Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Lost 5 lbs in one week and I don’t know what went wrong

Hi, my first time posting in this sub. :D

I (17F) started on WeightWatchers this summer so I could try and slim my figure a bit before Prom- I just ripped into overweight during the pandemic, and last week some blood work from an OBGYN appointment indicated I had high cholesterol. I started at 178.4 lost about fifteen pounds, started slacking and gained ~5 pounds over the course of the next two to three months.

These past few weeks, I started it back up, along with intermittent fasting, since my main problem was spending a bunch of points at the start of the day and giving up by dinner time. Skipping breakfast and sometimes lunch helped, especially since my food doesn’t offer many healthy options and I don’t have time to meal prep. These past weeks I started back up have been pretty consistent with weight loss, 1-3lbs a week, but this week I suddenly lost 5lbs, which to my knowledge isn’t healthy. I don’t think it’s water weight, since I’ve been losing weight consistently otherwise and I ate before weighing in, unlike how I normally do (I usually weigh in right after I wake up).

I really just don’t want to hit that metabolism rut everyone talks about. To be fair, it could be a combination of things- my medication inhibits appetite, I was more active than usual this week, plus I was sick for a few days, but I was eating like usual, if a bit unhealthier since I ate out a lot. I just really don’t know where I’m going wrong.

submitted by /u/skeletxn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/oGDW6dS

Can I eat whatever I want if tracking macros?

TW: binge and weight - Hello all, I am 5’3 (f) 130 pounds. I am currently trying to loose 15 pounds while also battling my binge eating disorder, I need to loose weight for health, I feel better when I am lighter. Am I able to eat whatever I want as long as I am hitting my macros? I am trying to make sure I can still fit in an ice cream cone and eat within my macros and still loose weight. Does it truly come down to macros and calories for weight loss or do certain food matter too?

submitted by /u/Brookemariei
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ulVvWNc

Monday, October 24, 2022

The gym was great!

I just signed up for a YMCA membership today since my weight loss specialist told me to start exercising instead of just controlling diet (low carb higher protein). I started seeing this specialist August 31st starting weight 266 lb. Current weight 235 lb.

Ended up doing about 30 minutes of weight lifting between 30-50 pounds and then did about 30 minutes of light cardio. I feel sore from my workout but Im a bit rusty (haven't been in a gym since 2016).

I am going to visit the personal trainer tomorrow that comes with the y membership (total of 2 visits included in membership price)

submitted by /u/EnvironmentalSchool7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Tuh7liN

Learning to Eat Food - Becoming Less Picky

 TW: Mentions of Vomiting My whole life i've struggled with being a ridiculously picky eater. Not the kind of picky where there are a few things that I didnt like, but the kind of picky where I would only eat a small selection of "safe" foods and would physically retch if I consumed something that I didn't like. Being this picky kind of ruined social gatherings with food, as I wouldnt really be able to eat much and it was bothersome to those around me. Turkey during Thanksgiving? Forget that I'm going to eat a slice of pizza(I forgot to mention but my "safe" foods were all unhealthy which is why I'm on this sub). Due to these unhealthy eating habits, I of course became obese. I knew I wanted to lose weight and change, but I didn't know where to start. Salads weren't an option at this point in time, and every time I tried to eat one I threw it back up(it sounds stupid in hindsight but it wasnt a joke back then). Anyway, I learned about CICO and kept my unhealthy eating habits at the start while staying at a caloric deficit. Even though I began losing weight, I was still troubled. I should be getting healthier right? So I slowly started broadening my food horizons, trying new foods. I got into making Japanese food and started to actually enjoy vegetables. Now I can proudly say that I ate two whole cups of brocolli tonight without any sauce and I actually enjoyed it. I also lost 80 pounds but that doesnt really matter to me as much. I feel healthier and more energetic. I exercise for fun, which is crazy to me. For any of my other picky eaters out there I just want you to know that you've got this. Make the changes slowly, be consistent, and you will get results guaranteed(no money back though lol). 

Tldr; I was an extremely picky eater but learned to broaden my food horizons along my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/arctotherium__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/fNa8ugZ

Rewards for weight loss successes?

So I used to reward myself with food. This was a problem. To incentivize weight loss for myself I decided for every 10lbs I lost I would reward myself with a new t-shirt. This was a fun reward for me but now I've got way more shirts than I need, at least until I wear a new size. So I'm trying to think of something else I can use as a reward. I collect hats so was thinking maybe hats. But I'm interested in ideas. Do you reward your weight loss successes? If so, what do you reward yourself with? Do you think rewarding yourself is a good idea?

submitted by /u/DuckDemure
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/C9rqi1g

Calorie deficit on keto--starvation mode or effective weight loss program?

I've heard that too much of a calorie deficit will result in your body going into starvation mode and not losing any weight. I've also heard that the bigger the calorie deficit the more weight you lose. So I'm confused.

I'm doing keto and yesterday I had probably no more than 15g carbs and 1200 calories all from fat and protein. Feel really depleted right now and wondering if it would be effective to stick with deficits like this on a daily basis and my body will adapt or try and up my calories to 1500+ and carbs to around 50-75g to lose more weight? Does it work like this?

Sorry if this has been answered before but am passionate about getting my life back on track and am confused about this. I didn't lose any weight yesterday and am wondering if it's 'cause I'm starving myself too much. THANKS!

submitted by /u/Bfg_conspiracy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/kA7lajK

Is Jason Fung wrong about calorie deficit?

After reading Jason Fung’s book about obesity, I started to apply his theories to my lifestyle. It’s been brought to my attention though that a lot of medical professionals generally don’t agree with him and that his weight loss guidelines are bull**. Is calorie deficit actually the way to go? Is it really bad for your metabolism? Does IF work only because it inevitably causes calorie deficit? Where can I find actual research about it?

submitted by /u/franh10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/WG3QEyH