Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Struggling with appetite control

Background info: about 13 years ago I was around 280lbs and made some lifestyle changes and fell to around 240 in a few months with no diet changes. About Five years ago I did keto for 2-3 months which got me down to around 205 lbs. Haven't done keto since and slowly crept back up to around 225lbs. I've always been a relatively active person but have always eaten and drank whatever tf I want. I removed soda from my diet quite a while ago and recently got away from alcohol on a regular basis.

I (31M) recently have been unhappy with my appearance and how I feel so I am embarking on another weight loss journey, and hopefully one that is sustainable to keep the weight off. Since my keto days, I generally eat much better than I used to, but recently I'm noticing that I am struggling to control my appetite, even with drinking sufficient water daily. I have no intention of doing keto again, but am always looking for ways to eat healthier. Lately, even tho I eat relatively well, finding that I am not satisfied unless I eat A LOT. I've tried eating heavier whole foods like potatoes, beans, and homemade sourdough but still get ravenous after a couple hours. I also do intermittent fasting, which also makes me devour food when I'm in my window of eating.

Not sure if this is eating habits, the food I'm eating, not enough exercise, or what. My goal is to get down to 185, while also maintaining my already relatively high musculature. Any tips for curbing appetite to avoid the food binging?

submitted by /u/Skibiscuit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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