Friday, August 26, 2022

Losing weight in the American South is life on "hard" mode

Hear me out:

Right now, the high in my area is 95 with a humidity of greater than 50%, making going for a walk or run very unappealing. For the majority of the week, rain is in the forecast. So, I have to haul myself to the gym to do so on a treadmill. The city is unlivable without A/C.

And then you can forget building physical activity into your organic routine. Due to the weather and car-oriented city planning, car or bus commute is a must. My work is a 45 minute drive away, with no traffic (lucky me, I work from home and go into the office 2 or 3 times a week).

In terms of food, fast food is a literal culture here. Definitely tied to the fast-paced commuter lifestyle that is prevalent down here. There is a Pop-eye's, Chik-Fil-A, Canes, McD's, Whataburger on every corner. Much faster and easier compared to grocery shopping and cooking.

You can see how obesity is much more common here. It also has to do with high rates of poverty, too, obviously, and lack of food access. Don't even want to touch the politics with a 10 foot pole.

So, being a Southerner, I have to be a lot more intentional about my weight loss and tracking. I have to be very intentional about scheduling gym time after or before work, because physical activity is not going to come organically. I have to be intentional about buying groceries each week so I can cook most of my food at home, and keep myself full so as not to be siren called by the fast food.

Im mostly referring to the SE Texas - Louisiana area, but Any other Southerners out there want to commiserate?

submitted by /u/AssociateDear6001
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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