Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Something weird is going on in my neighborhood.

(Hope I flared this right)

So I'm going to come out and say it I live currently in the most obese state in the continental United States (I've looked up the stats once or twice) there are many factors as to why this is. General overarching culture, poverty, lack of education (this I think is the biggest and because of my husband's work I know that kids here can't do basic math in HS and lack many other fundamental skills they should have learned frankly it's deplorable and their school system should be criminal but I digress), and just general mental health issues here due to many of the above factors it's very sad.

So part of my weight loss has been that I walk on average 15k to 20k steps a day on top of going to the gym several times a week. As you can imagine I've gotten some really weird looks from my neighbors as the see me out doing laps around our apartment complex starting early in the morning and carrying on throughout the day. I wave and am polite to people but they do stare and it's kind of unnerving but that's what noise cancelling headphones are for and my podcasts. Anywho starting on Monday some of the other wives started joining me on my walks. First they lagged behind but today they saw me coming out of my back porch area so they joined me.

One of the wives mentioned well we see you out here everyday rain or shine and have noticed you've lost quite a bit of weight so we thought we would give it a try too. More the merrier is my motto but it's a little weird as I started this for myself and now I've got them asking me my "secrets" and how long before they see results. Honestly I was extremely overwhelmed as I'm not a super sociable person right off the bat with people, it takes me a minute to warm up to them. So any advice on how to tell them what I've learned without coming across the wrong way?

Like to me CICO is simple but I know it's not simple for everyone and I don't want anyone to get discouraged from improving their health because it may seem too complicated. Has anyone else ever had this happen?

submitted by /u/engagedandloved
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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