Saturday, October 8, 2022

What’s next?

I (15F) went from 180 to 140 pounds (I’m 5’8) my goal weight was originally 150 but i was like maybe I’ll look a bit better at 145 and then at 145 i said the same. I am still not happy with how I look, should I set another goal, to built muscle?, to be slim? I went from being obese my whole life to being normal weight, i don’t know how to handle my weight loss. Im not sure what I should do next, please leave some suggestions :)

submitted by /u/dxnt_mind
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started at 201 pounds, now 184

I’m 13, male, and fat. I’ve been struggling with my weight since i was 8. Quarantine definitely didn’t help. But all of the bullying from last school year, the way my chubby belly looks, the fact that I JIGGLE, just made me feel like I was awful and not good enough. So, I started working out and counting calories this summer. It’s now October, and I went from a BMI of 32 (I’m 5’8 and started at 5’6) to a BMI of 28. I know it’s not that much of a weight loss, but i feel so much stronger and healthier. I can eat a meal now and not feel like people are staring at me like I’m a gross sack of fat. I am still chubby, and I’ve got a ways to go until I’ll be healthy or skinny. But I’ve just been feeling better about myself, I thought I might share it here :) Good luck to everyone else losing weight

submitted by /u/ThatNeonDude19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Very cool NSV: Lowered resting heart rate

I started my weight loss journey in mid-August. Since then, I have lost 22 pounds. My phone posted an alert about my heart rate, and I was freaked out and thinking it was something bad because this has been a stressful week at work, and in general. When I finally checked it, I was shocked to discover my heart rate has dropped a lot. Like a LOT. It went from 74 to 66 bpm.

I don't know if it was abdominal fat or just general fitness (I don't walk much during the summer, and as a teacher during the school year, I get above 10k steps very easily) or drinking less (I went from two glasses of wine a night to drinking one alcoholic beverage a week). I have lost 4+ inches off my waist and a couple of inches off of my neck, so I am not snoring as much and assume I'm sleeping more deeply.

In any case, it's totally keeping me motivated!

submitted by /u/yomamasochill
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Happy with where I am now

I began my weight loss on 1st June 2021 and have lost 33kg/73lbs. I've gone from BMI 37.5 to 24.5 / 205lbs to 132lbs.

My intention was to get to 125lbs, but I've spent the last 3 months focusing on body recomp and strength gains and eating what I want without tracking at all. I haven't posted in this sub for ages because, frankly, I've been focused elsewhere.

So, the short story is, I'm not hyper focused on weight loss anymore. I've found my equilibrium and if I do lose anymore weight, it'll be down to increased BMR. I'm no longer stressing about getting to 'perfection' as I know that unless I want to track forever (I dont) then I'm constantly going to be in a state of 'correcting' the eating habits I'm comfortable maintaining at. I'm far less stressed for sure.

So I guess my PSA is to know when's your right time. Sure, I'm still at the high end of healthy BMI, but I live an active healthy lifestyle that's good enough for me. Perfection isn't worth it

submitted by /u/thatpeskyrabbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running made me stop losing weight?

While I was at my fat loss journey last year, I’ve had a plateau and my friends advised me to start including cardio into my workout plan to make me start losing weight again. And so I did. I started running 3 times a week alongside my normal gym routine while not raising my calorie intake in any way. I did this for 2 months, and during this time I didn’t lose a single pound. I even tried including HIIT, but without any results. I was really devastated as nothing seemed to work. So after those 2 months I stopped running and guess what, I started losing weight again! And this wasn’t the only time when I tried running for weight loss and it didn’t have any effect. Is it possible that running/cardio just doesn’t work for some people?

submitted by /u/SuspectBeneficial605
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What's the most underrated weight loss tip in history?? I'll go first..

Drink water! I know, I know it's not so revolutionary and ground breaking but hearme out ok! There are too many times even now that I'm 65lbs down when I thought I was so hungry I could eat a horse and after a few glasses of water I realise ok maybe not a horse just a very chubby mouse!

There are also times when I think oh that was certainly not enough, I need to get a second serving and then boom! After drinking some water in like no maybe I'll Just wait till lunch! Being hydrated is honestly one of my biggest weapons! I don't know how much you're supposed to drink exactly I just drunk till my pee is almost clear.

And I know a lot of people don't like the taste of water and in that case try sparkling water! I mix in a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice concentrate and it certainly enhances the flavour for me! You can also buy an infuser bottle and infuse some fruits inside and sip through out the day! Tea too! (Ice or hot) also helps with my saitety and especially when "I just want something in my mouth"

Please tell me what other tips do you know??

submitted by /u/__Sweetkisses__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best low-calorie alcohol choices?

In a lot of cases where I've seen people talk about losing weight, they talk about cutting out alcohol entirely. I've heard more than one person say they saw significant weight loss by doing nothing but stopping drinking. And while I'm glad that's worked for people, I'm not looking to do it myself.

I don't feel like I drink a ton. I almost never drink on work nights (Sunday-Thursday for me), and it's rare for me to keep any alcohol in the house, because I don't often feel a desire to drink alone. However, I'm a single woman in my 20s living in a city, and a lot of my social life consists of weekend drinking at bars and restaurants-- not enough to get sloppy, but enough to get a buzz on after a long week, which I do like. And due to a combination of my size (I'm overweight and also very tall) and genetics, it usually takes me three drinks to feel what a lot of my friends feel after one.

My social life and spending time with my friends doing what they do is very important to me, and I enjoy my weekends, so I don't want to stop drinking entirely. However, since I am drinking in bars rather than at home, it's hard to count the exact calories. What are some of the best low-calorie choices for a weekend night out that won't completely wreck my calorie count for the day, especially if I'm having multiple drinks in a night? I enjoy a lot of alcohol and my tastes are pretty widespread, so open to any suggestions!

submitted by /u/TillyH81
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from loseit - Lose the Fat