Monday, March 14, 2022

Breakfast or no Breakfast?

It almost seems like a revolutionary act to eat or consider eating a morning breakfast these days, since intermittent fasting has completely taken over and most people opt to eat later in the day.

But, I’m starting to think missing breakfast has truly led to me leading an unstructured life, which made room for binge-eating which ultimately damaged all weight loss efforts.

Since moving to uni, and living with other people, it has allowed me to reflect a great deal on my eating habits and where I may be going wrong. My usual day is often me eating my first meal anywhere from 12pm to 5pm, never having breakfast really, and then binge eating later on in the evening, sometimes having meals even during the night if I’m still hungry.

This is a great deal different to the structure my international flatmates follow, they’re usually up early to have breakfast (7am/8am) and usually finish their dinner by 7pm. Personally, I’m starting to believe this is the healthiest way to eat and it’s the way I want to live my life too. I want to eat with more structure.

I have often felt guilty for eating early in the mornings, like the meal is “unnecessary” and I can “go without it” but today as I toasted my bagel, my flatmate took out two of the same bagels and ate them with peanut butter for breakfast. She is a healthy weight, and it made me feel better for having breakfast myself.

I’m starting to think I was setting myself up for failure not having breakfast all this time. If I had created more structured time eating, rather than binge-starve-binge cycles, I would have been leading a healthier life all along.

What’s your take on breakfast? Do you think it’s important? Do you have it?

submitted by /u/InternationalAd7273
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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