Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Confused about figuring out TDEE & deficit now that I'm very active?

Hey there!

I began my weight loss journey back in January. I've lost ~50 lbs since then; started at ~240 and I'm now down to ~190! My goal is to get to 175, so have a bit further to go. I lost the weight in the last 7 months primarily through CICO: got sober, changed my diet, tried to hit around 10k steps a day—but otherwise I didn't add in any exercise until around May, both because I seemed to be plateauing around 200 lbs, and because I was getting excited about fitness for the first time in my life.

Since May, I've been working with a trainer and now I'm in the gym 5 days a week—mostly lifting/strength training, occasional light cardio. I love it and am excited to be making gains there, but fat loss is still primarily my goal. I've lost 10 lbs since I started, but nonetheless: 1. Things seem to be moving more slowly than they were before (e.g. I've been stuck at about around 190-195 for the last month); 2. I very much want to be preserving my lean muscle mass while losing fat, and am a bit confused about what my calorie goals should be to optimize this.

If I set myself as "sedentary," my TDEE is 2,206 cals—giving me a deficit of ~1700 cals, which was my target throughout my weight loss, prior to incorporating any exercise. If I set myself as "moderately active," my TDEE jumps up to 2,693, giving me a much more forgiving calorie deficit; on days where I'm working out, I tend to shoot for more like ~2000-2100 cals.

My questions are:

  1. Should my TDEE change daily? e.g. On days that I'm not in the gym, should I be setting my TDEE as if I were sedentary, and shoot for a deficit of ~1700?

  2. Relatedly, am I overeating on the days I work out? Should my deficit remain constant?

  3. If I want to be sure that I'm also making progress on my fitness regimen and making strength gains while losing fat, is my deficit way off? There are some days where I'm feeling very low energy/beat by my work outs, and I'm wondering if I'm just missing the mark and not getting enough food. At the same time, my weight seems pretty stagnant, so maybe I'm just mostly maintaining with some slight loss.


submitted by /u/ferorealism
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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