Thursday, March 17, 2022

Weird reactions to my weight loss

Hey ya'll,

So here I am, 28 pounds lighter standing tallish at 5'7". I never carried my weight poorly. I don't think I was ever ugly or unattractive. However, medicine made me gain serious and fast a few years ago. I have fought hard and dropped from 168 to 140. Today I went in to the office after 2 years go pick up my old things for my home office. I don't want to start commuting again. The admin lady greeted me and we had a nice catch up. She said, "Your figure looks different (she's French she meant it not in the way you think exactly). Did something change?" I told her, "I lost 25 pounds". I had been an early covid case and she replied, "I hope it wasn't because of covid". "Some of it was actually". I didn't think much of it and packed up my stuff and left. Back home I realized that oh cool someone noticed my weight loss! Especially notable since in the mirror I still can't see it. I phone my mom to tell her. My mom has been the biggest spoiler of my weight loss journey ever. She will ply me with doughnuts, chips, McDonald's, KFC, chocolates, everything you can imagine. Then she will tell me I'm too fat to wear certain clothes etc etc. Totally fucked up right? Yes, I know. I've spoken to her many times about it. Pick a lane. You want a chubby but healthy daughter then continue but then you can't make fun of the chubbiness. You want a thin beautiful daughter, stop with the doughnuts and make me a salad. Anyways, I told my mother what my colleague said and her response was, "You called to tell me that? Of course she noticed. You don't have that extra layer of fat anymore." Like...that IS true. But also, what the fuck? Couldn't she have just said, that's nice or asked how it made me feel? Clearly it made me feel something to call my mother in London about it.

submitted by /u/aziza7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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