Monday, October 31, 2022

203lbs -> 155lbs (CW) What I learned

This advice is not novel and entirely anecdotal. It is simply what helped me. I hope it helps even just one person.

  1. Start slow and small. If you try to adopt some insanely elaborate lifestyle on Day 1, you will not stick to it. Think of it like weightlifting or really anything in life that requires improvement. If you wanted to become jacked, you wouldn't walk into the gym day 1 and try to bench 500lbs. First of all, you cant and second its entirely pointless. Instead, you'd start at (for sake of example) 100 lbs. Next week you'd go to 105. Then, 110... etc. Same with weight loss. Yesterday you drank 5 sodas? Ok, drink 4 today. Iterative improvements are key to success in the long term.
  2. Don't try to be perfect. You are going to mess up. You're going to overeat or overdrink. If you try to be perfect, then this failure may derail you, which would set you back a ton. Instead, when you mess up, just wake up the next day and say, "What can I do today to make what I did yesterday not as painful?" Boom, you're back on track. And yes, it is okay if you mess up 6/7 days your first week. Go for only messing up 5/7 days the following week, and so on. The iterative improvement applies here.
  3. Eat what you like. This relates to point 1. If you condemn yourself to a strict diet of raw vegetables, and you don't like raw vegetables, then you will fail. You can eat what you like, just eat less of it. It really is that simple! Of course, actually doing that isn't simple and I'm not trying to diminish the effort necessary to do so. But, enjoying the foods you like while reducing quantity has been key in my success.
  4. Determine exactly WHY you want to do this. Since you're here, you obviously want to lose weight. But pinpointing a reason (or a few) down to an exact sentence is incredibly valuable. You can use this as a sort of mantra and remind yourself why you're on this journey.
  5. Replace your food addiction with healthy habits. When dealing with addiction, it is nearly impossible if you do not find things to occupy yourself with. Busy mind is a distracted mind. Distracted mind is a mind that is not craving food. These healthy habits can be anything, by the way! It does not have to be a physically active one, or anything. It only has to be something you truly enjoy doing.
  6. "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right." - Henry Ford. This quote is so unbelievably true. If you're reading this, that means there is a part of you that believes you can achieve this. Even if it is tiny. Cling to it like your life depends on it and believe in yourself.
  7. Don't expect immediate results. Maybe it is social media, or our shortened attention spans, but I constantly see the old, "Lose 10 pounds in a month" or "Get abs in a week." It's all crap. All of it. I'm not saying it is dishonest (although it probably is), but rather it is entirely irrelevant to your journey. See how long it takes you to reach your goals and don't worry if others are faster or slower. Just focus on the goal and the path to get there.
  8. Start loving yourself now. The act of committing to a new lifestyle to improve your health (or whatever the reason is) is evidence of you loving yourself and wanting to take care of yourself. You will not magically love yourself once you lose the weight. But, loving yourself will definitely help you to lose it.
  9. Extreme ownership is so valuable. Own your weight and all the reasons behind it. There is absolutely no doubt in the world that some (maybe all) of the reasons are not your fault. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. You have to own it and own it all. Otherwise you'll just keep blaming other things (and likely rightfully so) instead of focusing on achieving your goals.
  10. A person who is not supporting you is not your friend. This includes potentially enabling your food addiction. If you share your goals and what you're trying to do with people, you will be able to tell immediately if they are your friend. If they laugh and say, "You'll never do that", well they are not your friend. Drop them and use their doubt to fuel your motivation to achieve your goals.
submitted by /u/grandadcactus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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