Sunday, August 21, 2022

After two years of on-and-off calorie counting I think I now have an answer and now I need your help


Six years ago, I lost 15lbs (from 155>140lbs) through CICO alone. I had to stop my 4x/week running for that year and it proved to me that weight loss is done in the kitchen, not at the gym.

Over the last two years, my weight slowly crept back up. I had gone back to 155-160 in four years and then very suddenly betwen January to April 2022, I went from 165 to 180. Since April, I would count calories OBSESSIVELY. I weighed everything that went into my mouth, I was relentless about measuring even the oil I cooked with and oil that a piece of bread may have soaked up on my plate. I wanted to do it right. I got myself a smart watch to make sure I was still moving as much (if not more) than before. But after three months of this work, the scale would not budge below 178.

I went to five different doctors who told me I was not doing CICO right and recommended everything I learned from this sub and was doing anyway. I felt disheartened and hopeless, until I finally met a doctor who started taking me seriously and ordered All The Tests to see if anything was wrong with me.

The answer: insulin resistance. It always flew under the radar because my fasted glucose levels were always within normal range, if a bit on the high end of the range. But it explains so much why I suddenly gained so much weight so quickly without my diet changing, and why my belly now carries most of the weight when I used to gain around the hips.

I am not sure yet what this means for my diet besides cutting way down on sugar (I started three days ago), I’ll find that out later this week on my consult. (Although my doctor is very against me monitoring my food consumption so tightly.) A personal trainer friend started helping me learn how to do weight training this week, which I intend to do regularly now that I live literally 10 yards from my gym. I walk my dog 3-5 miles daily so I’m not worried about cardio being a problem.

For those who have come from similar situations I’d love to hear your stories.

submitted by /u/_slackpack
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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