Thursday, June 9, 2022

My wife can't lose weight and i don't know how to help

My wife and I started dieting and doing high intensity interval training 10 months ago. We've been doing intermittent fasting and I've lost 70lbs, but she hasn't lost any weight. She's in caloric deficit every day, fasts for 12 hours, eats healthy, we still do HIIT 3 days a week, but she still can't seem to lose any weight. It affects her self esteem and she feels hopeless. I think it might be a hormonal imbalance maybe due to her birth control, but she went to the doctor and they pretty much just wrote her off. It hurts to watch my fiance so sad. I try my best to support her and encourage her and remind her that I'll be right by her side every step of the way. I just can't imagine how she feels when she has to witness everyone come up to me and comment about my weight loss when she's been working just as hard and hasn't lost any weight.

Does anyone have any insight into situations like this? Or any advice? Maybe we're missing something? Anything? I just want my fiance to be happy again because her mental health is really suffering right now and I really don't know what to do. Thanks guys

submitted by /u/Berts_Accomplice
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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Down 5lbs and proud of habit building!

This post turned out longer than I had initially intended, whoops!

TL:DR I’ve been focused on building small sustainable habit changes to facilitate better health and weight loss. It feels great to see the small changes building, and I’ve got 5lbs weight loss to show for it!

—————- Hi all, this is my first post! I’ve been lurking for a few weeks and finally am excited to share a SV that I’m down 5lbs!

What I’m even more proud of, though, is my 39 day streak of (tracked) work outs. I shared a pic of my workout tracker on my profile feed. Technically I started getting on my stationary bike daily at the end of April, but I used May 1st to start keeping track in a physical journal.

I then started CICO tracking on MFP mid-May, and that’s really when I started earnestly working on losing weight.

I’m excited for this go round of weight loss because I feel so much more intentional with my habit building. I want to lose the weight, yes, but my bigger picture goals are to get my blood pressure under control and build healthy habits to facilitate a more enjoyable and more functional old age. I’m looking at 40 next year, and my spouse and I joke too much about how “old” we’re getting and how much our bodies are “falling apart”. If this is how I feel at the end of my 30s, I am dreading my 50s, 60s and beyond. My overall health is my biggest motivating factor this time, and now that I’ve proven to myself that I can build a daily cardio habit, I’m super excited to see how far I can go!

One thing that has been so helpful to me in this new mindset is the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. A friend recommended it after I commented on their recently noticeable weight loss. I’m a Malcom Gladwell and Freakonomics fan, so I thought I already had a decent handle on habit building, even though I never seemed able to actually apply it to myself. The Atomic Habits book has been a game changer though. It gave me new perspective on how to start the process of making new habits, and for the first time ever I have this sense of “I can do this” with regards to becoming a person who has a daily cardio exercise routine.

That has carried over to changing my diet. Over the past month my spouse and I have started shifting to a more “Mediterranean Style Diet” with more plant-based meals, whole grains instead of simple carbs, less red meat and more fish. The same way that I made getting on my bike an easier choice by moving it into a room I’m in all the time, we’re building default meal options to be healthier meal options. From there it’s just been a matter of portion/calorie control on my part.

I know this honeymoon period of excitement won’t last forever, and there will be harder days motivation wise, but I’m celebrating the high right now!

submitted by /u/thebestagon
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So sick of crying at doctor's appointments.

I (25F) have always struggled with my weight, during quarantine I lost quite a lot with keto. I was really proud of myself until I went to my pcp and she was unimpressed, and made me feel like I had made no progress.

After that I just didn't stick to keto. Here we are 2 years later and I have gain 130 pounds from my lowest on keto. The highest I have ever been by about 80 pounds. For the first time in my life, I feel truly ashamed of myself and my body. For the first time I do not feel confident in how I look, how my clothes fit, how much activity I can actually participate in.

I decided enough was enough, I started going to a weight loss doctor. Things were going well(ish) for the first month, then I fell off the wagon and gained 20 pounds before going back again (the 20 is included in the 130). I was scared and really anxious to go back. But she was understanding, we regrouped and I was ready to start again. Since then I haven't been doing the best, but I've been making progress, I've been fasting, eating less, exercising a ton, and I've actually lost weight.

I went in to my pcp and she told me how much weight I had gained since I last saw her (quite a lot) and decided the best thing was to remind me how much I was at my lowest on keto and how much I've gained. I cried for the rest of the day. I know she's just trying to help and encourage me, but it just stung.

But I'm so tired of feeling weak, lazy, and I'm just becoming disgusted with myself. I want to shame eat and I just feel so many negative feelings, I can't even identify them all. I want to just starve until I'm nothing, eat until I die at 30, and just sit and wallow, all at once.

But I'm not going to do any of that. I am going to raise my head, stick with the food plan the weight loss doctor gave me, and keep exercising. It's not going to be easy, but I am so fucking tired of crying everytime I go to the doctors.

submitted by /u/LawsOfWonderland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

feeling disheartened with the side effects of weight loss

In a little under a year I went from 250 to 180lb and ideally I’d like to lose another 30-40 to get myself to a normal BMI. Mentally I’m feeling motivated, but my body feels like it’s throwing in the towel. Pretty soon after I started losing my hair began falling out like crazy. I’m now a 22 year old woman with a giant bald patch. Like Elon Musk pre hair plugs bad. My blood pressure has gotten really low; I get dizzy going up stairs and standing up and I’ve blacked out a couple times. I’ve also been plateauing for about a month now, which I know is normal, but it feels a little ridiculous to be starving my body and getting nothing out of it. I feel so frustrated because I tried hard to lose weight a healthy way- eating nutritious meals, exercising and building sustainable habits. Instead I feel like I’ve damaged my body. Anyway I know I should probably take a maintenance break, and I could definitely stand to gain some muscle, but it’s hard to not feel like I’m giving up. I guess I’m wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and how you got through it?

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Soooo which scale number do you guys use?

Hi friends,

I started my weight loss journey about a week and a half ago or so. Every day when I wake up, I weight myself and enter the number into Happy Scale. Usually I do step on the scale like 3-5 times because I notice that sometimes the number goes up or down depending on how I stand and stuff, so I like to do it multiple times and usually I use the average. Today the numbers jumped around a little more than I expected.

I weighed myself 5 times. I got 178.3 x2, 178.7 x2, 178.5 x1.

I put 178.5 into Happy Scale (yesterday I weight 178.7 as well so it seems right to me I guess). But I'm curious to those who weigh themselves multiple times as well, do you go by the lowest number, highest number, or a number between them?

Edit: 5 times in a row. Not 5 times throughout the day. I do it 3-5 times in a row when I first wake up to account for any scale inconsistencies. I usually use the average (though sometimes it just stays on one number too), but today was kinda a bigger swing than I'm used to so I just wanted to ask peeps. Thanks everyone for the contribution to the thread. :)

submitted by /u/KansaiKanpai
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Plant Power! 18 Healthy Vegetarian Air Fryer Recipes

Whether you’re just looking for more Meatless Monday options or you’re testing out a vegetarian diet, we’re here to help you bulk up your list of vegetarian recipes. The air fryer can actually be a wonderful tool when it comes to whipping up more vegetarian snacks and meals. It works by using superheated air to “crisp” foods the way that oil in a fryer would—but in a much healthier way.

Here are 18 plant-powered air fryer vegetarian recipes to try.

1. Homemade Air Fryer Veggie Tots >

Air fryer veggie tots

We love a good dippable, poppable tot, but we don’t love all the added fat and calories that typically accompanies this snack time favorite. Fortunately, our homemade Air Fryer Veggie Tots are much more nutritious while still packed with flavor. Full of nutrients and fiber from the zucchini and carrots, they still have the wonderful crunch you love about tots—all thanks to the magic of the air fryer.

2. Air Fryer Orange Tofu >

Air fryer orange tofu

If you’ve been unsure about trying tofu in the past, this is the recipe that will win you over. Tofu has fiber and protein and contains all of the essential amino acids your body needs, which is why it’s a good meat substitute. But a lot of people write off tofu as “too mushy.” This Air Fryer Orange Tofu recipe will change all of that by helping to make some crispy tofu that is packed with flavor.

3. Air Fryer Italian Spaghetti Squash >

Air fryer italian spaghetti squash

Spaghetti squash is known for being high in vitamins and nutritional value. Thanks to its stringy insides, it’s often used as a healthy substitute in pasta dishes. In this vegetarian air fryer recipe, you’ll whip up an Italian dish featuring spaghetti squash, spinach and Italian staples like marinara sauce, ricotta and mozzarella cheese. It’s all air-fried until golden brown and deliciously bubbly. Try our delicious Air Fryer Italian Spaghetti Squash recipe!

4. Air Fryer Asparagus >

Air fryer asparagus

Asparagus is low in calories and a great source of fiber, folate and vitamins. But many people don’t like asparagus when it’s mushy. That’s where the air fryer can really shine. You can crisp asparagus (and other veggies) to perfection. Simply toss your asparagus in olive oil, garlic and black pepper, then pop it in the air fryer basket. This Air Fryer Asparagus recipe is also delicious with some parmesan cheese on top.

5. Air Fried Pickles >

Air fried pickles

If you’re in the mood for some of those deep-fried pickles from your favorite restaurant, why not whip up a much healthier version in the air fryer? These Air Fried Pickles have all the flavor and crunch that you love but without all that artery-clogging, deep-fried fat. In fact, a serving of Air Fried Pickles is just 98 calories. All you’ll need is pickle slices, whole wheat flour, panko bread crumbs, grated parmesan cheese and a beaten egg to put together this yummy appetizer.

6. Air Fryer Parmesan Carrots >

Air fryer parmesan carrots

These “roasted” carrot sticks are so packed with flavor that you’ll find yourself popping them like French fries. And as a nutrient-rich vegetable, that’s something you can feel good about. Simply slice up carrots like sticks and coat them in some breadcrumbs and spices. Then pop in the air fryer and crisp to perfection. A serving of Air Fryer Parmesan Carrots is just 61 calories.

7. Air Fryer Mozzarella Sticks >

Air Fryer Mozzarella Sticks

Who doesn’t love a delicious mozzarella stick appetizer? Of course, these deep-fried treats are traditionally a diet detour. But the air fryer can help give you your cheesy, crunchy mozzarella stick fix. These homemade Air Fryer Mozzarella Sticks are easy to make and much healthier than anything that comes out of the deep fryer. That means you can snack without the guilt.

8. Air Fryer Tofu Tikka Masala >

Air fryer tofu tikka masala

Tikka Masala is a popular Indian dish typically featuring chicken. But we’ve put together a vegetarian version that can be easily whipped up using the air fryer and a blender. You’ll cook most of this dish in the air fryer while using your blender to make a creamy, delicious sauce. It just goes to show that your air fryer can do so much more than crispy French fries or veggies. It can assist you in making a full-blown, healthy meal. Check out this awesome recipe for Air Fryer Tofu Tikka Masala.

9. Air Fryer Cauliflower Tater Tots >

Air fryer cauliflower tater tots

Here’s another tot recipe using riced cauliflower as the base instead of shredded potato. It makes for a much more nutrient-rich, healthy snack than traditional deep-fried tots. With parmesan cheese in the mixture, these Air Fryer Cauliflower Tater Tots are cheesy and delicious—but a serving is just a mere 140 calories.

10. Air Fryer Baked Eggs >

Air Fryer Baked Eggs

Looking for something different for breakfast? This simple, four-step Air Fryer Baked Eggs recipe helps you bake a protein-packed breakfast that will start your day off on the right foot. You’ll use a ramekin and a few simple ingredients to make a flavorful dish that clocks in at only 81 calories per serving.

11. Air Fryer Protein Pasta Chips >

Air Fryer Protein Pasta Chips

Ever since pasta “chips” became TikTok famous, it’s been the must-try air fryer recipe that everyone is talking about. Our Air Fryer Protein Pasta Chips recipe takes a high protein pasta and just the right seasonings to make a crispy pasta chip that is dunkable in your favorite dip—or just as delicious on its own. Personally, we love pasta chips with some classic marinara dipping sauce. It’s a healthy snack for your next get-together or movie night. Plus, you can keep switching it up with different kinds of pasta or dips.

12. Air Fryer Mexican Street Corn >

Air fryer Mexican street corn

Traditional Mexican Street Corn features full-fat mayonnaise and sour cream. But we lightened it up with light mayonnaise and lots of spices to add plenty of flavor. The air fryer helps to crisp the corn to delicious perfection. Try this Air Fryer Mexican Street Corn recipe!

13. Air Fryer Sweet Potato Tater Tots with Honey Mustard Sauce >

Air fryer sweet potato tater tots with honey mustard sauce

This Air Fryer Sweet Potato Tater Tot recipe uses vitamin C-rich sweet potatoes to make lighter, healthier tater tots in the air fryer. While you can serve tots with any of your favorite dips, we’ve also included a recipe for delicious homemade honey mustard made from light mayonnaise, some honey and Dijon mustard. A serving of tots with honey mustard is a mere 101 calories, helping you to remain on track with your weight loss.

14. Air Fryer Caprese Sweet Potato Crostini >

Air Fryer Caprese Sweet Potato Crostini

These cute Crostini appetizers make a presentable—and delicious—treat. But instead of using a sliced baguette, they use healthy sweet potato slices as a base. Simply place the slices in the air fryer to crisp and then top each slice with fresh mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes and basil. One serving of Air Fryer Caprese Sweet Potato Crostini is just 161 calories.

15. 4-Ingredient Easy Air Fryer Grilled Cheese Sticks >

Air Fryer Grilled Cheese Sticks

With this recipe, you’ll be able to turn an ordinary string cheese stick into a delicious and healthy Air Fryer Grilled Cheese Sticks meal. Start with a slice of whole-grain bread which you’ll roll out until flat. Then add a cheese stick to the top of the bread and sprinkle with garlic powder. Next, roll up the cheese stick in the bread and crisp it in the air fryer with some cooking spray. Voila! It’s a healthy grilled cheese roll-up that clocks in at only 159 calories.

16. Air Fryer Frittata Recipe >

Air fryer frittata recipe

While famous as a breakfast or brunch meal, you can make a frittata any time of the day. This light Air Fryer Frittata is made from egg whites, skim milk, sliced tomatoes, sliced mushrooms and some fresh chives. It’s big on flavor—and protein power. With how filling it is, you’ll be shocked a serving is a mere 75 calories.

17. Air Fryer Mini Baked Potatoes >

Air fryer mini baked potatoes

These delicious little loaded Air Fryer Mini Potato Bites will make a great appetizer for your next get-together. Baby potatoes are air-fried and then stuffed with cheese, chives and a small dollop of sour cream for that “loaded” flavor, without loading on the calories. A serving is just 123 calories. It’s a great way to get your appetizer fix while sticking to your healthy eating plan.

18. Air Fryer Onion Rings >

Air fryer onion rings

Onion rings are one of those appetizer dishes that seem incredibly complicated to make—until you give it a try. It’s really just a matter of slicing up an onion and setting up a quick assembly line to coat the rings (much in the same way you’d coat chicken to make breaded cutlets). Then pop them in the air fryer for a much healthier—but still crispy and delicious—treat. Check out our Air Fryer Onion Rings recipe!

The post Plant Power! 18 Healthy Vegetarian Air Fryer Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Every time I reach a new lowest number, I seem to immediately bounce back up 2-3 pounds the next day or two and then it takes 1-2 weeks to get back to that new low. Very frustrating

My weight loss is slow and steady, I'm at 22 lost (max) with average of 20 lost over the last 9 months. My frustration is that every time I reach a new lowest scale number, the next day it winds up bouncing up 2-3 pounds and that is very demoralizing and frustrating, making me question my process and choices. I wind up eventually getting back to that low, but it's often very slow, like .2 pounds every couple days, or 1 pound a week type thing--and that doesn't feel like actual progress as it's just getting back to that new low again. I suspect this is water weight as I really like salty food and I'm not great about keeping as hydrated as I should.

I've been stalled out/plateau-d at 20/21 pounds lost for 2 months now and just started adding exercise to the mix and am tightening up the food side. I am seeing NSV like clothing getting looser and seeing a more defined face, so that helps.

Any tips in terms of more the emotional side of this--when I reach a new low I get a big surge of motivation but seeing that number bounce up 2-3 pounds over the next two days makes me feel like "why bother?"

submitted by /u/Chazzyphant
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