Monday, October 17, 2022

Celebrating the Small Victories?

I'm really early into my weight loss journey, like REALLY EARLY in, and I've been struggling lately. I live at home with my parents, and I'm not very self sufficient yet, despite being nineteen years old. I dealt with some setbacks when I was in highschool, and I'm finally attempting to pull my life back together again. So learning how to drive, getting my first job, my first phone bill, etc, etc - stuff that I would have done years ago, if those years hadn't been taken from me by somebody.

Weight loss is one of those things.

I've had issues with my weight my whole life, and the only substantial weight loss I've ever experienced was because I was in a bad place, and I wasn't eating regularly for about a year. I gained a lot during COVID, I'm approximately 245 pounds right now, and trying to get down to about 130. It feels really overwhelming, and lately I've been struggling to keep my calories low. I go over more than I care to admit, but despite that... I feel... Good?

Like, I've been practicing mindfulness, and exploring new foods, and learning how to cook at home, and I'm having a really good time actually! Say I accidentally drank too many of my calories in a day, ( a habit I'm working on fixing,) and I'm hungry around dinner time, right? Instead of depriving myself, I eat a very sensible portion of whatever my parents made. If they made a bunch of Italian that night, I eat the salad instead of the pasta. When I go over, I always try to get back on track the next day too! Trying to get rid of my all or nothing attitude to weight loss is hard, but this is all so new to me, that I think its ok to at least be proud of the little steps I make, right? Like switching out my sugary coffee for green tea this morning, and writing down new low calorie recipes and stuff!

I dunno - I'm trying to take it all slow, and focus on making daily changes rather than attempting to make everything I do perfect. Is this a good mindset to have?

submitted by /u/sarahsmellslikeshit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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