Monday, August 15, 2022

Is it really as simple as eat less move more?

On Wednesday March 23rd I weighed in at 351lbs

And on Sunday august 14th I weighed in at 333lbs

Which is a loss of around 18lbs

It’s not a lot but it’s definitely progress I’ve changed parts of my lifestyle. My biggest one is changing my SSRI meds, Zoloft to lexapro. Zoloft made me crave sweets, like really sweet sweets, like whole bag of jolly ranchers sweet. But I don’t do that anymore and focus more on calories at meal time. I still eat a lot on occasion (genuinely more than I would like to but it is rarer for me to do it).

I’ve struggled with my weight for a long time, so I’ve been off and on diets of various types. I’ve learned a lot about health, and healthy eating habits, and healthy activities. But the more I’ve learned the more complex it has gotton. When I was at my lowest a few years ago (260-280ish) I didn’t stop eating crap (kinda) I just ate less and counted calories very generously. I counted around 2000-2400 calories. I ate ramen, frozen meals, meat, eggs, cheese and really whatever I wanted. I did eat healthy things like bags of steamable vegetables that i’d microwave, and smother in hot sauce. And I would work out a few times a week for 15-20 minutes. It was the best shape I had been in, and I only let it slip when my depression hit harder than a semi hits a goose.

But there’s a lot of issues with the way I ate, I was hungry and just denied myself food, and it goes ageisnt some of the “best weight loss advice”.

So my question is, taking eat less move more as literally as possible, is it a good idea? Or should I focus more on eating as cleanly and completely (macronutrients) as possible? Should I force more exercise, or was 2-3 times a week of weight training enough if it was helping me? How do I get motivated to embody these ideas? Overall what’s your advice?

submitted by /u/That_damn_devil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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