Thursday, October 27, 2022

Messed up ankle plus stress causing weight gain

Hi everyone! I’m a 21 year old female, 5’4 and a half (I just say 5’5) who’s starting weight was 225 lbs and I recently managed to hit 196 lbs. I’ve been tracking calories since late August and added in some weight lifting earlier this month. Unfortunately, late last week I managed to roll my ankle which has resulted in a pretty bad injury. I still need to go to the doctor (haven’t had time as a full-time college student that commutes) but I do know I messed it up pretty bad as the pain hasn’t gotten better. I managed to do a small workout on Sunday, but now I fear of messing up my ankle more so I’ve been resting. Since I’ve been more sedentary, my calorie budget is lower. On the LoseIt app, my goal is to lose 1 to 1 1/2 lb a week, which sets me at a calorie deficit of 1,166 (which is under the daily recommended intake so I usually just consume 1,200) on most days but on weekend I allow myself to have a 1,341 calorie budget. Without being able to work out, I’ve been struggling to stay under my calorie budget which has been stressful. Additionally, I haven’t been able to cook as much as I usually do because standing on my foot causes pain, so I’ve been mostly having Chick-Fil-A nuggets for dinner. On Monday, I binge ate chocolate covered blueberries, and every night since I’ve been going through the bag simply because I am so hungry at the end of the day. I weighed myself today and I’m at 202 lbs. This whole month has been super stressful dealing with school burnout and personal things that seeing that I gained weight just adds on to me feeling shitty. PMS-ing has me craving nothing but chocolate and pizza. So much stress is causing me to want to binge-eat as as a way to cope. I also have a Halloween party on Saturday that I want to cancel not even because of just my ankle but because I know I’m going to blow through my calorie budget again. I’m really trying to not let this setback get to me but now I’m convinced it’s going to take me another 2 weeks to lose the weight I managed to gain back in only 5 days. And without working out, it just makes everything harder. I’m really looking for any advice, tips, or even simply words of motivation haha. I’m going to the doctor’s today about the ankle so I’m praying it’s not bad enough to where I’m unable to be active for a long time. This was the first week since I started my weight loss journey that I gained weight instead of losing so I’m extremely disappointed in myself. Just appreciate any suggestions, thank you! ❤️

submitted by /u/NoResort8552
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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