Thursday, August 4, 2022

Low reps? High reps? Low weight? Heavy weight? What do I do???

Male 28 | SW: 350 | CW 340 | GW 220

High reps? Low reps? Heavy weight? Light weight? More cardio? HIIT? Cold water? Warm Water?

Everyday I see something new that contradicts what I’m doing.

For a couple months my strength training was 3x12 with low weights.

But last month I talked to a trainer and he said low reps and heavy weight (3x6) is better for fat loss because it builds muscle hense replacing fat; which makes sense. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last month and I’ve been getting stronger yet no weight loss.

I know weight loss is more in the kitchen than it is in the gym but seeing all this info just makes my brain want to explode. Like should I go back to higher reps and lower weight?? Should I mix and switch every week?

Also, is warm water actually beneficial for weight loss? Or is that a myth too? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Ok-Leg1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Need advice from those who've had spinal surgery

Hey everyone,

My names Tammy I'm 29F from Brisbane Australia. I started my weight loss journey at 118kgs (260lbs), I started losing weight by dramatically decreasing my carb intake (50g or less a day) along with my sugar intake. I increased my weekly exercise to 3-4 gym sessions a week not including any daily walking, which was anything up to 10,000 steps a day. By doing this I managed to lose 30kgs (66lbs) over a total of 2-3 years but as of June 2020 I had my first spinal surgery after a long 8 year wait and then I had a spinal fusion in July 2021.

Since my 2 surgeries it has been so, so hard to find my motivation and energy to exercise again and I miss it so very much but I don't know how to get my mojo back. I've put nearly every kg/lb back on that I lost and it is so disheartening knowing that I can do it because I've done it before, but it's proving to be quite a challenge.

Can anyone who may be/have been in a similar situation offer any advice? Im trying to get to the gym 2 days a week at the moment but mix the lack of motivation and energy with crazy anxiety over going to the gym it's making it hard to stay consistent.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Tammz1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss is tiring :(

I'm not sure how long I can keep going. Today my mum bought a bought load of crisps and sweets which sucks because I couldn't tuck in but then I did and I kept going. I ate half a tub of pringles and 4 croissants. I feel really bad because this have 1 or 2 a week. Why can't I just stop. I ate 2234 calories today. I just need a break bit then I will have to start all over again. I will try again tomorrow and hopefully I'll do a lot better. I'll ask my family to hid the crisps and sweets away from me cause the less I can get them the less I will binge on them right?

How do I break this cycle of binging?

submitted by /u/Iranyourdogover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F4'9" - 20 kg (44 lbs) lost. Halfway into my journey I want to give a heads up to everyone just starting out

Today is a big day in my weight loss: I made half the way back to normal weight. I am still obese - but stage 1 instead of far into stage 3.

But I am not afraid of the rest of my journey, in the opposite: I look forward to it. It is quite endurable and I haven't eaten over maintenance once in the last almost 6 months. I can eat the food composition I have now for the rest of my life.

For all that just start out and are scared, a few things:

  • be nice to yourself. Do this for YOU, because you are worth it! If someone doesn't go as planned, if you feel like you aren't doing well look for solutions instead of bashing yourself. Pick yourself back up, reflect on your successes and move on. You deserve to be human and you deserve people helping you out - be it here, from a certified nutritionist or from a therapist. You are not alone and you are worth to be helped instead of hated by yourself.

  • start with small steps! Don't change up everything at once and put a rigid workout routine on top of that. The larger the amount you want to lose the more you have to find a way you can live with, and small, digestible changes will help you with that. You are in for a marathon, don't start it sprinting. In my case it seems it was very important to at least stop the weight gain, so I maintained my high weight for 2 years. It was the best I could do at that moment, but it was immense and prevented a LOT more damage I could have done in those 2 years. If you think you can't lose weight right now start there. You can establish good practices from there already and - I think this was important for myself - going from maintenance into a calorie deficit is much easier than going from overeating. Much less of a shock!

  • slowly find stuff that works for you. Find good substitutes for your favourites, have fun trying out stuff you might like, develop YOUR eating pattern. Just because one group says Intermittent fasting is the holy grail or another say that 3 meals + 2 snacks is mandatory doesn't mean you have to listen to them. Keto has worked for some, others can't without their carbs etc. They can be an inspiration for something to try, but if it isn't for you don't feel bad about moving on to something else. The "healthiest" habits won't be of much use for you if they make you give up. Find stuff you can stick to for a long time, if not the rest of your life.

  • be patient and stick to your guns, even if the scale doesn't budge. I have had standstills and even gains for up to 4 weeks event though I was consistent and others report even longer times. The scale not moving over a week or 2 isn't a reason for panic - water in your body can fluctuate more than you lose in fat. If you are lucky your consistency will even be rewarded with a big woosh once that water comes off again. This feels very rewarding :)

  • and last: to not just depend of the scale and because looking in the mirror can be deceiving: take before pictures and measurements. These might help you out when you soak water or are desperate because you can't see your progress in the mirror (you see yourself every day, but boy oh boy was I surprised when I compared my pics!)

I wish you all much success, and never forget:


submitted by /u/TheOneMary
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 Reasons to Keep a Weight Loss Journal

Keeping track of what you eat may be the most important thing you can do for your weight loss success: In a study from 2019, people who tracked what they ate for three months—without any other changes—lost an average of five pounds.

That’s one reason Nutrisystem created NuMi, our free tracking app. It has Nutrisystem recipes and hundreds of grocery foods already programmed in, so keeping a food diary is easier and simpler than ever.

Using a smartphone app to track what you’re eating has been shown to be easier to adhere to than using a paper diary or a website: In one study, scientists found that people who used apps to track their food logged three times more often than people who used paper journals, and almost three times as often as people who tracked via a website.

NuMi isn’t just a food journal, though: It’s a weight loss journal, helping you to log your weight and measurements, keep track of activity—even connecting to a Fitbit device if you have one—and keeping tabs on your water intake, too. Here are five reasons that keeping a journal could be your ultimate weight loss success strategy.

1. You’ll lose more weight!

woman cooking on phone

How much more? Try double. In a study, people who kept a food journal lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t.

In another study, scientists found that keeping a food journal was the most significant lifestyle change an overweight or obese person could make for weight loss success—people who did so lost 3.7% more weight than the average dieter.

And the more often you track, the more weight you could lose! In fact, one study found that how often people log their dinner into an app was the most important factor for successful weight loss when using a phone-based tracking method—meaning they were using the app more often and later in the day, rather than just putting in breakfast and stopping the day’s log.

2. You’ll really know what you’re eating.

man on phone eating

One of the reasons so many Americans are overweight or obese is that we’re bad at estimating portions. And we’re bad at it in the worst ways: A study from 2013 found that we overestimate the portion sizes of high-calorie foods, and underestimate the portion sizes of lower-calorie foods. Translation: We eat bigger slices of cake than we realize, and eat smaller salads than we ought to.

That’s part of the reason our weight can get away from us—we don’t even realize what we’re eating! This can add on weight, but also keep us from losing; because we don’t keep track of what we’re actually eating, we don’t know if we’re eating enough of the right foods—or too much of the wrong ones—to meet our goals.

A food journal can help solve this: You’ll actually know what you’re eating—and how much—so you’ll be able to stay on track to your goals … or understand why you’ve hit a plateau.

Tap Into Weight Loss with the FREE Nutrisystem NuMi App

Read More

3. You can keep track of your good days—and know how to repeat them.

woman cooking on phone

Plenty of weight loss advice is about what not to do. But when you’re trying to lose weight, it’s even more important to know what works—especially what works specifically for you. Your weight loss journal is the key for this: With work and family obligations, trying to keep up with the news and Netflix shows, it can be hard to remember what made your best days so great. Now you can refer back to your journal to a day where you felt powerful, happy or successful and see what you did and ate that day … so you can repeat it.

One way to use NuMi to keep track of the good days is to use the “Progress” tab at the bottom. When you’re having a good day, click the “add a photo” button at the top on the Progress page. Here, you can add a photo from your great day, and also write down why things were great: Use the “Share Your Story” area to fill in the emotions you’re feeling, the foods that made you feel satisfied, or anything else that made this a banner day on your journey. You’ll then be able to refer back to these photo posts to replicate your best days.

4. You’re reminded of your goals every day.

healthy lifestyle weights, water, fruit

Writing down your goals is great, but keeping them in the front of your mind has been shown to be a key to reaching and exceeding them.

Your weight loss journal will help you do just that: Instead of getting distracted, you’ll be using NuMi each day to record your food, your weight, your progress and more. This will remind you of the habits you need to build to reach your goals, and that those goals are important to you.

5. You’ll keep track of your weight and exercise, too.

man on phone exercising

Weighing yourself frequently has been shown to help with weight loss. In one study from 2015, people who stepped on the scale every day not only lost more weight, but they adopted more “weight control strategies” in the long run. What that means: Their new, healthier habits became part of their lifestyle.

One of the “weight control strategies” you might adopt is regular exercise—and NuMi can help you track that, too. And that tracking could help motivate you to exercise more often, according to a 2021 study. With NuMi, you can manually input your activity, or connect the app to a fitness tracker to automatically sync and track your daily and weekly activity.


The post 5 Reasons to Keep a Weight Loss Journal appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Weight loss while working allot

Diet while working

So I have been doing cico but now i am really struggling as I started working and so i am not really able to make whatever i want. I don’t have the time anymore as I literally spend 75% of my day at work. What are good foods that i can eat to still lose weight and feel full? I have currently been slacking hard and gained a pound or 5 again. Need to stop this now and get back to it

(FIL TEXT) Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

submitted by /u/paull-blartt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

7 Weight Loss Tips I Guarantee You Haven’t Heard

It’s about the little things, done consistently.

Quarantine got the best of me. I’m going back to the basics- The health and fitness tips that worked for me when nothing else did. The tips that allowed me to sustain my progress, and not fall back into bad patterns after a week. The tips that allowed me to be the fittest I’d ever been.

The truth is, these tips weren’t things I had heard others talk about. They are tips I discovered through personal exploration.

I sincerely hope my personal journey can help you too. And I hope this article shares with you at least one thing you haven’t considered before.

They’re the small changes that make a big difference over time.

1. Combine Your Exercise With Your Guilty Pleasure

I love working out for the endorphins, sure. But I never love STARTING to work out. Besides the advice, I’m sure you’ve heard of getting to the gym first thing in the morning before you have time to talk yourself out of it, what helped me succeed was by making the gym FUN.

I combined exercise with my guilty pleasure- watching TV. I go on the elliptical, lift weights, and use the machine to watch my favorite shows or youtube videos.

Not only am I entertained while I’m working out, but I also am more productive throughout the day because I get watching tv out of my system.

2. Don’t Eat “Just in Case”

I can’t be the only one who would chomp down on a granola bar before I left the house “in case” I got hungry while I was out and about.

It was the simple switch of bringing that granola bar with me in case I got hungry instead of eating it before I left as a precaution.

Most of the time I could easily wait till I got home before I ate.

There is an abundance of easily accessible food. I won’t starve to death even if I DO forget to bring a snack with me when I leave the house. And eating when I’m not really hungry “just in case” was leading to me packing on the pounds as if I was going to hibernate for winter.

3. Don’t Plan Rest Days

We need rest days for our bodies and our minds to reset. But life happens. There will be days you can’t work out because something unexpected comes up.

I don’t plan rest days because I know I will have unintended rest days anyway. They’ll be a sporadic brunch with friends I want to join or a busy day studying for exams that disrupts my typical routine.

If I plan rest days, I’ll rest on those days AND on the days when life happens (which it does). As a result, I end up with much less than my 5–6 day a week exercise target.

If I don’t plan rest days, I rest when life happens (typically one to two days per week).

Another perk of this system is that it allows you to work out when other people typically rest (Saturdays and Sundays). That means an empty gym, totally yours for the taking.

4. Go, Even if Your Workout will be 15 Minutes Long

Routine is critical. People say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I’m not sure if this is true. But I AM sure that consistency is key. When I’m out of the routine, I aim to go to the gym every day. That means even if I have a very busy schedule and can only squeeze in a very short workout, I still go.

The hardest part is getting into the pattern of going, not what you do when you’re there.

5. Put Absolutely 0 Limits on the Amount of Fruit and Veg You Consume

When we are trying to get fit or lose some extra pounds, we have to restrict much of our typical routine. Calories have to be cut (even if you’re not counting them), more exercise must be done, and we have to begin eating our favorite things in smaller quantities.

Allow yourself complete abundance when it comes to fruit and veg.

Not only will this help you stay satiated, but it will help you feel less restricted in your fitness journey.

6. Sleep

After a year of getting fit, I hit stagnancy. Nothing worked. Until that is, I started sleeping more.

My body was conserving energy because I wasn’t letting it rest.

I increased my sleep to 8 hours a night and I saw the last few pounds I wanted to lose drop off.

I’m sure there’s a scientific reason for this and I don’t have that reason to share with you today. But what I do know is — sleep is important for so many reasons, and it just so happened to help me lose weight.

7. Go Today

This may be the most important tip of all.

It was a Friday afternoon when I decided I needed to get back into my health and fitness journey. I told myself “I’ll start next week on Monday, and get myself back on track.”

Then I told myself, “no. I’ll go today.”

I signed up for a gym membership that very day and completed a workout. Then I went on Saturday and then I went on Sunday.

I started my routine then and there.

It’s the same with eating. Don’t tell yourself you’ll eat healthy starting tomorrow. Start at your next meal. Start at your next snack.

Each action you take impacts your health. Your fat cells don’t know that it's evening. They don’t know the time.

Don’t wait to start. Don’t give up a full day of healthy eating if you’ve had one bad meal. Time doesn’t matter. Your actions in each moment do.

Of course, there’s other tips I could share, but I’m sure you’ve heard of them before. Don’t deprive yourself of the things you love, just eat them in moderation. Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full. Drink more water. Any movement is better than no movement, etc., etc., etc.

But these tips above are what have truly made a difference for me. I hope they make a difference for you too.

submitted by /u/East_Calligrapher587
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