Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Down 135lbs and now 1 week post-op male tummy tuck + lipo! 🎉🥳🙏🏻🥰

Hi guys! Last Tuesday I had a lipoabdominoplasty done as well as stitching of my abdominal muscles due to a diastasis recti that occurred from years of weight gain (I had no idea my abs had separated! Crazy to find this out afterwards)

Anyways today marks one week post operation and I am really happy with the results so far. I had no idea how serious of a surgery this was and how intense the early recovery process can be. My first two days at home were very difficult. I found it really hard to get comfortable and the amount of pressure on my abdomen from the girdle + the drain bulbs and learning to change out gauze on the tube insertion/ belly button sites was challenging. I had my bulb removed yesterday and had a true shower and it felt amazing.

I started with the manual lymphatic draining massages and have had 3 now and I cannot recommend these enough. They are really helping with the swelling and bruising (lipo left some nasty bruises! 😨)

I’m really learning the importance of rest and taking it easy. It’s been really difficult as I’m extremely active. The week leading up to surgery I ran 50 miles and so to go from super active and always on the go to full-stop was hard. I’m learning to appreciate the process though and rest. My body truly needs the downtime and recovery.

Anyways - here’s day 2 and day 7. Can’t wait to see what I look like in another month! Hopefully by then I can do some light jogging. I am so glad after losing 135lbs and keeping the weight off for almost 8 years now, that I finally did this for me and my future. Is it hot girl summer yet because I am so ready to rock the speedo in a few months.. and show off my new body. Ayeeeee 🎉🥳🥰

I posted this because I don’t see a whole lot of male tummy tucks happening and so I wanted to create a discussion that allows the men here to feel open to the procedure. I want this to be a safe space where everyone can feel comfortable..

A few answers off the bat:

  • I had mine done with the weight loss team PV.

  • I traveled to Puerto Vallarta (my favorite getaway spot) and had the surgery done at the CMQ Premiere hospital on April 26

  • The process went so smoothly and My nurses were outstanding. They went above and beyond to make the whole experience as painless and comfortable as possible

  • Do not be afraid to travel internationally. The doctors here are just as good as in the US and we all know cost is a factor in this decision. I saved $10K by coming here to have the surgery done.

I’ll leave this open for anyone who has questions or wants to know more about the process or if you want more of a backstory on who I am and why I decided to do this.

Besos y abrazos! 💕


submitted by /u/warriordude07
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3EaxzOi

A little makes a lot

If you're anything like me, you might be lurking this sub searching for inspiration to lose weight.

Because of my own weight loss experience I wanted to share what I believe to be the biggest mindset shift that allowed things to "click" for me -

I had crippling analysis paralysis - constantly trying to figure out the "best" plan or regime before embarking on my journey. I felt I had to be 100% in or not at all, and of course often chose to do nothing at all.

During the lockdown my wife and I just decided to spend a ton of time hiking and adventuring and I think this is where it started. It was after I spent even 20 minutes outside doing something physical that it started to compound into other areas of my life. Gradually we started to increase our distance and elevation but it wasn't for a while (I was nearing 300Lbs at the time)

I wanted to eat better afterwards, had better sleep, had a ton of energy and my binge drinking nulled.

For the lurkers - just start with 20. Action leads to motivation, not the reverse.

submitted by /u/HabsCollins1122
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/vjRQn8A

Monday, May 2, 2022

I just bought some clothes that ended up being too small. I'm still excited!

It was an accident, of course. I thought they would fit. I started at 252lbs at 5'7" in April and just weighed myself this morning to find that I'm at 239lbs! I was ecstatic because even my 3x sized clothing was tight or completely not fitting me at all, but now I'm fitting in it again. So, while I was shopping today, I decided to get a couple of clearanced clothing items. I got home to try them on and... I got them on... but they were so tight that I had a huge muffin top.

But I'm still so happy! The skirt with a zipper I bought wouldn't have even gotten on a month ago. I decided to take a picture of myself wearing the skirt so that I can have a nice progress photo here in a couple of months! I have to say, other than health, being able to shop where you want to is one of my favorite parts of weight loss and I am eager to be there :)

On that note, let me know if anyone wants to be friends on myfitnesspal! I started my account when I was 300lbs+ and have used it over the years. Most of my friends on there aren't active anymore. :)

submitted by /u/datfatkittycat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/YnZ6D15

New to Weight Loss

Hi. I’m a 26 year old male and I’d venture to say I’m morbidly obese. I’m six feet and seven inches tall and I weigh close to five hundred pounds. After years of being unhealthy I’ve decided to try to turn it around and get fit. It’s not easy staying motivated though. I think a lot about how much I’ve shortened my life by waiting this long. Like is the damage to my heart already done and am I still going to live a shortened life even if I lose the weight? Thoughts like that run through my mind pretty often. But I’m trying. I’ve completely cut out fast food and soda, I try to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, and I’ve started walking every day after work around the block for thirty minutes to an hour. Do you guys have any tips for staying motivated or otherwise? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/PAIN120721
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/v0mUJbj

Been exercising and monitoring what I eat since December 2021…haven’t even lost 10 pounds. :(

Long story short, I gained a bunch of weight during quarantine and have been trying to desperately lose it. I’m a 26F and I’m so embarrassed to admit this, but…I weigh nearly 270 pounds. I’m short too so it’s not like I can hide it. I don’t drink soda, alcohol, or sugary coffees. Rarely do I eat out— in fact, my diet is very boring & my portions are small. No snacking either—I thought exercise + fine-tuning my diet would work, but nope.

I hit the gym for an hour 3-5 times a week, and recently, I was very proud of being able to run for 9 minutes on the treadmill without stopping! I’m able to fit into clothes I could barely squeeze into before; my face is way less bloated, and my family & friends have commented on my “weight loss”. So I figured what the heck, let me weigh myself to see how much I’ve lost!


I haven’t been able to stop crying. The damn scale read “265” and it’s such a huge blow to my self esteem. I’ve stopped binge eating. I exercise regularly now. I drink water like a fish. The biggest culprit I can think of is stress and medicine to manage my depression, but even so, I don’t think that’s sufficient evidence. My doctor has tested me for thyroid problems because it runs in the family, but thankfully the results came back negative.

I don’t know what to do or how to feel, other than worthless. Last time I saw my doctor, the first thing that came out of his mouth was “Congratulations! You qualify for gastric sleeve surgery.” Broke my heart and motivated me to start taking my health seriously.

I’m completely devastated. I don’t want to be morbidly obese anymore. It’s humiliating. A friend took a pic of me wearing an orange sweater and I fucking looked like a pumpkin. I’ve never weighed this much and knowing that I’ve been working out for FIVE MONTHS and haven’t even lost 10 pounds makes me feel like I’m going insane.

Some words of motivation, constructive criticism, or anything really would help. I feel so lost… thank you for reading my ramblings

submitted by /u/PizzaLungs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/GsNgOqb

Don’t give up when it’s just started!

I’m a registered dietitian and work with plenty of clients for weight loss. I had one recently starting to see changes but was so defeated when it was not huge progress in the beginning. We broke down her small non-scale victories together and determined her trajectory if continued overtime.

She said “why am I even doing this?”

“Why am I even trying?”

“This isn’t going to work even with the changes I’ve started.”

Fast forward three months and now her mom and dad are also forming healthy habits with her. She is wearing a size large now instead of extra large. She finally posted a picture of herself on her profile! She feels great!

I just wanted to share her efforts and the fruits of her labor—as many of you will also see overtime.

The biggest element that worked for her was that we had a very sustainable plan she could see herself doing for years down the road. Previously she was overly restricting and punishing herself.

Revisit your goals often and push forward with your healthy habits! Also try your best to be kind to yourself!

submitted by /u/money-please
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Uc36oxC

Everything feels so confusing and I just want to give up

I’ve been trying to do gradual weight loss because I know if I just restrict myself and put myself on a diet I will not succeed.

But everything is so confusing regarding what’s healthy and what’s not. One minute I feel good because I’ve been eating rice and vegetables and then the next minute, I read that rice isn’t healthy and is gonna make me fat.

I make myself a great big salad then I see that I should be eating more and all the add ins make the salad unhealthy.

I buy myself seltzer or zero sugar drinks to replace all the soda I drink and I see “neither is healthy, you’re gonna stay fat”

I just don’t know what to buy or eat anymore.

submitted by /u/patripstaarr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/xZtRGaj