Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Closing in on goal weight, lost over 70# (6’2 M)

As the title states I’m a 6’2” male who started using CICO almost a year ago to melt away the fat. I’m fairly active so burn lots of calories and it’s been pretty easy. I only adjusted calories once during this period but as you can see from the trend linked below it’s been a steady, machine like weight loss.

Since I’m closing in on my goal weight range of 185-190 I’ve starting to be more concerned about maintenance and how that’ll be. I want to raise my calories up and adjust every couple of weeks to stay inside the goal range when I get there. I’m hoping that this won’t trigger some sort of binging like I’ve had in the past that got me obese in the first place. I believe I can counter this with good planning.

Do you guys suggest a “soft landing” at my goal by gradually adding 100-200 calories a day back in and making the last weight loss even slower or just plow ahead and change once I’ve hit my goal? Right now I’m losing about 1.25 pounds per week so have 4375 calories per week to add back in. My limitations mainly apply to six days per week only so in theory my maintenance plan would be 700 calories per day extra on those days and keep my cheat day calories about as they have been. Anyway, your thoughts are appreciated!

submitted by /u/SnooRobots136
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Confused about figuring out TDEE & deficit now that I'm very active?

Hey there!

I began my weight loss journey back in January. I've lost ~50 lbs since then; started at ~240 and I'm now down to ~190! My goal is to get to 175, so have a bit further to go. I lost the weight in the last 7 months primarily through CICO: got sober, changed my diet, tried to hit around 10k steps a day—but otherwise I didn't add in any exercise until around May, both because I seemed to be plateauing around 200 lbs, and because I was getting excited about fitness for the first time in my life.

Since May, I've been working with a trainer and now I'm in the gym 5 days a week—mostly lifting/strength training, occasional light cardio. I love it and am excited to be making gains there, but fat loss is still primarily my goal. I've lost 10 lbs since I started, but nonetheless: 1. Things seem to be moving more slowly than they were before (e.g. I've been stuck at about around 190-195 for the last month); 2. I very much want to be preserving my lean muscle mass while losing fat, and am a bit confused about what my calorie goals should be to optimize this.

If I set myself as "sedentary," my TDEE is 2,206 cals—giving me a deficit of ~1700 cals, which was my target throughout my weight loss, prior to incorporating any exercise. If I set myself as "moderately active," my TDEE jumps up to 2,693, giving me a much more forgiving calorie deficit; on days where I'm working out, I tend to shoot for more like ~2000-2100 cals.

My questions are:

  1. Should my TDEE change daily? e.g. On days that I'm not in the gym, should I be setting my TDEE as if I were sedentary, and shoot for a deficit of ~1700?

  2. Relatedly, am I overeating on the days I work out? Should my deficit remain constant?

  3. If I want to be sure that I'm also making progress on my fitness regimen and making strength gains while losing fat, is my deficit way off? There are some days where I'm feeling very low energy/beat by my work outs, and I'm wondering if I'm just missing the mark and not getting enough food. At the same time, my weight seems pretty stagnant, so maybe I'm just mostly maintaining with some slight loss.


submitted by /u/ferorealism
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Having sex for the first time since losing 185 pounds. I am terrified.

Not sure what I’m looking for: advice, encouragement, whatever but I need to get this off my chest.

SW: 430 CW: 245

Third date with an amazing woman happening this weekend, and she has made explicitly clear what her intentions are. I am over the moon, and absolutely mortified. I have a LOT of loose skin. I’ve been hitting the gym for about a year, so there is some definition too, but if I’m on top and hanging over her I am mortified of what my saggy skin will look like. If I’m on bottom my ass and thigh skin puddles around me.

She is aware of my weight loss and has seen (clothed) before and after pics. She is also a doctor, so she should also be even more aware. But I can’t stop imagining the look on her face when she sees me for the first time. I’ve seen it before, it was in the face of every single passenger as I walked down the aisle looking for my seat in an airplane when I was at my heaviest.

Should I warn her before we get intimate? Just ignore it completely and never address it? Laugh it off by saying “heads up I look like a half melted candle in the back of an abandoned Home Goods?”

I’ll take any and all advice you have

submitted by /u/MediaClerk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Rapid weight loss?

I lost 11lbs in a month from walking and eating right. My doctor acted like that was extreme and I felt like they were suspicious of me for something haha. I am serious about losing weight and I walk about 10-15 miles every other day and also have cut my calories drastically. It’s also 100 degrees every day lately so I’ve been drinking a ton of water and sweating a lot. Anyone else experience this?

submitted by /u/Mumsncabbages
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I got yelled at for eating a potato today.

I have a very controlling mother. During the pandemic I gained ~60 lbs (24 yo female). This gaining of weight is like the worst sin I could’ve done in my mother’s eyes, she’s been monitoring/controlling/obsessing about my weight since my freshman year of HS. Since the beginning of May I’ve worked my ass off and have lost ~30 lbs. I’ve been seeing a weight loss physician to support me. Anyway I chopped up a single potato and cooked it in the airfryer. I had ~1/4 of the potato with a small burger on a 647 bun. I was a happy bean eating my healthier version of going out for fast food/bar food. My mother comes down and asks me if I made sweet potato in the airfryer and I told her it was a regular potato. She completely lost her shit. Ranting about how I’m falling back into old habits, my GI said eat a Mediterranean diet, potatoes are terrible for you, etc. I tried to reason with her that you can eat potatoes on a Mediterranean diet (just not everyday) and how my dietician said it was okay for me to eat. She has it in her brain that sweet potatoes are so much better for me. I ended up having to agree with her just so we could move on. Idk this was basically my only meal today I was super busy packing for my upcoming move, I don’t think I made some huge terrible mistake. I portion controlled, stopped when I was full. I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, especially with all the progress I’ve made. Just feeling down. My move can’t come soon enough (8 more days!). How do you deal with your obsessive family? My boundaries are never respected. My mother has already commented that she’s going to FaceTime me every day to see what I’m eating. I’m having none of that, I won’t be answering.

submitted by /u/HarderToBreathe97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing almost 200 pounds and what I have come to learn

This post was inspired by another post I saw where someone recounted their weight loss journey and what they’ve learned. I wanted to share my story, and what I’ve learned as well over the past year and a half.

I’m 22 years old and male. I always grew up being the “big kid.” From a very young age, I was the tallest and heaviest child in my class. The doctors kept saying I was just a “big boy” - until they randomly decided to voice concern in all the wrong ways, creating a toxic relationships with medical professionals that I still have today. I was bullied, the other boy scouts told me one day I’d be on the Biggest Loser.

Finally, at 21 years old, I decided I’d had enough. Weighing 360+ pounds, I decided that I finally wanted to truly lose weight and that nothing would stand in my way. I started walking daily, implemented some intermittent fasting, ate in a calorie deficit, and cut back on the carbs I was eating in favor of vegetables and lean proteins.

Today, I weigh in at 185 pounds (and I’m 6’2 just for reference) and I’m so proud of myself for losing so much weight. I proved people wrong, and even myself wrong, by achieving this insane goal that I thought would never ever happen. Here’s what I learned after losing almost 200 pounds:

  1. Nobody can want it for me, I have to want it for myself. And it has to come from self-love, not self-hate.

  2. I will never be fully content with my body. Even after losing so much weight, I still struggle with body image issues. If I didn’t have pictures, I wouldn’t even believe I lost all the weight I did.

  3. People look at me differently now. I don’t worry about if I am taking up too much space, or if Im breathing too loud.

  4. I get very cold easily. I have always been hot natured, but now I wear a jacket most days even in the summer!

  5. Getting rid of clothes is a pain, but it’s so rewarding to see how many sizes down I am. And I got to overhaul my wardrobe!

  6. Exercise is important, but 75% of the battle is the food. Take rest days.

  7. Moderation is key. I have a huge sweet tooth and enjoy sweets from time to time. Moderation is the key to sustainability.

  8. What works for one doesn’t work for all. I remind people that when they ask me for advice.

  9. Just keep going, even when it is difficult. Fall down often, get back up again. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

and finally…

  1. Just because someone has lost weight doesn’t mean they’re an expert. Take all advice, even this post, with a grain of salt (of course excluding professionals)

That’s really it. I wanted to share my story and what I have learned! I’m so proud of myself and I have new goals now such as further fat loss and some weight lifting. I’m thankful for this encouraging community. ❤️

submitted by /u/Dancing_Qween
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

About Turkish Delight, feeling full, and the weirdest non scale victory to date

My non scale victory today was feeling full after eating about a tenth of what I used to. I’m not talking about eating more veg or protein or filling foods (I do that of course, obviously!) but snacky, “unhealthy” food for lack of a better term.

For eg: I loved Turkish Delight. Specifically the ones you get from Turkish and Middle Eastern shops in Germany. It’s my fatal flaw and I completely see why Edmund in Narnia sold out his family for some.

Throughout my weight loss journey I did not buy it at ALL - because the me I was before would sit down and eat an entire boxful. If you don’t normally get Turkish Delight (am not sure if Americans often have it?) a box is about 15-20 inch-long pieces of very rich, dense, cloying sweets dusted in powdery sugar. So you can see why I didn’t take any chances.

I was really craving some last week, as in a proper healthy craving rather than wanting to polish off a box - and I knew I hadn’t hit my calorie goal for the day so I went and got a small box, expecting to eat 3 or 4 pieces and call it a day.

I ate half a piece.

It’s not that I didn’t like it anymore, I still love it and it tastes just as wonderful. But just a couple of small bites, and I already felt like the sweet was too “sickly” and had to put it down and give the rest to my housemate. I can’t believe the me I am today nibbles at it till I’m happy, and then puts it down. That’s just unbelievable to me, considering just how much I snacked on it.

I haven’t craved it since, and today I took a small piece for a little after dinner sweet and it was great, but again I felt I had enough after a little bite. It wasn’t a fluke! This is actually me!

This sounds like the stupidest NSV on here I’m sure, but I’m just so glad that I’m moving away from the person who had to finish a box of something that was delicious. I can keep it in my pantry now, and take some if I ever want it, and trust myself to not go overboard. I really wanted to share it, thinking about the times I’d polish off boxes of snacks and biscuits just because they were there in easy reach. And I have so much food in now yet don’t crave it - and it all happened so gradually that I didn’t notice until that one box of Turkish Delight.

submitted by /u/maledicta17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat