Sunday, October 23, 2022

Annoyed by lack of accountability?

I expect to get some downvotes for this opinion, but nothing irritates me more than when people complain about weight gain and immediately start blaming things like hormones ‘insulin resistance’, gut microbiota… the list goes on. And that CICO doesn’t work because their hormones are all messed up… I’m not naive in thinking that weight loss is easy for everyone and I know that people have different conditions which can make it harder - but coming from myself first hand I remember constantly blaming hashimotos for struggling to lose weight , refused to take accountability - everyone else had it easier than me. And then I actually put in the work and started exercising and counting calories , and realised it was not easy at all - but I could do it. I think I almost had the mindset that everyone else had it easier and it was so unfair to me, when it’s not true - they just put in the hard work like I needed to but refused to do so because I wanted to blame my body instead of myself. It’s something I see people do very often ( and don’t get me wrong I know there are medications and conditions which can make weight loss difficult) but I also feel as though a lot of the time it’s an excuse to put weight loss in the too hard basket. I used to get frustrated because I couldn’t lose weight on 1600-1700 calories and threw in the towel and decided cico didn’t work … it wasn’t until I actually dropped my calories to 1300-1400 that I started to see results and it wasn’t that my body was broken and I couldn’t see results .. it’s that I had to try harder, I had to go for runs and walks and train and eat right. I get frustrated when I talk to people and they say they’re eating 1800 cals on their sedentary lifestyle and it’s not working and obviously they’re broken - and how is it so easy for me & then get shocked at how little I eat and how much I excercise because that’s far too much strain for my body & im going to go into ‘starvation mode’. It’s almost like everyone thinks weight loss should be super easy, and when it’s not- it’s that something is wrong with their body - that they’ve got insulin resistance despite never being tested nor having any conditions which would cause such. But then observing their eating patterns it becomes obvious what the issue is, but then is offensive for you to say otherwise.

I’m not sure why it frustrates me so much, perhaps because I was once in their shoes and so easily discredited everyone else that could lose weight because I wasn’t willing to do everything I could (without even realising). I just think it’s so much easier to say my body isn’t working and continuing to make poor choices than actually taking accountability for your role in weight gain. I’m just wondering how everyone else feels about this? I feel like it’s common when people ask for weight loss advice that something like this comes up and I’m not sure how to navigate the conversation without being offensive.

(Please note that this isn’t an attack on people who genuinely have issues ie untreated hypothyroidism, pcos, diagnosed insulin resistance ect)

submitted by /u/boots_a_lot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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