Saturday, June 25, 2022

NSV: Started IF & CICO in October 2021, with 104 pounds down so far, and in less than a year I’ve significantly improved my total cholesterol & LDL cholesterol

I was able to lower my total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol significantly, both by double digit figures. I was also able to slightly lower my triglycerides, albeit the previous number was also in the normal range. Everything else in my blood test, besides my HDL, were in the normal range. The previous values were taken for a physical I had done in April, and the current values are for blood work I had done this week for a physical I have next week.

So far throughout my journey I’ve only judged my success on the scale. Seeing the number drop on the scale is a huge motivating factor, but didn’t tell the whole picture of me regaining my health and quite literally saving my life. To also see that I’m improving my health by watching these numbers improve is giving me the motivation to keep pushing forward.

If anyone is curious how I’ve done it so far, I’ve taken an IF & CICO approach. I stop eating at 8pm the night before, and start eating at 12pm the following day. For me, this has been the easiest way for me to reduce my calorie intake, especially since I don’t normally start getting hungry until around lunch anyways. A majority of my weight loss has come from diet alone. I’ve only recently started introducing more walking & cardio.

I’m excited to keep pushing forward, and hopefully get my LDL cholesterol below 100, and my HDL in the normal range!

submitted by /u/_GIROUXsalem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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