Saturday, April 30, 2022

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: My BMI is finally within "normal" weight!

I started in 2018 weighing 245lbs with a BMI classifying me as obese. When I lost enough weight to move from an obese BMI to and overwight BMI, I was too mired in leaving an abusive relationship to celebrate.

But now, I'm living on my own and I've made a huge milestone! Officially as of this morning my weight is 149lbs which for my height has now shifted my BMI into "normal"! 🎊💛🎉😄

I'm pretty darn proud of myself! I've still got weight to lose before I've met my weight loss goal, but I'm celebrating this victory with a Reddit post. I'm also very proud of myself for not celebrating with food that broke my daily calorie intake, instead I'll be enjoying one Lindt truffle with my tea before bedtime.🍬 🫖 😊

To everyone here in the obese range - you can do it!

submitted by /u/Cobby_Kitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Home weight loss workouts?

Hi All!

I started grad school last year and I'm working full time on top of it, and with the stress and lack of time my eating has gotten crazy and I've stopped moving around a lot, and have gained probably 30-40lbs. I'm looking to get back into some better routines, so was wondering if any of you had good home workouts for weight loss I could try out? I live in an apartment in New York, so don't have a ton of space, but would love a 15-30 daily workout to get my body weight down and get back into the routine of moving around.

Any tips or suggestions would be super helpful!

submitted by /u/brickwall5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

does intermittent fasting add up in weight loss in addition to a calorie deficit? if yes then by how much?

i am a bit confused as i don't know whether intermittent fasting just helps you keep a deficit or helps you burn extra calories in addition to a calorie deficit. According to my current plan, i will be able to burn 7kg (16 lbs) in two months with a calorie intake of 1,000-1,500 calories per day which is about 40-60 percent of my maintenance calories. if i am burning 2lbs per week with this plan, will i be able to burn more with intermittent fasting? if yes then how much?.

Also please give me suggestions on how i can maximize my weight loss with a calorie deficit of -800 to -600.

submitted by /u/papu_panchoda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do hot studios help with weight loss or have any fitness benefits?

I went to a Hot Pilates class today. The workout itself was not difficult. There was a lot of core work and squats and stretching. In a regular air-conditioned gym, I could have completed the workout, no problem. What was intensely difficult was the feeling of not being able to breathe properly. I almost passed out at the 40 min mark because I was lightheaded and dizzy. I sweated a lot. The instructor told me I'll get used to it, and to keep trying, but I am not sure if it is worth the effort to go back. I am at my heaviest now and I desperately want to lose 15kg in 3 months. I gym twice a week (strength training mostly), and do a longish bike ride of 50-70 km every week. If hot studios really help with weight loss, then I'm game to push through it. But the question is, do hot studios actually have this benefit, or any fitness benefit, compared to just going to another group class?

submitted by /u/bloopingplatypus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Slightly silly thing to feel proud about, but I can't eat as much.

So I've really been trying to fix my eating habits, build up a routine and exercise. It's been really tough to get into the routine and I've been out injured for the last 9 days, but one thing I have fixed is my eating.

I used to be a secret eater, a comfort eater. I could demolish a large Dominos pizza to myself, or an entire bag of sweets. Well tonight we ordered 2 medium pizzas (wasn't sure I wanted to as I don't eat much) and after 4 slices I am full.

Stupid thing to be proud of I know, but the ability to eat less and be full easier really makes me happy. If I can just get the weight loss to take as well, then I'll finally be happy and able to reach my goals.

submitted by /u/DialZforZebra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I was complimented by a neighbor on my weight loss while out on my walk this morning

SW: 265 CW: 240 GW: 185

A little backstory first: My wife of 13 years left me a month ago for someone I considered one of my best friends. This was absolutely devastating as I thought we had a happy marriage, and she refused to give us a chance to work on it. This sent me spiraling for the first week or so, and led to me losing about 12 pounds from just not being able to eat.

As I started processing my feelings and everything happening around me, I decided I would make the best of this shitty situation. With my appetite being very low to nonexistent for the first couple weeks, I used that to transition to healthier eating. I didn't care what food was tasting like at that point, so why not? As that was easy to do, I incorporated a daily walk into my routine. I found a route in my neighborhood that would came out to 1.5 miles, and quickly started doing that route twice each day to hit 3 miles.

So now with all of that, I have gone from 265 pounds to 240 (was 295 at my heaviest about 4 years ago). I know the progress is there in the scale. I was wearing 3X shirts, but I've actually picked up some 2X shirts that fit really well. So I know it's there, but it's difficult to see in the mirror each day. I don't let it discourage me or anything, but I spend a good amount of time alone now so it's not like I have a ton of social interaction for me to get a different perspective (although I am actively working on being more social with my friends).

This morning I went out for my usual daily walk, and in my neighborhood everyone does a polite wave or whatever when walking/running/driving by each other. I don't really know many people though outside of those right around me. I'm early on in my walk, and this SUV starts slowing down and rolls down their windows. I take out my earbuds and she tells me what a great job she thinks I'm doing. She said she's seen me out every day, and can see how much weight I'm losing. I was absolutely stunned especially since I was wearing my 3X Deftones hoodie that doesn't do me any favors, but keeps me warm on brisk mornings.

All I could really do was stand there and just keep telling her thank you for all her kind words. I had to hold in a small breakdown where I spill everything I'm going through and just how much her stopping and saying these things to me really means. My journey is far from over as I would ideally like to hit 185 pounds, but I can't emphasize how much that brief 90 second interaction motivated me to keep it up. Not just for my kids. Not just to stick it to my soon to be ex-wife and my former friend. But for me. I've been fat my whole life, and I am already down to my weight I was at in middle school. I know it won't always be easy, but knowing that others are watching will help me continue to hold myself accountable.

TL;DR Life as I knew it was shattered. I'm making a better one. Someone I don't really know noticed and it made me happy.

submitted by /u/AFarewellToArms
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, April 29, 2022

Is there a point to lifting weight while dieting?

So the basic principle of building muscle seems to be to damage muscle tissue and repair it by consuming a lot of calories and protein. This is why body builders go on bulking/cutting cycles. Weight loss is about having a caloric deficit, which seems like it would impede any possible muscle growth. So I imagine lifting while dieting would be like being in a constant state of not having enough calories to rebuild damaged tissue.

Despite this, people still seem to believe that weight lifting is very good for changing body composition. I know weight lifting isn't really a high-caloric activity, but I do like the general health benefits it offers. Is it worth making it a regular thing while dieting, or should we wait until we are able to eat a caloric surplus?

submitted by /u/Sorreljorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat