Thursday, March 24, 2022

I'm Fing tired of discipline

I don't know if this will resonate but the narrative that hunger, or eating sugar, or having snacks, or whatever, is a tiger you either cage (not engage with) or leash (do, but have to struggle to control) don't work for me anymore. They make me feel awful.

They make me feel like I am a failure for feeling the want to eat at all. Something I have to do. And I become a mess of shame and self loathing. I believed that when I was obese it was all my fault, that my income, my childhood, my energy levels, and the treatment of myself by others, was 100% in my control. That I am bad for my fat on my body. Worse. Lesser. Stupid. Weak. Uncontrollable. Undisciplined. Disgusting.

I'm furious just thinking about it.

I lost almost 80lbs and I flux 10lbs. Everytime something comes up in life I put on weight because I don't have the money, time, or energy to "cage the tiger". When I do, I lose it again.

But this big scary tiger that is ruining my life? It's just a kitten and it may be big but it is sweet, and it needs love. Care. Tenderness. Forgiveness. Understanding. It needs a flipping hug.

I'm not a tiger. I'm a person. I do not feel good nor comradery when people say "I can't control myself" or "find something to distract yourself" or "just get a good enough routine". Don't. Don't control yourself you don't need more rules you need compassion. You don't need strictness, you probably had that your whole life in ways you never knew. You need to see how much joy you deserve.

This space has lots of love to give. I needed to share that in my whole weight loss journey I never gave myself love. Real love. Everyone congratulated the shit outta me. Everyone. A post to progresspics is my most upvoted submission of all time. I cared how I would look and pretended I didn't. I spent so much time on loss, counted everything, logged so neatly, but never considered if I was running myself dry. No vague mention nor anecdote of "change the inside and out" meant anything to me which is why I'm putting it like this in this post.

If you're like me, and maybe you're dying trying to hold back from some food, there's more going on then lack of self control. You're not leashing or caging a tiger, you're fruitlessly trying to choke it out and hoping it will just die. It's not going to die. It can't. It is you. You deserve better.

Lose 1lb every 2 months, hell don't lose anything yet if it means you won't hate yourself when you eat, doing so because your body is begging you to eat more, eat fast, eat shamefully, eat brazenly, eat with friends, eat alone. The tiger is begging something of you and food is just what it knows to do.

Maybe you didn't have much food before. Maybe you weren't allowed to eat much and shamed when you did. Maybe nobody fed you properly. Maybe you were forced to eat. Your body is begging for care after all you've been through and this is what it knows.

Don't try to shut it up, you can start by telling yourself I'm not a tiger. I'm not a monster. It's going to be okay. I'm sorry. And I love you.

At least for me. I hope this reaches someone else.

submitted by /u/ladyalot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For emotional eaters, sometimes weight loss might be more emotional than we think

When we gain weight sometimes it's because of some thing we're going through, something sad or stressful. Putting on weight becomes a defense mechanism to deal with certain aspects of reality. As we lose weight, we might feel more sad than usual as we start having to now face the realities and triggers that lead us to hold onto the weight. As the weight melts off, the triggers that lead to holding onto such weight might resurface to be processed and healed and dealt with.

Weight loss is always emotional for me and I find myself feeling sad more than usual especially about the things that are the triggers because I no longer react to them by eating and keeping on weight. Not only is the weight melting, but it is also releasing the trauma or sadness that was unconsciously being stored with it.

submitted by /u/ManyCryptographer705
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where do you all find your recipes?

I search for recipes on Skinny Taste sometimes, but I'm looking for some fresh new recipes. Where do you all have the most success with finding a wide variety of delicious recipes that aren't super high in calories?

While you're here, feel free to drop your favorite one-pot, meal prep, or casserole meal staples that have been tasty and effective on your weight loss journey!

One recent one I've been really into is Skinny Taste's "cheeseburger casserole". I have been making it with veggie meat, Banza chickpea noodles, and full fat cheddar. The recipe says it's 9 servings but I usually divide it into 6 servings and it's about 400 calories and 30g of protein.

submitted by /u/Suspicious_gremlin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What to do if you fall off your weight loss journey for 2 days?

There’s nothing wrong with letting go of losing weight for a few days. Please note this wasn’t a binge and this something I wanted to do and to keep me stabilized in a healthy way with food. Like I don’t feel any shame and overall it was worth it to me not stressing about what I ate or worked out by. I have come a long way so I felt it was deserving! But anyways, I took a break for two days and though mentally I feel great…physically not so much. I feel gross (like bloated and constipated tmi and I’m sorry lol). What should I do come tmrw to not feel like this? Should I continue my regular tdee and just drink a lot more water? Or do you have any remedies? I have not felt this way in a long time 😂.

submitted by /u/-Yooniverse-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What weight did you start to look 'good'?

Started my weightloss journey at around 340. I don't know for sure because I never weighed myself when I was half-assing the beginning of my journey... but when I finally did weigh myself I was at 328.

It's been 3 months since I first weighed myself and now I'm down to 263. I'm a 6' tall male. Obviously at 328 I looked pretty rough. I did not carry the weight well as I work an office job so the majority of it is in the stomach.

After dropping 65lbs I definitely notice some face gains and everything fit better... but when I look in the mirror in my eyes I look like I only lost like 10% of my mass. I still have a pretty big belly, and I still feel 'big'.

The weight loss goal I set for myself was 200lbs. And I've been thinking about how I already lost 65lbsb and I'm not seeing that much of a change in my eyes, and what if I lose this next 63lbs and I still look... fat.

And let me just say I'm not expecting to look 'great' right now. I'm still technically like 83lbs overweight, but I guess I'm still waiting for that turning point where I'm not just obese looking and more of 'oh he's just chubby'.

So my question for you all is, when did you notice that shift happen for you? What weight did you hit where you realized... ok now I'm starting to look good and your features start showing up (jawline, no more double chin, etc).

submitted by /u/dankgreentea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose skin concerns after 70+ lb weight loss

I’m not sure if i’m posting this in the correct place, if there’s somewhere better to ask please let me know!!

I’m 24 / f / 5’9, and currently 188.4 lbs. I started out at 260 back in 2018. After my father passed away from a heart attack that year i became motivated to lose weight, and managed to lose over 60 lbs to 198 over the next year. Since then I’ve been slowly regaining and relosing the weight. I hit 225 again in December and am now at my lowest weight in 10 years. I have hypothyroidism and issues with my mental health, so usually when i am off of my medications I gain back the weight, but i’m determined to keep on my meds and keep the weight off this time for good. I am very concerned about loose skin, especially since I still have over over 30 lbs left to lose. I wanted to see if anyone could look at my progress and tell me how much loose skin i should be expecting at 150-160 lbs?? There’s a lot of texture on my stomach, and i’m covered in stretch marks so i’m expecting to have a significant amount.

Stomach pictures here

Also any tips on how to reduce loose skin while losing would be great!!

submitted by /u/notgoodarusernames52
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

NSV: When you thought you binged but you actually only ate at maintenance

Is anyone else at that stage in their weight loss journey where they are starting to redefine feelings of fullness and hunger?

I feel like I've made a breakthrough!

Today, I had takeout for dinner as a treat, and ate a pre-prepared lunch as usual. I felt stuffed! Based on relative portion sizes, and my feeling of fullness, I assumed this was my "cheat" day. It felt like I had eaten a ton of calories.

However, after carefully adding up the calories, it came to a grand total of... 1800 kcal! AKA my maintenance amount! (if I factor in light exercise)

Wow - I feel like I'm finally getting to the stage where I'm no longer sure I could physically binge eat if I wanted to, and boy, does it feel nice.

Anyone had a similar breakthrough experience?

submitted by /u/Minimum_Eff0rt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat