Saturday, March 19, 2022

Help Losing Weight on a College Dining Plan

I am 18F, 168 lbs, 5’ 4”, and have been trying to lose weight for years, and have successfully lost about 12 lbs (with no clear cause of why). I have tried CICO and keto, and neither worked for me (keto worked briefly but was incredibly difficult to maintain long term). When I first came to college, I was definitely overeating, so I gained around 5 pounds, but not the full freshman 15. Once I saw I had gained weight, I changed my diet. However at some point because of the pressures to be thin in college I was eating incredibly minimally to lose weight: one meal a day or less, and I would get incredibly nauseous if I tried to eat a big meal, so it was probably 500 kcal at most per day. Obviously I lost weight (10 lbs) and got to my lowest weight in years of around 160 lbs. When I returned to eating relatively normally (and with the assistance of being home for the winter holidays) I gained most of it back, bringing me to my current weight. Also, the reason I returned to eating normally was because I had started weightlifting, which stimulated my appetite. Still, I eat mostly a healthy amount of food (it’s difficult to count dining hall calories but I never eat more than my skinny friends (at least not enough to make an 80 pound difference in our weights, as my best friend is about 90 lbs) and I rarely snack, sometimes skipping meals bc of a busy schedule). When I do eat unhealthy food, I make sure my portion size is smaller to make up for it. Throughout weightlifting, my weight has not changed. I’ve noticed my legs getting more muscular and maybe slightly slimmer, but it seems like my stomach, which has actually always been one of the thinner parts of my body, has gained weight. Because I’m a college student, I also walk around 4-10 miles per day, as I live about 1 mile from campus. Considering all these factors, I’m not sure what more I could do to lose weight. If I cut my eating even more, I feel that I’ll go back into the unhealthy weight loss I had before which I immediately regained. I also actually enjoy the taste of healthy foods and tend to pick those options at the dining hall and rarely eat out. I just don’t know what else I could do at this point.

Edit: thank you if you read until the end haha I kind of wrote a lot to get all my frustrations out

submitted by /u/pomelobutterfly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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