Sunday, June 26, 2022

Has anyone dealt with unintentional weight loss after trying to lose? And mixed feelings?

I was trying to lose weight for a couple of months. I lost maybe four pounds because I couldn't stay consistent. Then I started a new (very stressful) job and I completely lost sight of any weight loss goals and stopped paying any attention to what I was eating (more on this later). Then I went to the doctor after a couple months at this new job and the nurse was briefly concerned because I had lost like 17lbs without trying to. That's not a crazy amount to lose in that time period, I know, but considering I had been steadily gaining for the last six years? Kinda significant.

Could just be that I'm moving my body more. But it could be stress. I've been taking notice of my eating habits more lately and realizing I eat 1-2 meals on days I work, and these meals are not bigger to compensate for the meal or two I'm missing every day. I'm not starving myself; I always eat when hungry, and it's usually shitty, fatty food. I genuinely just don't get hungry much anymore.

And then, recently, I messed up my jaw. I know I'm grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw a lot lately from stress, and my disordered TMJ finally gave up, gave out, and made eating significantly painful 100% of the time. My issue isn't one that can be treated without surgery so I'm stuck like this for a bit. Sometimes the pain just isn't worth it and I give up on a meal after a couple of bites. I will grab a protein drink or something to substitute only some of the time.

So I'm losing weight. I can't be mad about that. I'm officially back in the "overweight" category for BMI instead of obese and this is exciting. But I'm not super well. My hair seems to be falling out more, my abdomen hurts, I'm tired and miserable. This isn't sustainable. I'm not building lifelong habits that will keep me healthy. I feel guilty.

And then I have already gotten one comment (from my mom) about the weight loss and so I've already had the experience of wondering why Sick/Stressed Me looks better than Normal Me.

submitted by /u/Elimeh
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how i lost 120lbs and maintained it

No need for an introduction so i will just get right into it.

Things i learned and implemented into my life that helped me lose weight:

1- learning about calories and portion control, it was an eye opener when i realized how calorie dense so many of the foods i consumed were (rice, bread and olive oil in particular) , but also how absurd my portions were, i would 3-4 plates of rice every day and would wonder why I couldn't lose weight, understanding calories and how to portion control are very important and it should be (imo) everyone's first step in losing weight.

2- low calorie beverages, i have cut back on drinking sodas but if you are struggling to cut them out or reduce your soda intake, then try to switch to zero calorie alternatives

3- veggies, i always liked them (but all their weight loss benefits were thrown out the window when i would fry them in a shit ton of oil) but i understand many people dont and unfortunately for you guys veggies are an absolute volume hack, the veggie i liked and didnt find it offensive (or it felt like i was eating air) was spinach, try adding it to every meal you have and slowly introduce more veggies into your diet, i truly believe if you cook them properly veggies can be absolutely delicious.

4- not having junk foods in the house, in this case snacks, of course you can still have snacks (like strawberry, blueberries, rice cakes, apples etc) but i found that snacking in-between my meals were a huge reason for me constantly failing weight loss, so it did take time but eventually i learned to have no snacks in-between my meals and would eat fruits 2 hours before bed.

5- motivation will not last and you will struggle, do not rely on motivation, because although being motivated is important, the moment you face a hurdle that motivation will not last, yes, you will struggle but making a mistake and learning from it is what matters most, motivation comes in waves, but discipline is built on the foundation of your mistakes and ability to learn from them.

6- weigh yourself, i now weigh myself every 3 or 4 days, but at the beginning i would weigh myself daily, but it is soul curshing when you do your best and see that the scale has barely moved, which is what happened most of the time when i was weighing myself once a week, our bodyweight fluctuates throughout the day and i do think weighing yourself daily and reflecting on what you did the day before and how you can improve today can help with losing weight.

7- exercise, walk, run, weight lift, swim, cycle, football, basketball ....etc, find something you enjoy and stick with it, start small and try not to go all out, yes i know you want to give it all you got but this can either have a positive impact or negative impact on your mentality (positive: one day this will just be my warmup, negative: if this is making me exhausted, then how will i ever lose weight?) So it better to start small and improve over time.

8- your mental health is just as, if not more important than your physical health, and i will shortly explain my situation.

(Please do not use what i am about to say to self diagnose yourself) How i maintained my weight:

I kept fluctuating for months and was stuck in the dreaful binging and fasting cycle, eventually i lost the remaining weight by finally implementing weight lifting, but when i reached my GW and liked how i "looked", my mental health did not improve one bit, i felt empty and everyday was a struggle where i was constantly hungry, tired, angry and no matter what i did i just couldnt stay satiated, i would eat a meal and in maybe 15 or 30 minutes i was hungry again, sometimes the hardest part of the day was just getting out of bed.

i never took my mental health seriously but i decided to go to a psychiatrist, and not for these reasons i mentioned, i struggled with focusing and studying, my psychiatrist started asking me more questions about what i struggled throughout the day, and i naturally told him, he diagnosed me with ADHD and prescribed me rubifen (more commonly known as ritalin) and it was a life changer, not only did it improve my focus and helped me drastically improve academically, but it helped with almost all of my struggles surrounding food and dieting in general, i dreaded eating out because i knew that as soon as i get back home i would just start eating again, not any more, it just overall improved my relationship with food which in turn improved my confidence by not being afraid of losing control and my progress.

The point is, i thought losing weight would make me happy, but it really didnt, external solutions wont help with internal problems, go to a therapist or psychiatrist and start seeking professional help, maybe you will realise that losing weight wasnt always the hardest part but actually acknowledging that your mental health and happiness before losing weight is valid.

submitted by /u/tryingtogetshredded
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My thoughts after finally sticking to a new life-style. Over 60lbs lost. 60 remaining. Now in bullet point forms!

Disclaimer: This worked for ME. It's my journey after cycling between every diet regime available (keto, high-carb, paleo, calorie counting etc..) And finally, feeling confident that I landed on something that is my new reality.

1.- I got rid of the scarcity mindset. I wasn't successful at Keto because I would immediately want carbs. I would catch myself researching for Keto Pancakes when I didn't even eat regular pancakes that much. It's like a rebel teen, "oh I can't do that?? well, now I want do it." That helped me a lot in establishing a healthy relationship with food.

2.-Anchored my weight loss journey on money-saving. Not on girls, looks, health, but money. I used to eat a LOT outside. No more, Now I permit myself to eat out like 2 to 3 times per week. Down from the 15, I used to do. (yeah, that bad)

3.-Air one! Is not necessary but it has helped me a lot. French fries are my weaknesses now I can have them and save myself 200 kcals per serving.

4.- I walk a lot. It's my meditation, my form of therapy, and my mental health check. Weight loss is just an added benefit.

5.- I do intermittent fasting. I'm the first one to say, IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE. Especially if you're prone to extreme dieting, had ED's disorders, etc.. I stay away from doing 2 or multiple days' fasts. I started with:

16-8 for the very first 21 lbs. 18-6 for the other 21. 20-4 for the other 21.

And you can guess where I'm going. I talked it about with my Dr. and did it under his guidance. So, please be mindful if you suddenly have the urge to do it, and be wary of multiple days fasts proponents who don't have the credentials to do so. Going to land on an 18-6 regime as maintenance, after I'm done.


1.- My food addiction resulted from my anxiety. I ate every time I was anxious and replaced that feeling with water or gum.

2.- Calorie counting is where its at.

3.-Beware of calories burned calculators. As I said, I walk a lot and typically the calculator says that I burn around 1500 kcals per my 20k steps. I'm 6'2 but I don't trust those numbers. So, I slice that number in half and that's my baseline.

4.- Time doesn't exist in terms of weight loss. Nobody is waiting for you, nobody actually cares that much (and that's not a bad thing) 5 years will pass whether we like it or not, and when you look back, you will think..."whoa, it was almost like a whisper." So, just one day at a time. You got this, no matter the circumstances that got you here, YOU ARE HERE. And taking just one step is all it takes.

thanks for reading

submitted by /u/Frankocean2
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Finally hit 100lbs lost!

M/20/6’3 SW:321 CW:219 GW:185

Hey folks. So I finally hit the losing 100 pounds mark after a year and some change. I wanted to make a post partly to share my excitement, but also because along my own journey I was always on this sub reading other people celebrating huge milestones for inspiration. It felt like it would be good to kinda do the same thing for someone else. My personal weight loss journey involved mostly cardio workouts(biking and kickboxing) and being conscious of what I eat. It helped so much early on that my brother was trying to gain muscle. This basically meant we were both trying to eat healthy and pushed one another to consistently workout. Having an accountability partner early on can be so helpful! I wanted to emphasize how difficult but rewarding doing this is for those that might feel discouraged or exhausted from how long it takes to make significant progress. There were so many times when I wanted to quit because the path ahead of me felt so daunting. When losing ten pounds took two months, it was exciting but simultaneously discouraging cause it made me think of how much more work I had to do. For anyone feeling that way, you will thank yourself infinitely when you finally get to the point where you start to notice differences. Being able to go outside in the summer without wearing a sweater, eating what you want at gatherings because you aren’t embarrassed to enjoy a big meal or a dessert, and so much more. I personally found it doesn’t automatically make you Don Juan or super social, but such large lifestyle changes can make your own confidence bolster. So, if anyone is discouraged by how much work it takes to lose the weight they want, just take it one day at a time and keep working towards your goal. Ok, that’s enough self-gratification and rambling good luck to anyone who is reading these kinds of posts for motivation. You can do this!

submitted by /u/batmanuncharted
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since losing weight I feel my personality has changed in some way.

I've lost 20 pounds so far and that may not sound like a lot but it is for me. I was weighing in at 187 in March and that's when I started my weight loss journey by counting calories mainly at first. I am a 5'8 woman btw. I am now weighing in at 165. I still have 10 to lose but I feel happy where I'm at for now.

What I've noticed is my personality, in terms of having more confidence, has changed. I feel more sexy, beautiful, wanted. My face has drastically changed and I look like I did 4 years ago before I started putting on the weight. But I feel a little too confident now. Is that even a thing?

Has anyone experienced this from weight loss?

submitted by /u/ladylavenderrrr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hate how much I love Apple Fitness+

This is not an ad, I am just a person who uses basically all Apple products and this is recent happenstance that has been truly life changing for my health/fitness/weight loss journey. When Apple Fitness+ first came out, I looked at it and thought “that’s stupid, why would I pay $10 a month for workout videos when they are literally free on YouTube. No. Way.” Recently, my old series 2 Apple Watch wasn’t holding a charge as well so I decided to replace it. I got a new watch, and it came with a free 3 month trial of Apple Fitness+. I am always trying to stay active, but it’s a challenge for me. I am admittedly a lazy person. I decided to try it out and started with dance workouts. I LOVED it. I have no coordination and have never been good at dancing, and while I am sure I look like a fool the workouts are helping me connect to my body, feel more comfortable with moving my body, and even are helping my confidence. After a few of those, I decided one day to try the mindful cooldown after. I know it’s cheesy, but the stretching followed by breathing and some positive affirmations really do make me feel connected to myself.

Couple other things I want to highlight that Apple Fitness+ is doing for me that YouTube videos don’t: - Categories: last night my sister and I had wine and stayed up pretty late dancing and doing some karaoke. I was pretty tired and sluggish today from a fun late night. I knew I didn’t have the motivation to do a 30 min dance workout today. So, I went to the yoga category and did 10 min of yoga to engage my muscles and get myself ready for some cardio. Then I did a 20 min dance workout, and then I did a 10 min mindful cooldown with stretching, breathing, and affirmations. It totally kicked my tired/sluggish feeling and it didn’t feel like something I had to FORCE myself to do. Having easy options, where I can preview the workout, and see the music really caters to all the different moods I go through on a day to day basis. - Workout preview and music preview. As mentioned above, you can watch a short preview video and you can also view the playlist for the workout. I am very motivated by music, so getting to see what songs will play is awesome for me because it really sets my mood. Sometimes with YouTube I pick something but I don’t really like the music and I don’t feel as engaged. - AirPlay to Apple TV. I use an Apple TV, so I stream the workouts to my TV. When I first saw that it shows my heart rate, calories burned, and time through the workout I thought oh gosh this awful, this is just going to make me count down the minutes till I’m finally done. It was the complete opposite, I love it. Seeing my heart rate right there on my TV makes me more aware when my energy is going down and my heart rate is starting to a lower a bit. I know immediately pick it up! Keep up your energy! Maximize this workout! - Consistent trainers in each area. I honestly love all the trainers! The 3 for dance are SO FUN! I don’t even know if there is one I like better, but I do feel like their workouts vary on the type of moves (Ben sure likes body roles) so I can choose a certain trainer if I am feeling a certain type of workout.

I can’t wait to keep exploring their videos and options! I have closed all my rings every single day since I started using this trial. I feel excited to pick a workout and get some activity in for the day. Nothing has ever motivated me this way, and I truly hate how much I love because I guess I will start paying $10 a month when this trial ends. I’m glad the trial is 3 months, because I have time to see if the motivation and excitement with it holds long term. But I just wanted to share if anyone else out there is struggling to find something that works for them. It’s not even 4PM and I have closed all my rings… it’s just unbelievable how much this silly little app has helped me.

submitted by /u/luckylua
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, June 25, 2022

First Goal Achieved

I was finally able to achieve my first weight loss goal after MONTHS of trying and failing. This was the first week in over two years that I didn't eat at any fast-food or traditional sit-down restaurants! That may not seem like a big deal for some people but this is a huge milestone for me.

Normally I set these dieting/weight loss goals and two days in I'm pulling through the drive through and ordering a ridiculous amount of food and then the next day I feel so depressed and disappointed in myself that I just keep eating as much junk as I can. When I get in that depressive eating state I'll eat until I'm so full I can't comfortably lay down.

This was a good week and I hope that I can continue to set reachable goals.

submitted by /u/done_for_97
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