Saturday, July 9, 2022

Anyone else struggle with all or nothing thinking and eating?

F 5’7”, 33, SW: 220 CW: 196 GW: 155?

I started really trying to lose weight in January of this year. Slowly but surely I was able to lose about 27 lbs and get to 193 by April. But over the past several months, I’ve been fluctuating between 193-197.

The biggest game changer for me was stopping drinking alcohol. But I think I hit a point in April where the quitting drinking had its peak effect, and then I could only eat so many salads, or only stave off cravings for junk food for so long. I’m happy I’ve been sort of able to maintain the weight loss, but I’m worried I’ve lost momentum and am slowly starting to gain back.

I’ve recently just been having SUCH a hard time getting back on track and approaching things differently. I keep getting in this feedback loop of eating something unhealthy (sweets or bakery) or going over my calorie limit and then thinking, “well I already over-ate, might as well go all out today and start over tomorrow!”

But the problem is that tomorrow never comes. I can do well for morning and afternoon but by evening it’s like I lose all reason and sort of binge. Not to an extreme, but it’s certainly hindering my progress.

Anyone struggle with something similar? Any feedback or advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/random0reddit0name
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel like I've leveled up!

There's a lot of backstory here but I want to try and keep this short and sweet

I've been going to this park that has a walking path in a shaded wooded area. It's just under a mile with the path I take when I started. It's like a maze so I gradually started adding distance and have continued doing so up to where I am now. Today is my 22nd day in a row going on my walk and for the first time, I walked two laps instead of just one and I'm currently walking 1.5 miles a day now. I'm so proud of myself and I honestly don't have anyone to tell.. so I thought I'd tell everyone who knows this fight.

I mention I feel like I leveled up because everyday leading up to the past day, my shins have hurt SO BAD everytime I'm walking. It was the worst part about my walk. But a couple days ago, I felt this like.. ripping in my shins. And I read up about shin splints prior. So anyway, I can feel this like literal ripping in my shins as I stretched them. Following day comes, (yesterday) I noticed my shins really didn't bother me at all during my walk. Again today, now. I managed to walk two laps for the first time and I felt amazing and little to no shin muscle pain. So I genuinely feel like I've leveled my body up and I'm currently 62 pounds down with my weight loss 🙌

submitted by /u/Tomtionary
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A taker of Before Pictures but not taking action (so far)

The past 3 weeks or so, I’ve calculated my TTDE and have taken a lot of solid Before Pictures in mirrors from various angles.

But that’s it.

I seem to be stuck on meal planning, making a shopping list, and meal prep. I have a great neighborhood where I could go on walks. I have and am familiar with MFP and how to use it. I even have a food scale.

There is nothing in my way except myself!

My Big Reason comes from seeing how diabetes and related consequences like heart disease, neuropathy, toe amputations, and kidney failure/dialysis has wrecked my father at 66. I don’t want that. You’d think that would be enough, right?

So why can’t I take those first steps? I have all the tools and knowledge to do this.

Not using this as an excuse but I have bad ADHD and am medicated for it (ugh my Adderall has been useless in the weight loss side effect department). I have massive trouble goal setting, even when I’m capable of breaking a goal into tiny steps.

Maybe I get overwhelmed and have Analysis Paralysis. My husband does not understand why I can’t just Do The Thing already. I’m aware that even typing this out could have been spent making a list.

Any tips translating this knowledge in my head into actual action getting started and keeping organized while I do a sub search for this topic? Maybe you also have sucky executive functioning and have experience?

submitted by /u/p143245
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, July 8, 2022

Advice needed!!

hey everyone, just a newbie gym-goer/ dieter and I need some advice, preferably from people who have overcome weight loss plateaus or people who have been training for awhile.

I (22 F 5’1” CW: 133 SW: 150 GW:115) have had a discouraging past few weeks. About 7 weeks ago, after eating at ~1500 cal per day since january with great weightloss success, my weightloss came to a stop. The scale began to hover between 130-132 lbs for the next 4 weeks, never breaking through 130 lbs.

Then, after reading many articles, watching youtube videos, and reading posts here, I decided to take a maintenance break for 2 weeks. I began eating at 1800-1900 calories for those 2 weeks. From what i’ve read, apparently after the maintenance break you are supposed to go back to your ‘cutting’ calories and your weight loss should resume.

The problem is, it’s been a week since i’ve returned to ‘cutting’ calories and i’m at 133lbs. Basically, my question is , am I being impatient? Should I continue to eat at 1500 for more time to see if the scale finally drops below 130 or should I decrease food intake?

Thanks for reading!!

(For reference, my weekly exercise is this: Monday, friday, saturday: 1hr weightlifting, followed by 1.5-2 mile run. Also 10-20 mins bike ride to the gym and back home. Wednesday, Thursday: 1 hour tae kwon do class at night. Tuesday, Sunday: rest days)

submitted by /u/hhennyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating out, counting calories, and other concerns

Hey everyone!

I am a 5'5 30 y/o woman and I began my weight loss journey 4 weeks ago at 263. I was prescribed phentermine by my doctor and I lost a total of 6 pounds in the first two weeks. Since then I have had a number of social engagements (all involving food), and have not lost any weight in the last two weeks.

I am trying to figure out a recipe for success to help me keep pushing forward. As of now, I have monthly appointments with my doctor set up to help keep me accountable, and I want to do my best every month to make sure I reach my goal of losing at least 100 lbs (ideally 120-130 lbs) within 2 years.

I successfully lost 20 pounds years ago before going on a trip to Japan, but after I came back I gained it all back because my external motivation to lose weight was gone (the goal was to get more fit for hiking around). This time around, my goals are all internal... if that makes sense. No trips or specific goals outside of "get healthy and wear cute clothes."

So this is what is going on in my head at the moment:

  1. How the heck do you stay motivated to count calories for every meal, and how do you log calories when you eat out and don't have access to nutrition facts?
  2. What apps do you use to count calories? I use MyFitnessPal, and I am looking for something new to shake things up.
  3. It is probably going to take me 2 years to get this weight off - how do I work through the sense of dread I feel at the long road ahead of me?
  4. Those with a big sweet-tooth - how do you manage your cravings? My cravings are so bad they give me anxiety (almost like withdrawal symptoms or something).

I am a full-time graduate student who is also working a full-time job. So far I have been extremely successful at hitting my 150min workout goal every week and I am very proud of that. I even feel stronger. But I really need to work on my cravings and my stress-eating habits. I also struggle with depression and anxiety so my brain doesn't seem to be on my side here.

Any pointers would be great!

submitted by /u/MoodyMere
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does counting macros make calorie counting easier?

I am F, 27, 5’6”, 165 lb

I have been starting and stopping counting calories for a couple years, and while recently getting back into it have found it especially difficult as I am so hungry by the end of the day. I was wondering if by counting macros, I will feel less hungry because I am getting more of the nutrition my body needs to make me feel full.

I know that only calorie counting leads to weight loss but I am just wondering if counting macros might make it a bit easier.

submitted by /u/otherdaythrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting sick is so frustrating

I was on a roll with my weight loss and I just dipped into the 180s after exercising daily and counting my calories.

Then, I got mono, which made it almost impossible to exercise. I eventually worked up to walks around my neighborhood after a few weeks. I finally got back to pretty-much-normal, got back to the gym for 2 days, and then tested positive for COVID and was actively ill for another two weeks. Those first days of staying inside and isolating were so hard as I found myself fighting the urge to snack all day because I was bored and stuck inside, and frankly, sad that I was sick.

Even more disheartening was the weight fluctuations. I weighed 189.8 one morning, and 198.2 the next. I shouldn’t have weighed myself knowing I was so bloated and gross but I was curious and am truly blown away by how much it fluctuated. I’m back down to 191-ish today after recovering from all of that, but whew!

Anyway, just a rant. It always seems like something threatens my momentum when I’m on a roll with my weight loss. All part of life’s challenges, I guess, but it is so frustrating.

submitted by /u/underthewasherdryer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat