Wednesday, June 8, 2022

feeling disheartened with the side effects of weight loss

In a little under a year I went from 250 to 180lb and ideally I’d like to lose another 30-40 to get myself to a normal BMI. Mentally I’m feeling motivated, but my body feels like it’s throwing in the towel. Pretty soon after I started losing my hair began falling out like crazy. I’m now a 22 year old woman with a giant bald patch. Like Elon Musk pre hair plugs bad. My blood pressure has gotten really low; I get dizzy going up stairs and standing up and I’ve blacked out a couple times. I’ve also been plateauing for about a month now, which I know is normal, but it feels a little ridiculous to be starving my body and getting nothing out of it. I feel so frustrated because I tried hard to lose weight a healthy way- eating nutritious meals, exercising and building sustainable habits. Instead I feel like I’ve damaged my body. Anyway I know I should probably take a maintenance break, and I could definitely stand to gain some muscle, but it’s hard to not feel like I’m giving up. I guess I’m wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and how you got through it?

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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