Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Seeing a Lot of "Why am I Not Losing Weight?" Posts

I follow a few weight loss subreddits and regularly see people asking why they have not lost any weight, despite eating healthy, measuring calories perfectly and just generally doing everything right. I know there are conditions where people may have trouble losing weight including hormonal issues, and I don't want to discount those cases. But I see these posts often enough that I wonder if there may be cases where people are eating more than they realize, or burning less calories than they estimate.

I am currently 5'6 and 138lbs...I've been at this weight for quite a while now. I'm very sedentary but thought I was eating enough to lose weight. I checked out my needed calories to lose weight and what a shocker - turns out I've been eating enough to be at maintenance, not weight loss (and surprise surprise, I've stayed at 138lbs consistently for several weeks).

I'm not a professional in this area by any means, so I wanted to ask for opinions here. Is it as simple as calories in, calories out? Is there a chance that every person who makes these "Why am I not losing weight" posts is in fact doing everything right, but some outside factor like a condition is impacting them? Or are some of us lying to ourselves about how much we consume, how much we exercise, or, at the very least, are unaware of it (like I was)?

submitted by /u/melmcgee
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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