Wednesday, June 22, 2022

I don't know how you all do it...

I feel like I've been trying to start my "weight loss journey" for years... I'm a male, 37, 343lbs (156kg) 5'8". I've always been a little on the heavier side, but really started putting on weight after college. I'm a chef and have worked in restaurants, hotels, and I feel like that lifestyle of long hours, stress, no breaks for lunch/dinner snacking, picking , and sometimes going a whole day without eating anything until right before bed has definitely contributed to my current status... not that it's an excuse. My back and joints (hips, knees, ankles) are in constant pain unless I'm taking Tylenol or advil which has become daily so I can last on my feet until the evening.

Over the years, I feel like I've become addicted to fast food, drive-through's, binging late at night, constantly giving in to the cravings (All in secret). As for the last couple years with covid and the world upside down... everything has just become worse. I went thought a couple stages of losing weight. The most I was down was about 45 pounds.

I got married 6 years ago to an amazing wife who has always been so loving and supportive, we have 2 little kids, and they're the absolute loves of my life.

But I feel like my very complicated relationship with food continues to get worse. I usually will drop some weight during the summer as business is a little slower and there's more time to be active and work stress levels are lower... but as soon as fall and the holiday season comes around, I always put it all back on and then some. I've never been into drugs or heavy drinking... but I feel like food is my drug. After almost every binge I have which is 3-4 times a week, I tell myself "this is the last time"...."i need to stop"... the level of guilt and self hate i feel is nuts. But the cravings just become too much, and I just say, f*** it... I'll start my diet tomorrow.

My parents and grandparents have been on my case for years.... thinking that I'm going to have a heart attack or stroke any minute, and when I hear their criticisms, it makes me want to eat more out of anger. For every wedding, I end up renting a suit because I've convinced myself that I'll lose the weight then buy a proper suit.... but it clearly hasn't happened.

Sorry for this long msg... but I joined this group a little while ago and it has been motivating. It's like I know what I have to do, and I want to do it but I'm just never able to start. I've read all the right books, listened all the right podcasts, but can't seem to last more than two days of "healthy eating"

I commend all of you who have accomplished your goals! That's amazing and I'm super happy for you!

I know there's no secret.... but if there's any tricks or advice to help with cravings, that would be greatly appreciated. That's my biggest problem. I'll have a healthy eating day, where I actually feel good and not disgusting and full... and the next day I'll continue but then the salt, fat, and sugar cravings kick in, and I'm back to square one.

That's all I got. Took a lot for me to actually come out and write this. You all know my secrets now lol. Thank you in advance.


submitted by /u/BigD-4891
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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