Monday, October 24, 2022

Learning to Eat Food - Becoming Less Picky

 TW: Mentions of Vomiting My whole life i've struggled with being a ridiculously picky eater. Not the kind of picky where there are a few things that I didnt like, but the kind of picky where I would only eat a small selection of "safe" foods and would physically retch if I consumed something that I didn't like. Being this picky kind of ruined social gatherings with food, as I wouldnt really be able to eat much and it was bothersome to those around me. Turkey during Thanksgiving? Forget that I'm going to eat a slice of pizza(I forgot to mention but my "safe" foods were all unhealthy which is why I'm on this sub). Due to these unhealthy eating habits, I of course became obese. I knew I wanted to lose weight and change, but I didn't know where to start. Salads weren't an option at this point in time, and every time I tried to eat one I threw it back up(it sounds stupid in hindsight but it wasnt a joke back then). Anyway, I learned about CICO and kept my unhealthy eating habits at the start while staying at a caloric deficit. Even though I began losing weight, I was still troubled. I should be getting healthier right? So I slowly started broadening my food horizons, trying new foods. I got into making Japanese food and started to actually enjoy vegetables. Now I can proudly say that I ate two whole cups of brocolli tonight without any sauce and I actually enjoyed it. I also lost 80 pounds but that doesnt really matter to me as much. I feel healthier and more energetic. I exercise for fun, which is crazy to me. For any of my other picky eaters out there I just want you to know that you've got this. Make the changes slowly, be consistent, and you will get results guaranteed(no money back though lol). 

Tldr; I was an extremely picky eater but learned to broaden my food horizons along my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/arctotherium__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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