Thursday, March 17, 2022

My weight is stagnant despite being in a calorie deficit and using weights 4 times a week, help?!


I’ve been trying to lose weight and get toned properly since the beginning of this year. From Summer 2021 until the end of the year I gained about 28lbs, I had very bad depression (due to factors which are no longer applicable) and suffered with binge eating disorder because of it.

Im 22, 5’3 and about 190lbs. I started seeing a personal trainer twice a week early February, and she was telling me about body recomposition and how it may take some time for me to see the changes, as im building muslce. I usually eat around 1600-1700 calories a day, some days slightly more but I very rarely go over my maintenance (which I believe is just under 2500 calories). I try and go to the gym 4 times a week (including 2 PT sessions). I do weight training and a bit of cardio at the end, alternating between upper and lower body days. Summer is approaching and I feel like I haven’t progressed much. I’ve certainly gotten stronger as I’ve been increasing the weights each week, and my waist measurements have dropped by about an inch, but other than that I feel like I should be losing more weight considering the weight that I am. I’ve pretty much stayed stagnant, I weigh myself every morning. I rarely drink, maybe once a fortnight if that, and I rarely have fast food. I do find if I have a “cheat night” it takes a good 4 days for me to drop the pounds gained from the bloat.

I’m just worried I won’t see any progress, I’m worried I’m doing something wrong as I am eating in a deficit and I’m working really hard at the gym and try and do a lot of walking. The only other factor I can think of is since February I have been off the contraceptive pill, I know it can normally cause some changes in the first few months but I thought weight loss was more common than weight gain. I try and eat as much protein as possible, most days I eat 120g<. I also don’t get a ton of sleep a lot of nights (though I nap during the day) but I don’t see how that can be the sole issue, and once fixed I would see the pounds drop. I try and limit my carbs (as per PT’s advice) to less than 160g a day, most days I eat around the 130g mark or less.

It’s just hard because I feel like I have a lot to lose and I’m just not seeing the pounds drop, I know muscle could be a contributing factor but I read that you can only gain about 1kg of muscle a month. I’ve lost weight before during lockdown, I did cardio workouts from home. It’s gotten to the point where I’m scared to go out and socialise because I bloat very easily (yesterday I had a pizza on a work outing, 950 cals according to website, had 1700 calories yesterday altogether, 8000 steps, woke up today bloated with half an inch gained on my waist.)

Any advice?

submitted by /u/Faithyxox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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