Sunday, June 19, 2022

Outrunning a bad diet update: anything worth doing is worth half assing. NSFW

I posted almost a year ago about how I was finding value in getting fit, even tho I had not addressed my diet. People found it helpful and I found the positive reinforcement helpful so here’s an update.

I still haven’t lost any weight! Ok I’ve dropped maybe 10 lbs but I’m still technically like 100lbs overweight according to the bmi scales. I currently weigh about 260, which puts me at a bmi of 39.5 which is um, pretty crap and puts me in all kinds of high risk categories for things like having another baby. Such fun.

But you know what? I feel great. I feel so good. I’ve dropped a pants size and I feel a lot more mentally stable. There’s still plenty of fat on me but I feel like a block of muscle and I have identifiable muscles on my back, arms and legs which is basically the coolest feeling ever. I did manage to catch Covid which has given me some long term shortness of breath and mildly screwed with my heart, which isn’t great but man I’m glad I started this BEFORE I got sick. My lung function is gradually improving and my heart rate is coming down. I also discovered that I was pretty severely anemic so I’ve been taking iron supplements which are making me feel like a million bucks.

Here are the pictures. It’s subtle but I can finally start to see a difference

As before, I have not substantially altered my diet. I still eat pretty much what I want, when I want and sometimes that includes an entire bag of Cheetos. Food is still a mental and emotional crutch for me, but it had become somewhat less of an issue just naturally as I’ve gotten fitter. Probably the consistent endorphin hit from working out has to do with that and I suspect my blood sugar is more stable. I’m having fewer wild cravings and it’s a little easier to coast between meals. I am not dieting, or calorie counting or limiting myself, I just find myself wanting junk less, sort of in spite of myself.

I’m up to 2.5k in the pool 5 or 6 days a week, sometimes more, and the only reason I stop is that I have to go home and get the kids ready for school. Or else I’d do more.

Accepting that I could go to the gym and get fit for the sake of fitness and pleasure rather than as a weight loss strategy seems to have been an important step for me. I always felt like it was kind of pointless without limiting intake because you can’t outrun a bad diet. And you can’t. I have not lost any weight. I am still going to be considered high risk, my husband still can’t pick me up, chairs still bend when I sit in them. But I’m happy dammit and I feel good.

Anything worth doing is worth doing badly. According to the conventional wisdom I’m doing this all wrong, but it’s better than doing nothing.

submitted by /u/maldivesinandout
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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