Friday, April 15, 2022

Weight loss - a bit scared of switching from diet-only to lifting weights

Hi everybody!

I was looking for some advice from the more experienced people here.

I'm more than halfway through my weight goal. I'm 27F, 5'1, and I went from 191 lbs to 136 over a year. My goal weight is roughly 100-115 lbs (I don't know how my body looks on less than 136, and I'm calculating these ideal numbers without the eventual muscle weight I'd gain). I'm pretty small-boned for reference.

Up until now I've only restricted calories and watched my macros very closely, and as of today, I feel confident in my eating patterns and I love healthy cooking. I'm very sedentary due to work and education.

I can lose weight without problems this way, but now that I'm almost normal weight, I'm starting to notice that I lost a lot of muscular strength. I have pretty high energy levels and I can sustain moderate exercise like hiking/running (for the bus), but I have very weak limbs. I struggle to lift things that I had no problem lifting some months ago and overall feel super flabby.

I think this is due to my muscles adapting to the new weight (less fat to lift when moving = less strength required = body adapting) and probably eating in a deficit for a long time, despite being very strict with an adequate protein & fat intake. Other than this, my health has greatly benefited from the weight loss, so I'm sure it's not a health issue, but something I want to solve nonetheless.

So this month I'll be signing up at a gym! My three goals are losing the remaining fat, gaining strength, and less importantly, building some glutes. I'm looking for a gym that has competent personal trainers to whom I can ask stuff, but I tend to have LOTS of questions and I'm kinda afraid to bother them.

I'm not very experienced with gym workouts/weight training, and I'm looking for advice. What should I do with my usual deficit calories if I weight train 3 days a week? Should I add the workout calories to my daily goal, and how can I exactly calculate them if so? Can I eat in the usual deficit on no-gym days? What kinds of exercises should I concentrate on? I'm not scared of lifting the maximum weight I can manage, nor becoming "huge" (I know that doesn't happen by accident but thanks to a lot of hard work). Will working out AND keeping a substantial deficit (in a healthy range) prevent me from getting stronger?

This is a huge switch for me and I'm a bit scared of losing my weight loss momentum and going outside of my comfort zone since I'm now used to the weight dropping relatively easy. But yeah, I don't want to be weak. So whatever kind of advice is welcome, and I'd be super happy to read about your experiences if you've gone through a similar stage. Thank you all in advance!! And sorry for the wordy post. I'm not a native speaker and it's hard to be brief in another language 💀

submitted by /u/Objective_Usual_1789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I just avoid foods that don't have the calories clearly labeled?

I just ate some food from a restaurant but I have anxiety as far as my weight loss goals and calorie count for the day because I don't know how many calories was in the food.

I understand that a solution to this might be to only eat foods where the calories are labeled, but most restaurants don't label them. I'm now feeling demotivated as far as my weight loss efforts because it feels like I should just toss the rest of the day out, or like I should go to bed without dinner.

The good thing is that I did stop eating when I felt full, instead of finishing all of the food so that I wouldn't waste it.

submitted by /u/manicmidori
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss was noticed!

Usually I really feel uncomfortable with people mentioning my appearance and my body. Today I went to take my dog for our daily walk and my dad joined. He stopped by the dumpster to take out the trash and started talking to a neighbor for a minute. I was standing further away letting my dog sniff so I didn’t hear any of the conversation.

When my dad finally joined us, he told me that the neighbor asked if I was okay. My dad said yes,why? And the neighbor replied that I’d lost weight and wanted to make sure I was okay and wasn’t sick or anything.

I found it nice that he didn’t say anything to me directly, and while I still don’t love people talking about my body, it was nice that my hard work was noticed. I don’t really see a difference because I see myself everyday, but knowing that others do is pretty nice. I also know people are bound to talk about my appearance no matter what, so I’m glad the neighbor wanted to be more respectful in his approach :)

submitted by /u/joerogannipples
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 5 kgs (11 lbs) in 2 weeks just by cutting out (refined) sugar!

I only just recently started my weight loss journey and my biggest struggle when it comes to weight gain has always been sweets. I felt like I'd been using sugar as an emotional crutch for so long and I'd just gotten really tired of it.

I decided to quit about 2 weeks ago and after a bit of a withdrawal period, I've actually found that I almost don't crave it at all anymore. I've only had a small amount of chocolate here and there. I've also noticed my appetite decreasing a lot, which I'm not sure is related. I used to feel like I could just always eat, but now I actually feel satisfied after a meal. Maybe sugar can affect your hunger cues?

Anyway, I'm just really happy that I feel like I've finally actually broken this addiction!

submitted by /u/perpetuallyconfused7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

protein shakes for weight loss

F. 5 ft 4 162lb. Is it safe to use protein shakes as meal replacement for 1/2 meals a day. I have 13/15lbs to lose to get to my pre baby weight. I currently eat 1400-1600 calories pd. Weight loss is painfully slow although I am working out so aware I'm gaining some muscle as well. I have fairly healthy habits. Working out 3 times per week and walking 5+ miles per day. However I have pcos and that really slow things down for me. Would two shakes a day and then a 600 calorie meal or so be safe for a month or so ? I'm aware it's not ideal but I always go over when trying to eat 1200 and miss my macros .Im getting married soon so i know quick fixes arent sustainable but anyone with any experience / results would be appreciated

submitted by /u/Ruby9345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not able to control my cravings after a heavy workout session

I am not if this fits this sub, but here you go.

Background (can skip)- About two months ago I decided to take my health seriously. I was feeling really ashamed of myself for letting me become what I was then, as I was an avid professional badminton player. I would eat a lot of junk (KFC, Kebabs, Shawarmas, pizzas) all of them in a day. And then come eat home food. All this was attributed to my stress eating as I work around 11-12hrs a day in a huge MNC.

Story - About two months ago I (22M; 6.2ft) was ~118kgs. Since then following a very strict regimen of exercises, I am ~110kgs, I am so proud of myself for this achievement. I have not had KFC, Dominos or any of such food for like a month. But I have realised after swimming in the evening (15-20 laps; 20m) or a weight lifting session at the gym, I get this unquenchable urge to eat. Like junk. Since a week, I have been trying to avoid this urge, but I always fail to do so, I eat something in a restaurant (unhealthy, but not as bad as what I used to eat before), and this is surely curtailing my weight loss motivation.

I read that there is this hormone called leptin that fat releases, but after some amount of fat reduction or after a workout, this hormone really transmits hunger signals. I am really enjoying the weight loss rn, but since around a week I have remained a ~110kgs. Can you guys please suggest to me tips/ tricks to avoid this? This is really affecting my mental state when I do not see adequate progress due to my own inability to stop myself from eating after a workout.

I can post my diet and exercise routine here if needed.


tl;dr: Lost significant weight, but since a week, after a good workout session, I tend to give in to my cravings and eat junk. Therefore any suggestions/ tricks/ tips or like mental resilience training is appreciated.

submitted by /u/theRealAriel666
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Back to square one

SW: 95KG CW: 108KG GW: 75KG

Hi everyone,

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I used to really enjoy exercising when I first became committed to my weight loss journey, gym 3x a week, and walks every other day - I'd count my calories, and stick to healthy choices.

Then lockdown hit. Went from 95 to 108kg, and just gave up.

I've tried to get back into it, but it just feels pointless, I always lose some weight and then just gain it all back.

I'm sick of living like this, the constant pains, clothes fitting and then becoming too tight, the self-hatred. I don't remember ever being a healthy weight. I've always been either overweight or obese.

I want to change, I truly do - Any tips?

submitted by /u/jotolion
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from loseit - Lose the Fat