Thursday, March 24, 2022

Loose skin concerns after 70+ lb weight loss

I’m not sure if i’m posting this in the correct place, if there’s somewhere better to ask please let me know!!

I’m 24 / f / 5’9, and currently 188.4 lbs. I started out at 260 back in 2018. After my father passed away from a heart attack that year i became motivated to lose weight, and managed to lose over 60 lbs to 198 over the next year. Since then I’ve been slowly regaining and relosing the weight. I hit 225 again in December and am now at my lowest weight in 10 years. I have hypothyroidism and issues with my mental health, so usually when i am off of my medications I gain back the weight, but i’m determined to keep on my meds and keep the weight off this time for good. I am very concerned about loose skin, especially since I still have over over 30 lbs left to lose. I wanted to see if anyone could look at my progress and tell me how much loose skin i should be expecting at 150-160 lbs?? There’s a lot of texture on my stomach, and i’m covered in stretch marks so i’m expecting to have a significant amount.

Stomach pictures here

Also any tips on how to reduce loose skin while losing would be great!!

submitted by /u/notgoodarusernames52
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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