Thursday, June 16, 2022

When does weight loss start to become noticeable visually for someone who is obese?

25M | 5'8 | SW: 316 | CW: 293.6 | GW: ~150

Since I've officially started losing weight purposefully back in the beginning of April 2022, I've lost around 20 lbs. I specify purposeful weight loss because in reality, I actually used to be heavier than my stated SW. Prior to deliberately focusing on weight loss, I was actually 330 lbs at my heaviest and managed to gradually lose 14 lbs somehow. A portion of this time was during a semester when I wasn't with family and was cooking for myself/more active on campus so I guess it just sorta happened unintentionally. Happy accident?

Anyways, factoring in my "accidental" weight loss before starting to track what I eat to lose weight deliberately, I have actually lost a total of 36 lbs since last year (14lbs from I'd say June 2021 to March 2022, and 22 lbs from April 1, 2022 to June 15, 2022). Despite losing 36 lbs, when I look at photos of myself from last summer I basically look the same haha.

I get that I have a LOT of weight to lose, so 36 lbs to someone like me is way less noticeable visually than for someone starting in the low 200's for example. I understand this much, but is there a certain percentage, BMI, magic number on the scale, or anything at all like that for when I should start to expect my weight loss to be noticeable outside of the numbers in the Excel file I've been using to track results since I started doing this? Or is this yet another one of those "depends on the person" kind of things?

I have been taking pictures of myself every so often since starting this and have photos from last year too, but I'm just not noticing anything visually yet (also sorry if this kind of question is difficult without pictures uploaded, I'm just not really ready to make those kinds of posts yet). I'm eager to get to the point when I can actually see the progress. Also no one in my life has mentioned anything to me yet either so I know its not just me not noticing.

submitted by /u/TubbyBummy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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