Saturday, June 18, 2022

3 Month check in- tldr at bottom

Accountability/motivation check in. I'm (37/F) down 18 lbs in three months, feeling more motivated by it. It's starting to feel like less of a chore most days which is nice!

Most noticeable changes are not feeling fatigued from simple things like going up stairs. Less night time swelling by the end of the day my watch used to look like it was strangling me. Less triggers or urges to binge or compulsively eat. Less food anxiety overall. Less worry about how my clothes look or how I look in general. I've always liked myself but I'm beginning to get back to a place where I'm feeling good because I'm doing the work.

Less migraine days. A little less brain fog. Realizing just how crappy carb heavy foods made me physically and emotionally feel. I'm not giving them up, but making them the smallest part of how I eat has made a difference. Also since it's getting easier to move my body, I've noticed I've been incorporating more movement into my day. IE standing vs sitting, parking farther from stores, playing tag with the kids, so still no added exercise but an increase in movement.

Will end with a few things that helped this month.

  1. Revisiting some of the talking points from Brain Over Binge. Even though I haven't binged in awhile I still work to keep my compulsive eating in check. This book has helped a lot with that.

  2. Podcasts- TY Redditors who recommended The Minimalists. Also The Chris Terrell Podcast is great for anyone who is on the journey. If you're beginning he's direct enough to feel confident getting started. If you're somewhere in the middle or towards the end, he's been through enough to help reignite the spark. And Weight Loss Made Real- great tips and insight especially for people who put a lot of emphasis on food.

  3. Asking myself "if I could lose it all now, but would risk gaining it back in 3-5 years, OR could lose it over the next 1-2 years and build sustainable habits with a higher chance of keeping it off forever, what would I choose?" and I really thought about it. I'm choosing the long term. This means I don't know when I'll hit my goal. It means my goal will also change- like as I close in on an ideal weight range I'll want to add more fitness goals and composition goals. I want to build a strong foundation so when life happens, my habits and plan will be versatile enough to stay successful.

TLDR- asked doctor to give me healthy weight loss goals and monthly in office weigh ins for accountability. Down 18 lbs after making small changes and even after gaining a few of lbs during month two. Still haven't added exercise (always say I'm going to).

submitted by /u/LinkAvailable4067
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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