body from getting to accustomed to a deficit. Sometimes I’ll do a whole week at your bear later maintenance as a reset and rest for my body.

I lift weights for 36-46 minutes 3-5 times a week. I do heavy weights (aim for close to failure or complete failure in 8-12 reps in 3-4 sets). I do light treadmill one day a week typically for 30-48 minutes, and one day of more intense cardio for 25-45 minutes). In the beginning I was so sore that I could only lift 2-maybe 3 days a week. It was not uncommon to need a 5 day break until I started doing upper/lower splits. I also did the cardio very sporadically at first. The stronger I get, the harder it is to not do something fitness-oriented each day.

It took me 4.5 months to lift my first 100k lbs, but it only took two weeks to lift my next 56k lbs. it’s a snowball effect, and that was also when I noticed the biggest changes physically. Once you reach a certain point, things just start changing. Keep at it. Maybe ignore your scale completely.

I know I could have had more dramatic weight loss effects by just doing CICO, but I wanted to build my metabolism and build muscle. I’m also breastfeeding, so wanted to make sure I was eating adequately to maintain high milk quality/quantity.

The other thing I will say is that contrary to every post I see, when I got my food scale, it turned out I’d been eating less calories than I thought. It happens. I bumped my calories up, and viola started losing more and seeing more results.

submitted by /u/Chartreuseshutters
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Officially lost 5lbs… in 2 months

5’3, 22, Female, SW and highest: 185lbs, CW: 180lbs

Hello all!

Thanks for reading my first post, I just started my weight loss journey and am determined not to give up! Having lost 5 pounds now makes me feel amazing because it shows what I’m doing is actually working and motivates me to keep going.

So, I have always been overweight my whole life. I have memories from preschool of being made fun of for my belly. I never though actually tried to lose weight before now. For all of highschool and most of college I was between 160-170 lbs. I didn’t really watch what I ate, but I was much more active. I graduated from college in May and honestly at the end I was really struggling. I started rewarding myself at the end of the day for doing so much schoolwork I didn’t want to do with foods I knew were unhealthy like pizza and french fries. I also lived that year for the first time alone, so I didn’t have anyone to judge what I ate. It was also a block away from a convenience store so almost daily I would walk there and just get snacks.

When it started to get cold in the fall, I would come to realized all of my jeans are too tight now which was the motivating factor for starting this journey. I was a size 12/30in waist, so the idea that I would soon not be able to find my size in regular stores worried me. I always said how even though I am treated differently because of my weight socially, I can’t compare to the societal factors that affect someone much larger who can’t walk into any store and find something that fits, among other things. So I bought one new pair that fits (my leggings still fit) and decided I would lose more than just this recent gain and just buy new clothes then. I have always held myself back from wearing clothes i want to because of my body so the idea of buying all new clothes is so exciting to me.

I weighted in the for first time on Dec 30th at 185lbs, by Feb 1st I was 182.2, but wouldn’t lose the remaining 2.2lbs until this week. I started with counting calories, MFP said 1460 cals was my goal and i logged and tracked for a little but it really doesn’t work with my lifestyle. I got a good understanding though of how many calories I was eating before (way too many) and what 1500 cals looks like in the foods I regularly eat. I have been vegetarian for a few years now so I think at the beginning I was struggling with meals because I couldn’t just eat grilled chicken and broccoli for every meal. I also think not exercising consistently is why I didn’t lose more in Jan. Now, in Feb I haven’t been snacking nearly as much, haven’t had any high calorie day slip ups, getting my protein in, cut down sugar and bread, and am going to the gym about 4 days a week. (expect week of my period only went twice, i maintained 182 during that week.) I am only at the gym for a half hour, i do 2 miles on the treadmill of mixed running and walking. i’m trying to run more but I really don’t have good endurance. I make sure though when I’m walking it’s still fast breaking a sweat.

I didn’t put a goal weight because I really don’t know, I am going to look into it more when I lose more. I’m focused now on getting below 160 with no timeframe in mind because I want to do this weight loss healthy and sustainably. Reading about other people’s journeys has really been inspiring for me so I figured I’d contribute since I don’t see many women with my starting weight and height. Hopefully will contribute before and after pictures one day!

submitted by /u/kaliallie
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