Friday, October 21, 2022

Feeling discouraged, trying not to give up.

Hello!! I am F, 31, 5'4" and 162.6 lbs. as of this morning.

I have been seriously trying to lose some weight since September, really cracking down on October 1st with calorie counting and working out. I have previously lost a little under 30 lbs., with my highest weight being 189.8 in 2019. I have gained and lost the same five lbs. or so since then, but have mostly kept the weight off. I was able to lose that weight pretty easily by calorie counting alone. I stayed around 1200-1300 calories a day, with (very) light exercise and a desk job. I had consistent success and consistently saw my weight go down.

Fast forward to now. I have resumed calorie counting, again trying to stay within the 1200-1300 calorie range. I work out about five to six days a week on average, with my usual workout being walking/jogging on the treadmill or elliptical for about 45 minutes. On days I don't do that, I take long walks. I have a goal to walk at least 10000 steps a day, but I usually pass that. I do take one or two rest days during the week, usually on days that I work from the office. My problem now is I have not lost a single pound since I started to seriously track last month. In fact, I have gained 1-2 pounds since my last recorded weigh in in September.

I am frustrated. I do realize that starting a workout routine can make you gain weight temporarily, with water weight and building muscle. However, I simply cannot see how I haven't lost anything at all with 5-6 weeks of calorie counting and exercise. I have only been engaging in cardio workouts, no weight training yet. I do weigh out all of my food with a food scale, and I am incredibly honest with myself about tracking. I track my multivitamins, cooking oil, coffee creamer, etc. I have had maybe two cheat days in October, which consisted of going out to restaurants and having a normal meal without tracking it. Otherwise, I am tracking every morsel. I drink plenty of water, I don't drink alcohol, I get about eight hours of sleep every night. What is going on?

I am a vegetarian, but I try to keep a close eye on my nutrition. I aim to get plenty of protein, and keep carbs relatively low, although I'm not really worrying too much about the amount of carbs I'm eating, as long as I am eating healthy foods with plenty of fruits and veggies. I try to eat three meals a day, the biggest one usually being in the evening when I have dinner with my partner. He is also trying to be more attentive to his health, so we always cook our own dinners and make them healthy, colorful, and balanced.

I do realize that it can take a little while to see results, but I am worried that I am wasting time doing something that isn't working for me! This has never happened to me with past weight loss, so that's partly why I'm so confused and discouraged.

Thank you for reading my super long post!! Any advice is greatly, greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/zzuroc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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